Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Why Books Are Burned

King Obama has declared that the word “Niger” (I have deliberately spelled it correctly to avoid human rights charges) is now persona-non-grata.  As a result, thousands of North American libraries will soon trash their copies of the timeless Mark Twain novel Huckleberry Finn.  These errant tomes will burn.

That in itself is sad, but the black rejection of their homeland is even uglier.  Early American slaves described themselves as nigers because they come from a country called Niger on the Niger River in Africa, or from Nigeria, another African country by a similar name.

Now we are told that we will face a human rights tribunal if we speak of a black as a niger.   I have decided to be offended if anyone refers to me as a Canadian because I was born in Canada.

But I digress.  Words like niger and female and marriage and countless others have taken on new meanings.  Thousands – millions – hundreds of millions of totally innocent books will burn.

But don’t shed a tear for outdated dictionaries that go up in flames.  The Oxford folks have come up with a new word to describe our present environment.  The word is “omnishambles”.

Isn’t it amazing that mystery rhymes with history.

Think Like A King

President Obama (Barry) knows who buttered his bread.  I suspect that if you can think like the King of Saudi Arabia you will seldom fail to predict Barry’s actions.

The Fiscal Cliff? Sorry folks, but the U.S. is going right over the precipice.  Why? Because avoiding it would rescue the middle class. Saudi Arabia has no middle class. No dictatorship can tolerate a middle class. Barry says he has his pen out, but he won’t sign.

What about the Keystone XL Pipeline?  Just assume that Barry won’t sign up for anything that competes with Saudi oil.  The King says NO.

Think like a King.  Over the Fiscal Cliff and without a pipeline to boot.

Remember Benghazi.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sleaze is IN

When did crafty lying (sophism) become fashionable?  When did the cheering begin?

Sophistry (crafty lying) was discussed in Plato’s writings in 500 B.C.  In our day, Larry Hagman and OJ Simpson mesmerized millions with their sleaze and the Seinfeldt sitcom took stealth to still higher acclaim.  Bill Clinton was and is worshipped for his violation of the Oval Office.

I think the Benghazi super-lie gave Obama a second term.  And I love the fact that my guy, Mitt Romney, forced Americans to deliberately pick Barabas.  As clear as black or white.  No middle ground.

Sleaze is in.  The U.S. Constitution is out.  Get over it.  You voted for it.

Charities Crucified

The Toronto mayor has been exploited to set a new precedent under law.  Elected officials can no longer lend their names to the good work of charities.  Will he go to jail for this?  Will all elected officials take a step back from charitable efforts out of judicial fear?

Don’t be surprised if Mr. Ford ends up in jail. This story is NOT new.  Perhaps it began when a U.S. jury acquitted OJ Simpson after he brutally murdered his wife and her boyfriend.  Canada’s Supreme Court has legislated on the question of gay marriage.  A judge will likely put Petraeus behind bars.

Of course we all know that politicians will continue to help worthy charities to raise huge amounts of money in the years ahead.  How did the mayor of Toronto end up out of a job over $3500 given to local teen athletes?

The answer has nothing to do with right or wrong and everything to do with right or left.

Perverted judges are appointed after we choose to elect perverted politicians.  The terminal disease that scuttles precious freedom begins in the voting booth.

Canada may be the last of the twentieth century democracies with a slim chance to arrest this tyranny.  It’s a vicious struggle and Rob Ford is standing tall in the midst of the fray.

The Power of the Super-Lie

Hitler said that if you tell a big enough lie the rabble will buy it.  Remember Benghazi.

How tight are the reins held by King Obama? You knew, and the world knows that he blatantly lied about the Libyan assassination.  But it was when Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice repeated the lie well after the fact that the Obama stranglehold on America could no longer be questioned.

Are Americans unwilling victims? Not for a moment.  They have been cheering for sophistry (the big lie) since Dallas was a sitcom.

King Obama speaks for the American psyche today.  He was re-elected to drive this point home.

Pray for Petraeus.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Judgment Day For Ford

A Toronto judge has fired the mayor of the city, Rob Ford.  I sure hope it doesn’t stick.  Here is how it’s supposed to work: Voters hire and fire politicians.  Politicians hire and fire judges.

When judges are given free rein to dump politicians, it’s only a matter of time before judges decide to dump voters.

