Saturday, July 28, 2012

Nothings From Nowhere

Not long ago a senior European politician publicly humiliated himself by referring to Conservative Canadian Prime Minister Harper as a “nothing”.

Yesterday British Prime Minister David Cameron all but said that U.S. Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney hailed from “the middle of nowhere”.

It seems to me that we nothings from nowhere rescued Britain and defeated Europe to dump Hitler during the Second World War.

Poland and Israel have openly shown Mr. Romney the respect that he so well deserves. I am hopeful that Prime Minister Harper can find time to extend an invitation to candidate Romney to visit Canada prior to the U.S. election this fall.

What do we nothings from nowhere have to lose by keeping the FAITH?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fracking Fiasco

Fracking holds energy prices in check to get Obama re-elected and to hell with the environment. Not a peep from Mr. Gore.

Fracked oil and natural gas go to market in rail car tankers. No need for pipelines – no more fracking once Obama is back in the White House.

It’s a bonanza for the drillers and the rail stocks. It’s a disaster for the price of natural gas.

On election day in the U.S. it’s over for the frackers and the drillers and the rail stocks. The price of natural gas will soar. The oil price will rise into orbit to magnify the escalating Obama economic collapse.

Obama thinks it’s clever. The joke is on YOU.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Crash of August 2012

Why pick on August? Because I believe that the Fed, Wall Street and the U.S. Senate have decided to make it happen. Very deliberate and carefully coordinated.

The Fed? It is no accident that today Bernanke balked at QE3. He knows that it’s like denying a fix for a hopeless addict.
Wall Street? It’s not a coincidence that Visa and Mastercard have volunteered to cut their own usurious interest rates. Every major bank in the free world is on the addictive credit card interest rate take. A fee cut? It’s voluntary and it’s suicidal.
And the U.S. Senate? Senators have suddenly decided to take on HSBC for money laundering. Drug dealers and terrorists have been shoveling money through western world banks for years. The Senators suddenly noticed this on the same day that Bernanke crapped on QE3 and the Credit Card guys hammered their own 24% rates.

QE3, bank money laundering and credit card usury all tackled on the same day? To my way of thinking, the message is clear. A crash is in the cards and the mega-thieves are coming for whatever savings you have left.
When integrity evaporated it took capitalism with it. You are now watching greedy slugs rush in to feed on the bloated corpse of freedom.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fukushima Denial

It was easy to predict that Japan would restart its nuclear plants shut down after the world-shaking Fukushima nuclear disaster. The Japanese are not alone in their denial of the tragic impact of events at Fukushima.

North American beaches are littered with Fukushima trash and no one will acknowledge that this garbage was transported by toxic radiated ocean water. So we are told that B.C. farm salmon is turning to mush on the store shelves (by my analysis a manifestation of extreme radiation exposure) and no one thinks of Fukushima. Vancouver real estate is suddenly in a downward price spiral and no one suspects a post-Fukushima exodus.

Sorry folks, but the trash on the beaches and the fish farm disaster and the real estate collapse are all shouting the same message. Fukushima!