Thursday, September 18, 2008

Secret Weapons

The Republican secret weapon: Sarah Palin

The Democrat secret weapon: Hillary Clinton

Pay attention. Sleaze sells.

Published on September 19, 2008

The Paulson Pause

The bankrupt U.S. treasury department says it will bail out the bankrupt banking fraternity. Is this a worldwide offer? You cannot drink from an empty well. Do pigs have wings? Do pigs wear lipstick?

Published on September 19, 2008

Atlas Shrugs

McCain made SEC sense. He offered to fire the Chairman if elected. Cox, at the SEC lurched on the subject of short sales. Markets rallied. Paulson, the U.S. Treasury Secretary took the credit. Cox reneged and said shorts would be OK again two weeks from now. We're right back where we started!

Published on September 19, 2008

Sovereign Dictators

You say that you don’t know what is meant by the term “Sovereign Wealth” fund?

I’m sure it’s not universally true, but it might put things into better perspective if you think of it as a “Brutal Dictator” fund.

Surely this doesn’t imply that brutal dictators will soon control Wall Street with an iron fist?

After all, this WAS America.

Prospects for the U.S. Dollar

Looking back, I now realize that it did not take long for liberals (Democrats) to regain control of the underpinnings of the U.S. economy after the end of the Second World War. I should have understood this years ago when the U.S. Geological Survey imploded.

Today, it is not that the U.S. has no domestic resources. It has simply lost its ability to find them without the stream of macro-logic that should have come from a vibrant Geological Survey organization. It doesn’t help to have all access to existing resources choked off by liberals who are certain that five hundred arctic caribou trump a million shivering American children.

With no accessible remaining resource reserves to provide a basis upon which to value the U.S. currency, we must look for a productive labor force to provide the needed value added.

Sorry, but that doesn’t cut it either. Wal-Mart buys shirts for a dime in China and sells them to westerners for ten dollars each. Americans are not well known for tolerating slave labor.

So what will become of the U.S. dollar? The future is already here. It just hasn’t happened yet. When you see the Fed buying worthless collapsed mega-financial corporations using billions of U.S. dollars, you should ask yourself: Can you really buy nothing for something? The accurate answer is NO.

The Fed is paying worthless dollars for the worthless skeletons of former financial giants. Worthless dollars? That’s not a rosy forecast.

The U.S. and Britain led us to the blessing of freedom on our small planet. The U.S. and Britain rallied to defend precious freedom during World War II. Can the ethical core of freedom (U.S. and Britain) recover one more time? Can the U.S. rescue itself from itself? Or will all of us lose this war without a shot fired?

I cannot answer these questions, but I do know that precious freedom is at stake. So now you have what I would describe as “the big picture”. But where does that leave you and I? Well, there is a strange twist.

If government mismanagement takes the whole free world economy down, then in relative terms, government itself will likely do better than its private sector victims. That is because through taxation, governments finance themselves on the backs of whatever is left producing, and governments don’t declare themselves bankrupt.

Canada is an energy/resource rich country, so Canadian cash or treasury bills make sense in relative performance terms.

In the U.S., even if the U.S. dollar continues to go south as I expect it will, U.S. cash and/or T-Bills might still be preferable in relative terms to most other U.S. investment alternatives in their domestic market.

We are not between a rock and a hard place. We are under a rock in a total wipe-out. Hang onto your hats!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Russia Mauls Georgia

Russia Mauls Georgia

After the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, Russia deliberately abandoned its satellite states, leaving the west to clean up a huge radiation/health mess. Overnight, the Soviet Union ceased to exist.

Now that the “heat” is beginning to subside, Russia tells the world that it has a perfect right to rape Georgia to protect the “human rights” of Russians living there.

But wait... We have welcomed thousands of Russians to Canada through the decades. What will Putin do to us if he forms the opinion that Russian Canadians are disenchanted with our democracy?

Putin tells us that human rights trump sovereign borders, and the west is powerless to even acknowledge the lie, let alone do anything about it.

The truth? Whether or not Russians living in Georgia are happy with their lives, they have become pawns in a huge power struggle. As I see it, this is only the beginning. Today there are Russians living peacefully in almost every country in the free world. “Not in my backyard” is not the right answer. Russians are indeed unwittingly in your backyard. Can Putin be far behind?

First Georgia. Then....

Wall Street Wallows

So the seculars booted out the faith-based people of my generation and they took over Wall Street. Now they have discovered that without ethics, the jobs they stole cannot exist.

The closed down trading desks are only the beginning. In the absence of morality, there will soon be no fuel for their expensive automobiles. The seculars are going down with the ship along with the rest of us.

It’s a hollow defeat for our generation. We struggled to rescue freedom. Freedom provided the solid foundation used by the seculars to launch their torpedo into our way of life.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Fannie and Freddie

So the U.S. government SEIZED two giant BANKRUPT U.S. quasi-government firms (Fannie and Freddie), and the initial reaction was a market rally around the world.

The Problem: The new generation of Wall Street wizards is stubbornly secular, and a HUGE lapse in U.S. business integrity is now painfully obvious.

The Solution: Seize two bankrupt companies.

Works for me....