It’s judgment day all right.  It’s judgment day for freedom.

Carney Carnage

Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney has announced that he will shortly become the Governor of the Bank of England.

Two decades ago I would have been cheering for him over this move.  Today I think it is a huge mistake for Mr. Carney and unfortunate for Canada as well.

In my estimation, he is leaving the best managed economy in the world to see if he can rescue a giant ship that has already sunk.

It is not my intent here to brag about Canada.  We are not without problems and in part at least we have survived because we were late to the subprime paper party that allowed Wall Street to destroy the financial foundations of the entire Free World.

Carney is a cool and capable bureaucrat.  If anybody can fix the financial mess in Britain he is likely the one to do it.  I wish him well.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff

Make no mistake.  President Obama’s electorate has no idea what the Fiscal cliff is, and its bread is buttered by printing money (ie: Quantitative Easing) - more and more and more and more money.

Avoid the Fiscal Cliff?  That would mean lower taxes – less fodder for the forty-seven percent Obama hoards.

Sorry folks.  He says he has his pen out and he’s ready to sign.  He also says that nobody told him about Benghazi, and he didn’t know that the FBI was investigating his CIA chief.  Democrats love a crafty liar.

No Virginia, President Obama will not sign any document to fend off the Fiscal Cliff. He will not sign, and he will blame George Bush for the devastating aftermath.  It’s a win win for President Obama and his forty-seven percent.

Remember Benghazi.  Any nation that allows voting machines to win elections is no longer able to comprehend the responsibilities that sustain freedom.  It’s over.

Friday, November 09, 2012

The Media Party

How gullible are the Democrats anchoring at CNN?  Two weeks after the lights went out at their homes in New Jersey they still think that the U.S. President is their savior and they still believe that their lights will come back on.

Who will they blame when they realize that they will soon be counted among America’s second wave of homeless refugees after Katrina?

The One-Armed Bandit

When a nation doesn’t care enough to count its own ballots at election time, it soon forfeits precious freedom.

Freedom is hard won and quickly lost by those who forget.

Gasoline And Greed

The lights are burning brightly at the Jersey Shore casino towers – but locals are told they just can’t get the power on at the gas station two blocks away in the wreckage of their residential community impoverished by its gambling habit.

So there is lots of gasoline but you can’t have it because the pumps don’t work.  No power.  No gasoline.  If only that were true.

Gas stations are supplied by huge tanker trucks that drain their fuel into underground tanks by gravity.  Why not drain the gasoline directly from the tanker truck to the fuel tank in your car?  Let’s say you pay by the flow-minute.  Four filler hoses for each tanker truck, and a truck stationed at every third or fourth street corner.  Who needs electricity to supply gasoline?  This is an emergency.

Or how about a hand-cranked pump to raise gasoline from the underground tanks? This is not rocket science.

Sorry folks.  It’s not a power shortage.  That may never be fixed.  The problem is greed and Americans have just voted for more of the same.  No power.  No people.

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Obama Rules

Today we learn that the Pentagon forgot to tell us about a failed drone attack by Iran five days before Obama was re-elected by voting machines (Remember Benghazi).

Now I’m waiting to find out what Bloomberg and Christie didn’t tell us when they suddenly switched sides in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Both of them squashed like bugs. Their constituencies will soon enough discover that life is cheap in the nuclear age.

Why Mitt Lost

Americans once revered their precious Constitution.  Sadly, these souls are no longer living today.  Their demographic has simply collapsed, and most of us have yet to comprehend the magnitude of the change that has come to pass as a result.

Who are today’s Americans?  Many or most oppose the spirit of the founding generations, and these new voters are making their views known.  They have elected and re-elected (that’s twice) a man whose formative education was provided by a Madrasa.  Most Madrasa grads would lop off an arm to see the U.S. go under completely.

This explains why there has been no effort by the Obama White House to work with the Republican House of Representatives, and why none will be forthcoming in the four years ahead. It is the will of the people.

Can the “Right” recover?  In the U.S., the answer is NO. Republicans, with their deep love of freedom, are totally out of step with the rebellious electorate.  The immigration floodgates will remain wide open, and four years hence the dwindling Republican base will be even less relevant than it is today.

