Saturday, May 21, 2011

Doomsday - NO: Armageddon - YES

Surprise...Surprise. The world did not end on May 21st as predicted. In my view, the beginning of the end may instead have been March 11, 2011. That was the day nature unleashed the mega-quake that produced the ongoing nuclear disaster at Fukushima, Japan. I prefer to think of March 11/11 as the day World War III began....Armageddon. The war to end all wars.

The enemy? Nuclear radiation. The opposing force? None. There are 440 operating nuclear power plants. Any one or all of the 440 will eventually release enough radiation to totally destroy life on the planet. We have seen close calls at Three Mile Island and again at Chernobyl, but the millions of lives destroyed or impaired in the Ukraine and Belarus have been “risk managed” out of the public eye.

Our nuclear maniacs define the gigantic cover-up at Chernobyl as a huge success. Fukushima will be different. While the world attempts to digest a fraudulent birth certificate, a radiation Genie is slowly but surely reaching toward chaos in Japan.

The man with the phoney credentials doesn’t even know that he doesn’t know. There is no world leader capable of understanding the magnitude of the disaster unfolding in Japan as World War III proceeds unabated.

Strangely enough, the Doomsday Civil Engineer, who predicted some time ago that a mega-quake would split open the Pacific Ring of Fire on this date, is closer to recognition of the magnitude of the problem than those who laugh at him.

How do I know that world leadership is totally vacant at the end of this age? If the politicians understood the scale of the Japanese disaster, every resource on earth would now be directed toward fighting to subdue the out-of-control reactors. All military equipment and manpower would focus on Fukushima. All former combatants would be working side by side in the greatest battle of our age.

Every nuclear plant on the planet would close permanently. All efforts to recover uranium from nature would cease. Instead, the world would begin to concentrate on the impossible problem of what to do with millions of tons of radiating spent uranium fuel, and our gigantic accumulation of lethal plutonium.

It’s unfortunate but true that you cannot simply sit back and watch the Fukushima tragedy unfold. This story will eventually reach out to include all of us. Everybody loses.

World War III? Armageddon?