Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Nuclear Transport Madness

Don’t look now but I think a crazed nuclear scientist is shipping radioactive garbage through your living room.  The other day residents of Halifax, Nova Scotia were told not to worry, but for the fiftieth time a shipping container carrying uranium hexafluoride had been mistakenly dropped hard onto the deck of a ship in the harbor.

Yup.  It was on its way from a bomb making plutonium processor in Britain to a plant in North Carolina.  Now here is the question:  Why unload this nightmare in Canada if it was heading for North Carolina?  Just for the fun of  hauling it through Boston, New York City and Washington D.C. on its way there?

No matter how you cut it, this is a dangerous cargo.  Too dangerous to be offloaded at a U.S. port?  Are Canadians just stupid?

And President Obama made headlines the other day after the Japanese agreed to return 700 kilograms of the eleven thousand tons of radiating U.S. nuclear garbage that had made its way to Japan.  Pay attention. That’s like sending back a teaspoonful of horror out of an Olympic swimming pool full of the stuff.  Why do Americans fight to get it back anyway?  They are up to their eyeballs in nuclear waste.  Nuclear Transport Madness.


Monday, March 24, 2014

Kiev - Without A Home

After the 1986 Russian nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in the Ukraine, Russia ran for the hills and abandoned the entire Soviet Union.  Now that the tragedy is fading the Ruskies want back in, but THEY DON'T WANT  KIEV.

Too many radiation related health problems in the shadow of the Russian mess left behind at Chernobyl. Nobody wants Kiev.  Just sow it with salt and plow it under.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Media Human Wrongs

Want to watch a vicious heterophobic rant?  Just see what happens when the toxic ugly female talking heads on CNN encounter news about GLENN BECK !!

Raw hatred from the talking heads with no apologies.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Coal: America's Black Secret

Not that long ago American National Geographic reporters stormed into Canada and crapped all over our Tar Sands Operations, accusing Canadians of  tearing up a corner of the province of  Alberta in order to send them oil.

The other day U.S. media mugs let it slip out that by 2030 forty percent of U.S. electricity will still be coming from their own domestic coal mines.  Americans are literally tearing up whole states and moving mountains to get at coal to feed power to National Geographic and 330 million other hungry consumers.

If Canada’s left wing National Broadcaster wasn’t further left than National Geographic, a photo tour of U.S. coal operations would make a hell of a good story.


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Big Planes And Big Buildings

Quite a coincidence.  A Jumbo Jet has gone missing out of the only city left in the world with giant Twin Towers.  The eighty-eight story Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and the now absent Twin Towers in New York City were designed by the same architectural firm.

Is the public gullible enough to buy another Photo Shopped Jumbo Jet Twin Towers demolition in 2014?


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Words - Prophetic Words

“First there was the Word”.  Yes, words separated humans from the remainder of life on Earth, and words had meaning.  Words with meanings were our special blessing.

Today this blessed gift is rapidly slipping away and dictionaries must burn as we degenerate through tribalism into chaos.

Soon you will be told to yield up your dictionary if it defines marriage as between a man and a woman.  It will not matter where you stand on this issue.  Your family heirloom dictionary will have to burn.  And what if it describes “gay” as meaning happy?  Sorry.  Or “rainbow” as something beautiful seen in the sky?

 So it’s true that today the sacred meaning of words can change overnight.  But wait a moment!!!  Legal contracts are written in words.  The precious U.S. Constitution is written in words.

Your very security hinged on commitments and promises set out in.....words.  So when millions of you brutally beat us into submission over your preference for the meaning of a simple word like “marriage”, you signaled to the World that humanity has tired of it’s lofty perch above the animal kingdom.

So be it. I have lost the argument, but so have you.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Malaysian Air Conspiracy

Only weeks ago we were told that satellites would be used to count the Polar Bears in the Arctic.  The other day a sixty tonne metal Jumbo Jet went missing without a trace.

I may look stupid, but even I know that both of these stories cannot be true.  The Media Spin Machine is so busy inventing ridiculous excuses about Malaysian Air that I'm beginning to think the stories must be coming from the White House.

So the free world now elects pot smokers to its highest offices and expects Third World pilots to stay on course.  Sorry folks.  You cannot have your toke and travel too.

What happens in the White House echoes around the WORLD.


Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Let Them Eat Crude

Yes, people are starving in First World countries.  Yes, Canada’s grain silos are full and overflowing.  Yes, Canada’s railways were built and paid for by taxpayers who wanted to ship grain to feed the World.

Sorry Virginia.  No room on the rails to ship grain  today.  You see, Warren Buffet bought our railways and he’s making a fortune shipping tar thinned with explosive propane. Yes Virginia, the thousands of explosive rail cars are blowing up in our cities, but you see, Mister Buffet needs money, not grain.


Monday, March 03, 2014

Ukraine Pays Again

Clear eyed pitbull Putin versus the pot smoking U.S. President.  Sorry Ukraine, but like Egypt and the rest of the Middle East, you pay the price because Americans deliberately put a loser in the White House.

President Obama, Canada’s Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford all win elections because there’s nobody home anymore in the voting booths of the Free World.  So don’t blame Obama as the Ukraine is crushed again.  Voters prefer pot to freedom.

And it would be well for you to recall that it was the massive 1986 nuclear disaster at Chernobyl that destroyed life in Kyev in the first place.  Russia dismantled the entire Soviet Union in order to shed it’s responsibility for the radiation mess it made at Chernobyl in the Ukraine.

Today Putin is busy trying his best to dump the damaged souls in Kyev off on the Europeans while he steals away their access to the Black Sea.  With nobody home at the White House it looks like Putin will get whatever he wants.

The Ukraine is bankrupt and its northern communities will not recover in this age from the devastation created at Chernobyl.  Putin has two options:  Dump the radiating mess on Europe or blow Kyev off the face of the earth. A nuclear solution to a nuclear disaster.
