Saturday, September 29, 2012

Romney: Three Strikes

We all know it’s “Three Strikes and You’re Out”. Sorry Mitt, but you’re out.

You are not gay. You are not black and you are not a liar. You are out.

Bill Clinton proved that you have to be blatant about lying to win in U.S. politics today. Finish this sentence: “I did not have …”

These famous words elevated Mister Clinton to a status that proves without question that most Americans today do not deserve the magnificence of the sacred U.S. Constitution as it was passed down to them.

Nothing much has changed since Monica. Obama and Billary perjured themselves with blatant lies about the demise of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya. All Americans understand this. The U.S. media cheered. Reporters went after “Honest Romney” when he pointed out the obvious. The press labeled the truth as a “Romney Gaffe”.

Mr. Romney, the America you struggle to lead no longer exists. You are honest, straight and white. Three strikes – you’re out.

Mass migration in search of freedom is not a new idea in the Mormon faith. I am not a Mormon, but I invite the Romney family and all U.S. Mormons to join us in our diverse and blessed Canada.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

A Cheesy Story

So two cops on the Ontario side in the Niagara peninsula are up for smuggling … cheese. No, not oxy, not sex slaves, but cheese.

So my question is: Why is it possible to turn a buck smuggling cheese? Let me guess. Really fantastic pizza cheese sells in the U.S. for one-third the price of mediocre Quebec cheese sold in Canada.

So why not just pay the duty and bring across the real thing from the U.S.? Now here IS THE RUB: It is illegal to import U.S. cheese that competes with the substandard Quebec product forced on Canadians across this entire country.

So in truth, the two charged policemen are crime fighters.

Who knows? Perhaps their efforts will lead to edible pizza in Canada.

Obama Has Your Back

Romney loves the U.S. Constitution and Obama hates it. Americans knew this when they elected Obama four years ago – because he said then that he would “fix” the document that brought about his own opportunity to live in freedom.

So Americans voted to rape their own Constitution. Of course the world since then has rapidly become unhinged. The U.S. Constitution was the anchor holding out the hope of liberty on our tiny planet.

Not to worry though. Obama has your back. Obama holds the U.S. slide at bay. He has many tricks up his sleeve.

- Natural gas. By de-regulating fracking you now have (until he is re-elected) a U.S. natural gas price that is twenty percent of the world price for the product. Is this sustainable? Hell no. This Obama miracle is sucking the central U.S. water aquifer completely dry. Not a peep from the left leaning Al Gore types.

- QE forever. To keep Wall Street from collapsing before the election, the President has opened the money printing spigots wide. The Fed now buys worthless subprime paper from Wall Street using your tax dollars … forever.

- And don’t think Wall Street doesn’t thank him for helping out as thieves rob us blind. Wall Street is spreading the word that its Corporate Giants have a secret plan to pay huge one-time dividends at year end. That should prop up the losers till after Mr. Obama is re-elected. No need to actually pay the dividends. All will be forgotten by December.

But there is a problem. Markets are sliding in spite of all of these pre-election lies. Not to worry though. Obama has your back – still more tricks.

When markets begin to skid, his Wall Street fellas just slam the oil price down – say five dollars in an instant. So far this move has turned markets around three times in three weeks. If he keeps this up oil will be free by the time he is back in the White House.

U.S. markets are desperate to crash just to catch up with what has already happened in the rest of the world since Obama cancelled the U.S. Constitution. I think the Obama bag of tricks is about exhausted. Watch for oil to go down through fifty dollars in a losing battle to keep Obama afloat.

So sad that Americans refuse to vote to defend their own Constitution. It’s a death wish. The entire planet pays the price.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hotel Fukushima

Not long ago the Japanese PM told the world that Japan would be nuclear free in thirty years. Sorry Mr. PM.  You can check out, but you can NEVER leave.

First we had nuclear power.  Now nuclear power has us.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Zero Hero

An Alberta veteran high school teacher is standing firm and all alone against threats that he will be fired if he continues to pen zero grades for assignments not handed in. He has been dubbed the “Zero Hero”.

As a former community college faculty member, this is my whole-hearted and unreserved attestation of support for the Zero Hero. Did I hand out zeros for non-performance? You bet I did. No assignment? No credit.

My students would also confirm that I reduced their grades by one percent every time they missed my class. No excuses. None. If you didn’t attend you could not pass my courses.

Modern teachers complain that poor student grades drag down their collective self esteem. That’s why they have to cheat. My question? If the teachers cheat instead of teaching, why bother to have students? Why not just send them home and make up their grades without having to baby sit the mob?

Three cheers for the Zero Hero.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Barbarians At The Gates

A year ago today, 10 years after the NYC 911 disaster, there was an explosion at a huge and dangerous nuclear waste re-processing site at Marcoule in the south of France. We were assured that there was “no problem”.

I pointed out that a serious radiation release could wipe out all civilization on the Mediterranean Sea. I sited life in Spain, France, Italy, Syria, Greece, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and others. At the time I was not thinking about what we now know of as the “Arab Spring”.

That was a year ago. I shudder to think about what has happened in the countries along the shores of the Mediterranean since then, and what lies ahead for all concerned.

History teaches us that the Roman Empire was destroyed by barbarians. I believe that we are now witnessing a “Repeat Performance”.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

The Clinton Bounce

September often begins with a quick stock market bounce that fizzles. This year markets did the opposite until today.

Much to the obvious chagrin of Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton stole the show at the U.S. Democratic National Convention yesterday, and now we are witnessing a “Clinton Bounce”.

So, as it turns out, fabulous Clinton super-spin has resuscitated early September market action.

History suggests that the bounce won’t last. It’s all hot air.

Sunday, September 02, 2012

September Markets 911/12

September is often unfortunate for the stock market and for the planet. What would it take to produce a crash?

On September 11th of 2001 the Twin Towers of Babel were reduced to rubble in New York City. That same aging architecture can be found today in cities across the world. Southern California is rumbling as I write. Earthquakes and shabby skyscrapers make poor bedfellows. A big quake in California?

Or will Greece finally admit default? Will Israel attack Iran?

I’ll be glad to see September behind us.

Clint Cleans Up

In the greatest acting role of his stellar career, Clint Eastwood brought thirty million liberals in to the TV and the Twittersphere to view HIS hero – Mitt Romney.