Thursday, August 16, 2012

Merkel Visits Harper

We are pleased that German Chancellor Angela Merkel came to Canada with no stopovers, to tell the world that she knows who Prime Minister Harper is. Clearly, the crude EEC Central Bank Chief doesn’t understand this.

British PM Cameron recently blurted out his disrespect for U.S. Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney. I expect that Chancellor Merkel could set Mr. Cameron straight about how to treat his only U.S. ally.

I’ve said it before, but it is doubly ironic to realize that North America rescued Britain from Germany in WWII. The British Prime Minister is not mindful of this.

Thank you, Chancellor Merkel, for your obvious and well deserved recognition of Canada’s outstanding Prime Minister.

Monday, August 13, 2012

September Crash?

Bah – my recent August market crash prediction is fighting an uphill battle. I must remember that the U.S. Geithner/Goldman Team (G/GT) is still busy squirreling away hundreds of trillions of dollars via an ever expanding variety of sleazy schemes.

The G/GT subprime heist successfully emptied the pockets of your grandparents along with corporate treasuries and the coffers of major world governments, including the cash assets of the United States. The G/GT fellas are gorging themselves on their own seed corn.

They have quickly and neatly clipped the wings of millions of Facebook innocents. (See my Blog of May 28, 2012) They are busy bankrupting states and municipalities, forcing us to drive through a sea of potholes, while firemen, policeman and teachers find themselves walking the streets.

But all of that G/GT loot didn’t just evaporate. I thought it would be used like a hammer to pound markets lower. Instead, it’s still out there propping up markets so as to hold onto the White House in November. Unlimited cash on the bid with nothing to lose.

So, what will it take to get the Robber Barons to back off the bid? This time the September Eleventh travesty will have to be bigger, much bigger than their 2001 New York 911 demolition caper. My guess? This time the thieves will be caught by surprise just like the rest of us.

You should take the time to find out about the sort of eventuality that would really shake up the Robber Barons. I call it “Continental Smash”. Click on the McNally Robinson Bookseller website below to view our book that speculates on how the world could easily unravel.