Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Rabid Rush to Ruin

When I was a child, a home broken into was a big event in our remote community. Hundreds of dollars went missing....

As a young adult, I was introduced to Bay Street and Wall Street. Blatant corporate fraud was recognized as an important crime. Millions or billions of dollars disappeared....

Today in my November years, I watch from the sidelines as trillions of dollars are legally stolen on an ongoing basis from the Treasury of the Government of the United States and from the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. Thieves have penetrated the very security systems that nurtured and protected the Free World, and they are behind the veil emptying the vaults as I write.

They rape the store of value that provides the very foundation for commerce on our fragile planet. Their success will ultimately wipe out the currency they are busy stealing.

Can the thieves be diverted by logical arguments? If logic prevailed, the Russians would not have gone to the polls and elected a dictator. All over the world, voters are using the fledgling privilege of freedom to vote against democracy.

We are witness to an economic death wish that will not be satiated by anything but arrival at its terminal objective.

Buy American Steel

The U.S. consumes steel, and the U.S. melts foreign scrap to recover foreign steel, but it is almost impossible today to buy “American” steel.

Steel is made from iron-ore, coking coal and metallurgical limestone. U.S. producers of these products have been shut down and derelict for decades and everyone on the planet (Chicago included) knows about the American “Rust Belt”. No steel – only rust.

“Buy American Steel” may be a hollow threat, but a reckless reference to protectionism by a U.S. president has malignant implications that promise to hasten the march toward world wide economic collapse.

Word-craft finally fails
Words have consequences

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Obama Proposes Outsourcing Plan

Well, not really. The fledgling U.S. president has issued an edict that cuts multi-million dollar bailed-out executive compensation packages down to size. Now that is myopic, but it’s not a new idea by any stretch of the imagination.

Is there a problem? Yes, indeed there is a problem. Does the problem cry out for immediate attention? There is no question that action is urgently required. Will the Obama sledge hammer help? I don’t think so. In my view it will serve to magnify the malady.

Forty years ago, Federal Liberal politicos in Canada smashed the mining industry between the eyes in a manner similar to the style used by President Obama. The industry collapsed on the spot as our most competent mine operators fled to foreign countries to build competing facilities.

The Canadian travesty turned out to be a magnificent Executive Outsourcing Bonanza for far-flung nations, many of which are less than friendly to freedom.