Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Black Gold

U.S. President Obama is running the printing presses. What else can he do? It’s not his fault. It’s not his fault? The real world isn’t in the mood for excuses, so the price of gold is soaring as the dollar evaporates.

In South Africa, Mandela believers are busy with corporate “Ethnic Cleansing”. They are “taking back” the means of production formerly owned by industrious white settlers.

South Africa has been the World’s leading gold producer, and Blacks are discovering that they know little about managing deep and dangerous underground mines. But reality is no deterrent, so mines will be raped and shut down one after another. It’s not Mandela’s fault that mine workings flood and self destruct without tender love and care.

South Africa changed forever with the election of President Nelson Mandela. The U.S. finally passed a similar gigantic tipping point with the election of President Obama. No road back.

There is no such thing as freedom undeserved. Freedom is hard won, and lost overnight once the cart gets out in front of the horse. The horse may be no better off than the cart, but if the two forget how to work together, both are doomed.

The price of gold is soaring as South African mines shut down and the U.S. dollar sinks toward obscurity. That’s African Economics. Black Gold....

Monday, November 22, 2010

African Economics - Gold

Black workers at a South African gold mine have been on strike since 2008.

Before Mandela, the miners were upset with White owners because they weren’t paid enough.

Today, they are on strike because the new Black owners don’t pay them at all!

It’s what I call “The New Fair” – “African Economics”.

Friday, November 19, 2010


It's a great lesson on how modern markets work. I'm referring to the GM Initial Public Offering. You saw it happen, but you might not have picked up on this latest micro mega-scam.

Think about it. Share prices world wide were forced lower every day for a week prior to the date of this giant IPO extravaganza. Then yesterday, as GM shares burst onto the scene, markets suddenly soared. No Virginia, the market marvel yesterday was not an accident.

GM bond holders are still in the courts, and the GM pension fund is still under water, but it was all sweetness and light anywhere you turned as the new issue came forth.

Today, the GM deed is done and markets are back to drifting as if nothing at all had gone down.

GM was bankrupt not long ago. In my view, GM is still bankrupt. But what's $20 billion down the drain when the subprime looters have stolen tens of trillions in worthless U.S. dollars?

The GM IPO? Just pocket change. The subprime looters are laughing, and they're laughing at us.

Monday, November 08, 2010

The Chavez Voting Machines

How do they work? There are a half-dozen close races (Mid-Term elections) still to be decided in the U.S. My guess? A Chavez statistical miracle....The Democrats will be declared winners in every one of them. What are the odds? You do the math.

The Runaway

President Obama ran away from home rather than face his Democratic colleagues after the election. He found an audience that is guaranteed to hang onto every word uttered by any U.S. President. Today we are told that he is busy addressing a billion people in India. Yup, a billion, and they don't think he's a sore loser even though he left the White House in a lurch.

Monday, November 01, 2010

U.S. Elections: Chavez Decides

In the 2006 U.S. elections, CNN reported that 16 states used “Smartmatic” voting machines that were made in Venezuela by a company said to be linked to its Anti-Republican President, Hugo Chavez. By that time only one U.S. state (Nevada) was able to provide a ballot paper trail.

With MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, Al Jazeera and the Russian TV service all drooling over him 24 hours every day, the silver-tongued President Obama need not have strayed from the once-revered Oval Office to woo the electorate. Why bother, when avowed enemies of freedom are running the U.S. airwaves and voting machines?

The Obama team is a shoe-in. Who needs voters?