Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Engineers Discover "Best Before" Dates

Yup!  Everything we build eventually wears out.  Airplane designers have known this for decades.  Planes have “best before dates” that are adhered to because otherwise they do fall out of the sky.

But what about bridges and skyscrapers and highways and overpasses and nuclear plants and more?  Sorry folks.  There is a problem.  Most of our infrastructure today is over fifty years old and it was cheaply built to boot.  It has long since exceeded safe lifespan objectives.

Cities, states and countries are bankrupt.  Domestic sources of primary building materials are exhausted.  Our steel industry is in ruins and our labor costs are uncompetitive.

We passed a tipping point long ago and nobody has noticed.  Why?  Because hippies now run the world and it’s hard to see bridges and buildings through a cloud of pot smoke.

But there is some good news.  What’s the good news?  When you’re stoned it really doesn’t matter if the bridges fall down.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feet of Clay

A report from Japan suggests that many skyscrapers on the horizon in modern cities are due to be taken down.  In my view, the Japanese are right about this.  Scores of concrete and rebar supported buildings built thirty years ago were designed to last for thirty years.

Pay attention.  These aging buildings will fall down if they are not deliberately demolished.  They number in the hundreds of thousands in cities all over the planet. Remember the World Trade Center?  It was past its thirtieth year when it came down in what was described as a New York City disaster.  One shot demolition is the U.S. solution to the problem.

The Japanese are excited about an invention that allows for dismantling skyscrapers one floor at a time.  Rube Goldberg would get a kick out of this.

Hello?  There are far too many buildings out there that are past their expiry dates.  The Japanese invention might take down one or two.

My advice … Don’t live in or work in a thirty year old skyscraper.  Don’t live or work in the SHADOW of a thirty year old building.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Chelyabinsk Meteorite

On February 15th 2013 a meteorite smashed into Chelyabinsk in Russia with an explosive intensity up to thirty times that of the Hiroshima nuclear bomb.  Windows were smashed over a 250,000 square meter area.

You should hope and pray that this disaster was indeed caused by a meteorite.  For over half a century, Russia has blatantly ignored nuclear safety admonitions and Chelyabinsk is ground zero at the center of its sprawling radioactive killing field.

If we have witnessed an “Act of God” (a meteorite strike) then God is very deliberate in his choice of impact sites.  What are the odds that a random externally caused disaster could find its way to the location of the ugliest man-made nuclear mess on earth?  Sorry folks.  This could NOT happen.

My guess?  Yesterday’s huge explosion was an unplanned nuclear event, not the first of many serious accidents caused by Russian atomic intransigence at Chelyabinsk.

Sad to say that nobody cares what happened in Russia yesterday.  The blind are leading the stupid in Russia, and everywhere else on earth as well.  Greed grinds up our offspring.

Asteroid Revelation

On February 15th 2013 a huge asteroid brushed past planet earth moving in its orbit from south to north.  But wait … The planets, as I know them all move along the same east-west plane around the sun.  I had no idea that anything circled the sun in a north-south orbit.

Are we entering a field of deadly north-south projectiles?  When did we pass by one of these in years past?  Why is the orbit direction important?

Think of it this way.  This asteroid didn’t overtake us.  It almost crossed our path.  It’s like inviting a “T-Bone” auto accident.  Lethal.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Flail Duffy Season

Mike has learned that you can check out of the CBC, but you can never leave.  Once a year, the Media Party takes revenge on Duffy and anyone else who has seen the light and jumped ship.  Yesterday, Rex Murphy strongly suggested that he had no idea that Duffy had been living and working in Ottawa for the past thirty years.

Other media sleuths discovered that Mike has an Ontario health card and driver’s license.  My guess – Tom Mulcaire has the same and Prime Minister Harper likely lives in Ottawa too.

I’m also guessing that Duffy is carrying the cost of owning and maintaining a PEI residence only to satisfy Senate employment requirements.  Would you buy and maintain a house in order to get a job?  Mike did this for his country, and he has never been shy about his deep roots in PEI even though he has spent much of his adult life in Ottawa.

Mike Duffy is an ethical living Canadian icon.  Rex Murphy needs to slither back under a rock on the Rock.  My guess?  Rex is not too popular in Newfoundland, and he doesn’t like to admit that he too lives in Ottawa.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Water ... Water

Today we are told that water in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron is at a record low level. In almost the same breath we learn that a prolonged U.S. drought has reduced water in the Mississippi River to three feet in depth in some places. There are lamentations about threats to barge traffic and town water supplies.

Most would not know of the existence of a man-made back door channel through Chicago that can be used to drain Lake Michigan water into the Mississippi via the Ohio River.   Are Americans diverting Great Lakes water into the Mississippi during the drought?

Before the Chicago water diversion existed, the Great Lakes supplied water to the giant St. Lawrence River watershed.  There is no drought anywhere on the Great Lakes today, but the lakes are empty and the entire St. Lawrence River watershed is starving for water.

Today, the watersheds of both the Mississippi and the St. Lawrence are lined with nuclear power plants that CANNOT get along without cooling water.  Will nuclear plants in the St. Lawrence watershed be shut down in order to keep Mississippi nuclear plants running during the drought?

Let’s apply logic here.  Where is the drought that is causing the problem?  It’s in the central U.S.  That’s where shutdowns should occur - along the Mississippi.

Sorry folks. Everywhere we turn we are robbing Peter to pay Obama.  Integrity is dead.  Remember Benghazi.