Friday, June 11, 2010

Majority Rule

President Obama says he will get results by kicking the asses of the oil guys he’s depending on to fix the environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico....James Carville says he can get results because he is meaner than Mr. Obama.

I said from the beginning that words, silver tongued or nasty, won’t solve the problem. I also said there would be nothing more than words.

And don’t get indignant with Britain. BP once stood for British Petroleum, but not anymore. Citigroup has a block of BP stock – so blame Wall Street? Nope. Citigroup is no longer controlled by Americans. Citigroup is not American and BP is not British. We have to dig a little deeper. I’ll give you a hint. Halliburton is a major player in the oil rig mess off New Orleans, and the Halliburton head office is in Dubai.

But there’s more. Whose ass will Mr. Obama kick when the first hurricane of the season rolls tar balls through Pensacola, Biloxi, Houston or New Orleans? That could come to pass next week.

And there are other disasters – bigger disasters ahead. Americans have made their point. Anybody can be President. It’s not such a big deal. They have had their way and it’s OK with me.

Indeed, anybody can occupy the White House, and from here on anybody will. But anybody in the White House will deliver more and more of what we’re seeing today off New Orleans. It’s one thing to blow away an offshore oil rig, and quite another to do a Chernobyl. I don’t blame President Obama for blaming BP. Mr. Obama never did know that he didn’t know. No Virginia, I blame the American voter for insisting that a social worker should run our planet.

Don’t get me wrong. I haven’t lost sight of Brave Sarah and the Tea Party gang. I commend them for their valiant struggle, but this is a game of numbers and clearly the outcome has already been decided. There is no hope for the Tea Party. The day of rough and tumble problem-solving relentless progress is over. The rest of the world has never had oil, electricity, running water or education, and the rest of the world has been flocking to blessed America by jumbo jet for thirty years. The new arrivals know how to cope in the third world, and those of us who liked it our way will simply have to adjust.

Majority rule. There is no other way.


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