Monday, June 29, 2015

Del Mastro Crucified

Hand cuffs, leg irons, jail time, house arrest and a huge fine.  Are we dealing with a mass murderer?  A rabid terrorist?  A suicide bomber?

Nope.  Outed Conservative MP Dean Del Mastro is not even accused of theft.  His election campaign apparently went over budget.  How much over budget?? A million dollars?  Nope.  Somebody apparently overspent by twenty-three thousand dollars.  Not a penny went to Mr. Del Mastro.

Del Mastro’s mistake?  He refused to give in.  His peers are quitting in droves as the vice closes in on decency.  You don’t understand the overwhelming implications of this, do you?  Perhaps you just don’t care.  That’s why freedom dies.


Baird Bolts

Former Federal Conservative Cabinet Minister John Baird is reported to have joined a U.S. consulting firm.  It makes sense.  No high profile Conservative is employable in Canada today.

Bay Street (the financial community) has sold its soul to the highest bidder.  Resource rich Alberta unceremoniously dumped Conservative Jim Prentice and went on to vote for a Socialist Party.  Canada’s manufacturing industry is firmly in the hands of interests beyond our borders.  No jobs for Conservatives.

Canadian voters prefer pot to good management, so Conservatives have no place to turn.  It is little comfort to know that we will reap what we have sewn.


Medvedev, Where Are You?

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev seems to have disappeared months ago.  This must now be considered more than a tiff between Russia’s Bobbsey Twins.  It’s enough to make Vince Foster turn over in his grave!


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Human Rights? The Joke Is On YOU

Most of us, at some time in our lives become victims in one or more “life or death” emergencies.  It could be you.  Let’s say that you need surgery that cannot be delayed.

Will the best available surgeon attend to you?  If you live in the Western World, in all probability, the answer is…NO.  In this case, the top qualified surgeon happens to be a Black female, and the Human Rights quota at your precise moment of crisis dictates that a White male physician will attend to your needs.

Never mind that the White “doctor” graduated at the bottom of a mail-order college class and the Black unemployed female surgeon came from the best university on the planet.

Competence in your field, no longer qualifies you to sit on Western World Corporate Boards either.  Gender, race and color quotas now outweigh knowledge, so our bridges are falling down and planes are falling out of the sky.

The foolish Russians, Indo-Europeans and Chinese have no quota system and no plans for quotas in the future.  They stubbornly continue to insist that competence is the sole measure of suitability for employment, regardless of gender, race or color.

With theirs being such an unfair environment, I’m sure that you cannot understand why their world is propelling our world into grinding poverty.  You cannot understand.  That’s why the joke is on…YOU.


Thursday, June 25, 2015

Words About Words

“First there was the Word”… (Holy Bible: Book of John)

The gift of Faith spawned integrity and for as long as integrity prevailed, the meaning of words remained unchallenged.  The sanctity of the meaning of words is the foundation upon which all civilized understanding between humans is solidified.

The sacred Ten Commandments and the treasured U.S. Constitution were written in words.  Now that the certainty of the meaning of words has been lost, these anchors of human existence are going down with the ship.

Words are under attack in every walk of life.  In my wildest imaginings I could never have guessed that the exploding homosexual population would clamor after a compulsion to rape the English language in its efforts to be heard as this Age draws to a close.  Words like marriage, feminine….

First there was the Word, and humanity prospered.  Today, faith has died and the meaning of words has been challenged and crucified.  I may live to see the day when it will be deemed a criminal offence to admit to being heterosexual and/or a follower of Christ.  It is already dangerous to speak of traditional truths because the meaning of the word “truth” can no longer be trusted.

In the years ahead, this World, bent on suicide, will put to death the last humans who are able to breed.  It has happened before.  Christ paid the price on the cross.  Repeat Performance.


Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Only In Quebec: Cigarette Conspiracy?

Wouldn’t it be great if the Trudeau Liberals could reach into a jackpot like the $50 million per year Sponsor-Ship Fund that Jean Cretin pissed away in Quebec when he was Canada’s Prime Minister?

Or imagine what a politician could do with the surprise $15 BILLION check that the cigarette guys will dole out to the grass roots in Quebec just ahead of the coming Federal Election?

Only in Quebec.  Cretin told us that he was rescuing Quebec for Canadians.  Today, we discover that only the French get lung cancer.  Sometimes I get the feeling that we Anglos are brain dead…too.


Canada's Mounties Accused Of Masculinity

Over four hundred delicate RCMP flowers have brought a class action suit against their employer, Canada’s elite Police Force.  They accuse our Men in Red of being masculine.  I’m being a bit facetious here.  In truth, the Force may be charged with sexual harassment and bullying and more.  I agree that male males cannot handle lengthy close confinement with members of the opposite sex, not even with raging lesbians.

In Obama’s tribal territory, CNN has proclaimed that all Whites are racists.  What to do?  I think that Canada’s elite Police Force will only be socially acceptable once it is all Black and all non-male.

The same should apply to Fire Departments and the Military where male males are running rampant as I write.  Picture yourself carried carefully down a flaming fire ladder by a burly Black non-male Fire Chief.
