Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The U.S. : Dark Matter

Non-white dominance of the U.S. political scene is the new indisputable reality, and Americans of every race and creed will pay a horrendous price for the coming desecration of the country’s white protest-ant Constitution.

And there is a second frightening problem. Blacks in the U.S. are flocking to the drumbeat of Islam. If only American Blacks could understand:

  • Conversion to Islam is a one way street. No death threats on the way in, but zero tolerance for escapees.
  • Islam is crushing Black homeland resistance in Africa through genocide on a massive ongoing basis. African Blacks by the millions brutally murdered by Muslim extremists. Ethiopia, Sudan, Chad, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya and on an on.

While Islam is annihilating the population of the Black homeland, the Muslim faith is sliding into the driver’s seat in America with Black encouragement. It’s happening, but it makes no sense to me.

Who is to blame for this sad new reality? No one so far as I can see. White protest-ants built and nurtured precious freedom, but today they have abandoned the sinking ship. The white protest-ant birth rate is hopelessly negative.

Non-whites cannot be blamed for relishing the opportunity to step into the driver’s seat. But non-whites have absolutely no history of spawning democracies – not anywhere on earth. The U.S. Constitution, which led the way to freedom for every American, was written very deliberately by white protest-ants.

Non-whites are in charge, and Democracy is dying in the once blessed United States of America. Sad but true that the Constitution was carefully crafted to self-destruct when freedom is no longer understood or deserved.

U.S. Mid-Term Elections - A Puzzle

After his Lewinsky desecration of the Oval Office, Mr. Clinton could see impeachment on the horizon. He suddenly found it necessary to attack Iraq. Tragic coincidence? Tragic, yes. Coincidence? We will never know.

Today, Democratic poll numbers are in a dangerous funk with mid-term elections looming. I smell a calamity brewing, and soon. But where? I cannot see President Obama prodding his middle-eastern countrymen.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Left Wing Media Blindsides: Australian Election

When the media thought Tony Abbott, the opposition leader, would lose, they described him as a conservative. When it looked like he would win – they said he was a liberal. Now that they are not sure, he’s labelled as the coalition leader.