Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chilean Mine Rescuers - No News

As I see it, the real heroes in this story were those who arranged and carried out rescue operations.

Here is a quiz:
Number of miners rescued?
Name of the mine?
Name of the rescue drilling company?
Name of the President of the drilling company?
Name of the first brave paramedic to go into the rescue shaft?
Names of the four additional rescuers who went underground?
Names of the countries that provided rescue personnel and equipment?

If you’re like me, you know that thirty-three miners were rescued, and after that all of the questions draw blanks.

No answers on CNN. Not on CNBC, MSN, CBC or CTV. Surprised? Not a word of rescue credit where credit was more than well earned.

But here’s the clincher....Even our media adversaries stayed clear of acknowledging the rescuers. Al Jazeera and Russian TV channels were silent on this subject.

I salute the rescuing personnel. I salute generous individuals and nations that came to bat without hesitation.

Yes, I am thankful for the lives of the thirty-three miners, and I’m certain that they have profusely acknowledged and thanked their international rescuers.

Is ALL world news censored in the same scheming news room?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Welcome To The Third World

Investors seem impervious to reality as Wall Street doles out record bonuses while it continues to skim off trillions of dollars in savings and investments via the ongoing Clinton Mega Subprime Scam. It’s hard to erase the reality that Britain and North America were once islands of integrity in a world-wide investment desert. Money floods into the U.S. because there is nowhere else to turn.

No one wants to believe that North America and Britain are now Third World countries. How could this have happened? Protest-ant integrity has been swamped by an overwhelming flood of incoming refugees from every corner of the planet. At the same time, domestically educated immigrants are fleeing our world for rapidly growing opportunities emerging in the Middle East and Asia. We have long since dropped the ball on educating our own sons and daughters, and turned to foreigners to fill our universities. No need for a war. We are our own worst enemies.

Sad to say, that we could not have exported the integrity that created our centuries of soaring success. Integrity is not a tap that can be turned off and on. It was a gift that evaporated before our eyes. Now that it is gone there is no longer a “First” world to educate the “Third” world. We are all sinking to the lowest common denominator.

So our precious love of freedom is swallowed up and lost in a sea of incoming faces and ideologies that know nothing of our ways, and have no knowledge or understanding of the responsibilities of a free society. Am I complaining? Is this evolution wrong? No it is not wrong, and I am not complaining. I am simply commenting on reality.

Yes, foreign capital is again flooding into the U.S., but I suspect that foreigners are in for a big surprise. This time, when the U.S. market tanks, the U.S. Dollar will nosedive along with it, and foreigners will experience a double whipping.

I have no idea why integrity prevailed in our post WWII generation, but I have watched it disappear in all disciplines, and I realize that most adults in responsible positions today have been educated to win by any means possible. Welcome to the Third World.