The world is changing before our eyes.  We, as Canadians are fortunate to have lived next to what was once the greatest nation on earth.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Finally A Clear Choice

It’s U.S. Presidential Election Day and it’s as simple as black or white.  Just answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions:

- Does your party embrace God?
- Is it for or against the U.S. Constitution as written?
- For or against abortion?
- For or against the traditional meaning of the word marriage?

Don’t assume that I believe that I know the correct answers to these questions. Your answers are correct for you.  If God favored my demographic I would not be headed for the losing side of history.

The U.S. Constitution was written by white Protest-ants, and it called out for freedom for all Americans who embraced it.  Today, many believe that this is where the document went wrong. In fact its drafters were very deliberate, and once they signed it, they themselves were bound to their commitment to universal freedom for so long as the majority voted to keep the faith.  The U.S. Constitution stands as a self-extinguishing stroke of genius.

The incumbent U.S. Presidential candidate tells the world that the writings of Ayn Rand are for teenagers. He also says that he can fix the mistakes in the Constitution that created his own freedom.  It’s only a numbers game now – clear as black or white.

I will be surprised if Mitt succeeds in his attempt to resuscitate freedom one more time. Even if he does win, the demographics dictate that the “Blessed Land”, the once great U.S.A., cannot long be diverted from its slide into lawless obscurity.

 The United States was our Beacon on the Hill.  I’m glad I’m old.

RCMP Gets It Wrong? (Canada)

Opposition Leaders Mulcair and Rae charge that Canadian Prime Minister Harper is guilty of using his own assigned armored vehicles on a visit to India.  Senior Conservatives point out that the RCMP is in charge of security for the PM.  I think the RCMP got it right.

Sad to be told that before this, our widely traveled PM relied on other countries to provide these aspects of his security while away.  I don’t believe this.  It amounts to third world security for a first world leader.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Media Bias - Candy Crawley

The President must “look” presidential.  That appears to be Job One at CNN.

No bad news please.

But consider this:  It’s impossible to hide the reality that Hurricane Sandy was and is an unprecedented disaster.  What if in the end it rivals Fukushima?

Can you trust Candy Crawley to raise the alarm?

Canadian Politics - Media Bias

CBC TV trumpets overspending by a Canadian Federal Conservative MP who insisted on making campaign visits to remote Arctic villages ignored by his opponents.  Did NDP and Liberal candidates really stay home?

The Liberal accuser can see from one end of his tiny Toronto riding to the other. Ridings in Canada’s north might be five hundred miles across.  I’m cheering for political candidates who risk their lives in tiny bush planes in order to visit their distant prospective constituents.

Perhaps some good will come of this.  A campaign allowance for travel to distant northern ridings?

Ontario Politics

First Premier McGoofy quit. Then his Finance Minister walked out and now his Energy Minister is gone.  Is there something they haven’t told us?

The creaky ancient Bruce Nuclear Plant was sometimes billed as the largest of its kind on the planet.  It should have been put out to pasture decades ago.  Instead, the wizards at Hydro sold it (or did they lease it?) to the private sector in a coup that relieved Ontarians of both the unlimited liability and the responsibility for the crime of building it in the first place.  It was a crafty stroke of genius.

Back when it changed hands, much of the plant was inoperable due to advanced age, but not to worry.  The rust has been rising from the dead and if I’m not mistaken the whole junk pile is now creaking and huffing in an effort to power up the concrete and rebar monstrosities (hi-rise condo towers) springing up everywhere in downtown Toronto.

If the big three escapees from Queens Park show up in Argentina – look for trouble at Bruce, or Pickering or Darlington (Ontario nuclear plants).

First we had nuclear power.
Now nuclear power has us.

Judas In New Jersey

Hurricane Sandy flushed out Christie and Bloomberg. So the President (Potus) won the moment.  Trucks, planes and choppers were on the way.  That was two days back.

Today?  Nothing.  Today, FEMA explains that the trucks are coming, but it’s a long drive from California and they will arrive in time to be used as polling stations on Election Day.  Just swim to a well marked truck to vote.

Sad to realize that the true magnitude of this giant disaster will not be understood until after Americans have chosen their next president.

If Christie and Bloomberg have pushed Potus over the top, Hoboken and Manhattan may never recover.  Third world countries don’t rebuild their cities.

Remember Benghazi.