Thursday, April 29, 2010

Words Are Not Enough

Today, Americans face their first domestic disaster without the plodding George W. who kept them so safe for so long. George W. was a man of action, not words. Words were a weakness with George W.

Action got Terrorists incarcerated at Gitmo. Words cannot get them to leave.

Deliberate plodding action got levies rebuilt at New Orleans. Words will not slow the massive environmental conflagration now a week old in the Gulf of Mexico.

Crude oil is filthy. Republicans get their hands dirty and they lose elections for doing so. Politics is a numbers game, and the numbers suggest that in the U.S. the “Right” cannot recover.

My advice to Republicans vacationing on the Gulf of Mexico? Get out fast. Words will never be enough.

Late News Flash:

Today (day 8), before I could publish this blog, three U.S. Federal Agencies suddenly sprang to life, and they’re planning to start work on the massive Gulf of Mexico oil slick mess tomorrow (day 9).

Words....Finally we have words.

The Slippery Mess

When New Orleans got into trouble (Katrina), President Bush got into bigger trouble. Republicans were accused of being slow to respond. Sad to say that New Orleans may be heading for an even bigger disaster as I write this blog today.

A giant oil rig off the Louisiana coast exploded and sank a week ago. So far over 300,000 barrels of oil have spewed forth from the ocean floor and nothing has been done to stop it. A week into this conflagration and not a peep from Washington. Hello? This is already an environmental disaster heading toward becoming a national catastrophe, and as I see it, New Orleans will be first to be evacuated. Why the silence?

Where is Al Gore? May I suggest at least a fly-over in the “Spiffy Ride” and some flowery Democratic rhetoric?

Sorry folks. This problem is real – and it needed urgent attention a week ago.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Iceland Roars

A year ago Iceland declared bankruptcy and a month ago volcanic eruptions began. Today the Icelandic ash plume has shut down 17,000 airports in Europe.

In 1976, my book entitled Repeat Performance, the Nuclear Age was published. In it, I spawned and described the meaning of the term “Continental Smash”. Continental Smash alludes to the violent nature of land mass adjustments on the planet. I am amazed to have lived to see the re-emergence of this sleeping planetary reality. Iceland and Hawaii were high on my radar back then, so I see current events as potentially earth changing.

It’s time to completely evacuate Iceland. Will I live to see the evacuation of Western Europe as a corollary?