Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Canada Right and Wrong

Canadian Politics – go figure?

I remember thinking it was the Ray of Sunshine that led us to the Brave New World. He abandoned Labor when Layton was in diapers and showed up as the leader of the Federal Liberal party.

But Jack kept the balls rolling. He trashed the Labor Movement as he clawed his way to center stage. Next it was Biff Hardnose of the Auto Workers. He jumped out of the sputtering Labor frying pan into the Dion Liberal flame-out.

So the entire Canadian Labor Movement moved out of eastern Canada to the Conservative Tar Sands (Sorry Ezra … it’s tar). I guess they didn’t get far enough away, because Tommy (the fresh new face of the Left gone right) showed up in Alberta and dumped all over the Teamsters.

Just when I thought I had it all figured out, Ray bolted from the Liberal leadership race. So why the sudden Ray self-jettison? The answer was not long in coming. It’s hard to believe, and I’m sure it must be wrong, but yesterday there were media reports that two Nazis rose from the Liberal benches to declare their allegiance to Hitler with perverse gestures.

Not much wonder that the Ray of Sunshine has headed for the exits. Out of the NDP and now at odds with the Liberals? I knew he wasn’t deliberately trying to go right. Where will he go next?

I think I’m right when I say that there’s something wrong on the Opposition Benches. Soon there’ll be nobody left.

Friday, June 08, 2012

Fukushima Fantasy

On June 8th the media was in the habit of flaunting “World Oceans Day”. It was all good news. Nothing about the millions of tons of garbage floating around out there, or the hopeless ocean dumping of nuclear waste.

But not a word about World Oceans Day this year. I suspect that Fukushima pushed this lie to the back of the bus.

Not long ago we were shown TV video of a forlorn looking waterlogged motorcycle from Fukushima that had washed up on an ocean beach near Vancouver. Hello? Motorcycles don’t float. Trust me on this. I’ve owned multiple motorcycles.

But the story gets better. Yesterday we learned that a huge Fukushima loading dock made of concrete had mysteriously come ashore along the west coast of the U.S. So today it’s apparently a steel dock, or a concrete and steel floating dock. Take you pick. Steel and concrete don’t float.

Two weeks ago it was a rusty old Fukushima fishing boat that miraculously drifted across the Pacific to Alaska. It was used for target practice by environmentally sensitive protectors of the busy sea lanes in no-man’s land.

What’s the real message here? Later you will be told that it was the radioactive ocean water that was the problem dummy. When your nose falls off and you’re covered with radiation lesions you will finally realize that the water that brought these newsy little tidbits (the motorbike, the dock and the trawler) also came from Fukushima and glowing water was and is a threat to what was once your good health.

Just like the sub-prime story – it’s your fault for ignoring the obvious. Something to think about on World Oceans Day.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

The Nuclear Shakedown

The 1957 Windscale nuclear disaster in the UK dealt a crippling blow to the gene pool that lies at the very foundation of blessed freedom in this age. Protest-ant integrity that had facilitated world-wide commercial transactions has since evaporated. Tribal judgment and greed have quickly filled the void left behind in every walk of life.

In 2011 a giant nuclear disaster at Fukushima in Japan took down the second largest industrial economy on the planet. We had predicted the convergence of earthquakes with nuclear power plants.

Now I’m wondering what’s next. Could a major earthquake in England re-awaken their nuclear nightmare and forever re-shape the destiny of the Western World?

To purchase a copy of the Second Edition of our book Repeat Performance: The Nuclear Age, go to: