Saturday, January 30, 2010

Loose Lips

So Mr. Obama is said to have made 500 promises while he campaigned for the Presidency, and I would guess he’s made another 500 promises (and threats) since he became President. Nobody has paid much attention. He is a Democrat.

But the other day he promised to clean up Wall Street. I believe that what he proposed, if implemented, would wipe out several huge U.S. banks overnight.

Now I know full well that changes set in motion during the Clinton era continue to facilitate the legal rape of the entire world financial community. I know it has to end badly, but I also realize that the fellas on Wall Street don’t take kindly to being “cleaned up”.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine promises without a whimper. One word about Wall Street and I’m watching for all hell to break loose.

It took a huge earthquake to shake Haiti to its foundations. President Obama’s Wall Street threat has the potential to shake the entire planet. Words move mountains.

I’ve said it before....Hold onto your hats!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Once Burned, Twice Stupid

So the free world was raped outright by Wall Street Subprime mega bandits. Are they in jail today? No. President Bush put a half dozen or so behind bars before he himself was figuratively flattened under the rubble of the World Trade Center. The rest of the Clinton era gang of thieves walked away laughing.

And the Wall Street heist reached out worldwide to strip away the nest eggs of poor pensioners, rich mega corporations and everybody in between. Sure Mr. Bush jailed a few, but most of the key players are still running the planet from Wall Street, Chicago and Washington DC.

And we’re not at the end of this story. The same fellas that pulled off the Subprime crime are back pushing still more fantasy. I find this unbelievable, but the gullible public is again gobbling it up as I write. Wall Street has soared out of the subprime rubble on something less than thin air.

This would be funny if what comes next wasn’t so tragic. I felt sorry for the victims of the first downleg of the Subprime Crisis, even though I realize that if I knew what was going on, the CEO of GM should have been in the loop.

I have no sympathy for this new crop of suckers. They’re feeding on carrion. It’s just greed pure and simple.

DJII 10390, S&P 1116, TSX 11469