Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Save Detroit ... To Hell With The World

GM shed Oldsmobile, Pontiac, Chev truck, Hummer, Delco, GMAC and all of the manufacturing cities that depended on these brands.

GM shed most of the dealers that sold abandoned GM products.

GM wiped out its shareholders, its pensioners and all pensioners who depended on GM dividends. GM devastated huge pension fund portfolios across the planet. In total, hundreds of millions of souls were financially crippled or completely destroyed by General Motors.

GM was once the largest corporation in the world. President Obama has given billions of taxpayer dollars to an emaciated new company that calls itself General Motors. Most of this money will go down the drain.

So a hundred million people lost their jobs, their homes or their life-long savings and Americans are now buying a success story. To me it sadly says that the people who built this great nation (the United States) are no longer with us. It takes a total idiot to swallow this latest gigantic GM lie.

But freedom has always been hard won and easily lost. A nation that no longer understands the precious gift of freedom will end it by deliberately voting for a dictator.

The Russians elected a dictator a decade ago. Venezuela did the same. More recently both Italy and Greece have installed dictators without the inconvenience of messy elections

Bill Clinton said that in his hippy days he and Hillary didn’t inhale. When he bragged about this it dawned on me that his generation would destroy the Blessed Land. Too many hippies and nobody on our side.

They cheered when the Oval Office was violated in a cloud of pot smoke. They cheer as Michigan is demolished en masse.

They clamour for a dictator. We reap what they sow.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


U.S. President Obama chortles about another of his huge personal success stories. He tells the world that solely because of his genius Detroit’s GM has gone from bankruptcy to first in auto sales on the planet. He doesn’t mention the GM share holders who were wiped out completely, or the fact that Detroit is still teetering on insolvency.

He doesn’t mention that GM automobiles also come from China. And he neglects to mention the collapse of Toyota auto sales. The Toyota sales collapse is the only real reason why GM might have regained its former worldwide sales leadership position. Not because of a gain for Detroit, but because of a loss for Japan.

Lies piled on lies....that’s what wins U.S. elections.