Monday, March 26, 2012

Kiss It Goodbye

I thought it was tragic when Clinton turfed Glass Steagall and the bankers bought the brokers. The banks gave your savings to the cowboys on brokerage trading desks.

Now the banks are buying the stock exchanges so they will turn a buck when their brokerage cowboys churn your account.

Your banker is not your friend. Your broker is not your friend. And stand by to be ripped off by your stock exchange.

We are going backward fast. Americans have trashed the most fantastic Constitution on earth.

Rule of Law is toast.

Kiss freedom goodbye.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Pills for Votes

Feminists hated it when we pointed out that the automatic transmission liberated them. Now they’re clamouring to get freebie birth control pills because they tell us that birth control pills liberate them. And liberation has suddenly become a health care issue because they get depressed when they are stuck at home. I think that health care should cover free automatic transmissions for feminists.

And I would suggest that in a spirit of fairness, all males should be given free vasectomies and a monthly cheque equal to the value of a packet of birth control pills.

I also think that free birth control pills and vasectomies should be offered world-wide because it’s not fair to depopulate what was once the greatest nation on earth. Who would offer a freebie to depopulate America? And what’s worse - Who would welcome this?

But let’s stay on topic. Democrats are pushing an election freebie, and freebies get votes in all third world countries.

Funny Democrats

Once I caught on to what was really going on it became almost humorous. It’s simple.

The Wall Street boys relentlessly skim off ten percent of world-wide financial flows year after year. They should have long since gone to jail for blatantly robbing their own clients but what’s funny is that they’re Democrats and they now make the laws.

If it was only happening in the U.S., the dollar would have collapsed and it would all be over by now. But the Wall Street boys have their ponzi scheme going across the board – world-wide.

Of course the world economy cannot survive indefinitely with ten percent coming off the top, so we are sliding into depression.

Not to worry though - that is, not to worry if you live in a country where the Treasury has its own printing press. They’re simply printing the money to cover off the ten percent shortfall year after year.

So the money from the printing press pays out welfare cheques to those who will never again be employed. Kind of a bribe in perpetuity.

But what if another country controls the printing press where you live? OOPS – Now you have the situation in Greece. Unrest, riots and it will get much worse.

What if there is no printing press at all? That’s Egypt or Syria. No fiat money. No jobs. No future. Chaos. Genocide.

You say you’re having trouble seeing the humor in this? I find it humorous to think that trillionaire Democrats are so blatantly greedy that they trash the entire planet where they too live. If we have no future they have no future. The world worked when everybody worked.