Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A Clear Choice

Barry Obama promises to rescue Big Bird from the clutches of Mitt Romney, while Romney is desperate to rescue the U.S. Constitution from exploding anarchy.

Too bad, Mitt.  Consider your audience.

From Justice to Judgment Overnight

Apple, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube take credit for “Occupy Wall Street”, “The Arab Spring” and “Wikileaks”.

Language perverted becomes a murderous weapon as all is revealed in the final days.

Sorry Mitt: They Chose Barabas

Greed runs rampant at the end of every age. The disenfranchised opt for liars and the bigger the lie the louder they cheer. This time around it started with the OJ Simpson acquittal. It has escalated since then. And now Benghazi.

I’m on your side Mitt, but sadly, history is not. I hope I’m wrong about this.

Obama On Ayn Rand

Barry thinks Ayn Rand’s books are for teens. Of course her millions of readers know otherwise.  It says more about Obama than he could possibly know.

But then he is a Democrat. CNN, when asked why Obama’s mega-lie about Benghazi didn’t affect his popularity, explained that most Democrats have never heard of Libya. So Barry has no idea who Ayn Rand is, and Democrats have no idea what he’s talking about.

Sad to sacrifice the sacred U.S. Constitution to this new diminished reality.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hwawei Obama

When I first saw the word Hwawei, I thought it was another MSNBC cheer (as in Hurray) for the President (or was it a misspelling of Hawaii?)

As it turns out, a month before the election the Obama team suddenly noticed a possible Chinese cyber-security threat. The Chinese telecom company, Hwawie, was on the U.S. doorstep wanting in.  Sound ominous?

So the Obama team sprang into action.  They went to their Chinese made Iphones (full of Chinese computer chips) and called the Commander in Chief on the Spiffy Ride (I’m just guessing that Airforce One is loaded with Chinese computer chips).  Then they alerted the Pentagon (Thousands more Chinese computer chips at the Pentagon).

Next they spread the warning to all U.S. nuclear plants (totally managed using Chinese computer chips).  Finally they used Social Media (thousands of servers with millions of Chinese chips) to scare the hell out of everybody on the planet with their Chinese horror story.

Don’t forget to vote.

Obama - The Fiscal Cliff

Yes indeed we are headed for a cliff after the U.S. Presidential election.

In an ongoing economic Depression, every reported U.S. government statistic is levitating as if the economy was wildly overheated.

Obama’s minions are pushing a rope, and the truth will come home to roost once the votes are counted. It’s not good news.

That’s the cliff, and it cannot be avoided.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Junior Gold Stocks - Peons Screwed

How did it happen? The price of gold started out at $35/oz and peaked recently at $1900. It’s the biggest explosion of top line revenue I have ever seen. Gold stock prices should have gone into orbit. Why has the opposite come to pass?
The answer: The bonanza was totally ripped off by Wall Street mega-thieves born out of the collapse of integrity in the Free World.
Mega-thieves scored their first huge win by spawning a Worldwide oil crisis. Then it was on to rape the planet with unlimited ongoing derivatives leverage and the subprime paper fraud. The resulting collapse of the U.S. dollar caused the price of gold to soar.
We peons put up the cash to find our gold deposits. Here is how the mega-thieves easily relieved us of our winnings:
  1. Unlimited stolen oil/subprime capital is used to expand (dilute) 5 million share junior gold companies to 250 million share companies.
  2. When mines start up, ore grades are cut to a point where companies operate at break-even. No earnings.
  3. When there are earnings, price earnings multiples are collapsed.
  4. Operating companies sell high yield debentures, and attendant interest charges chew up earnings.
  5. Gold Loans are secured from revenue top skimmers – crippling future earnings potential.
 But this is only the beginning of the giant gold rip-off. Mandela’s South Africa is predictably heading for anarchy along with the rest of the liberated African continent. In the chaos, giant gold mines are shutting down one after another. They will never reopen. More upside price pressure for the yellow metal.
Good news for gold investors? I’m afraid not. As gold launches into its next upward trajectory, gold ownership will be declared to be a crime and the circle of unlimited greed will have reached its zenith.
I was a player in junior gold mining exploration until I realized that there was no way I could win even if I found a mine. To use Ayn Rand’s words “I shrugged” and walked away decades ago – as did many others among the best and brightest in the business.
We peons found and developed the resources that made the gears turn on our small planet. The thieves produce nothing. No gold. No energy and no food. Yes, we peons can be robbed, but when it happens, our collective exit forces the world to grind to a halt. Everybody loses. No exceptions.
The greedy thieves cannot eat the money they have stolen from us, and they too will freeze in the dark.

Monday, October 08, 2012

The Media Party

The other day Mitt Romney made a verbal slip at a private meeting.  It was all over the internet in a flash.  It’s still reverberating on TV.

I’m guessing that Barry Obama started chain smoking thirty-five years ago.  I wonder why the media scumbags have never caught a glimpse of Obama having a smoke?

Chavez Wins (Venezuela)

It wasn’t that hard to predict, because Chavez builds the voting machines.

You might wonder why President Obama sloughed off the first U.S. Presidential Election Debate.  Chavez supplies U.S. voting machines too, and he has shown no affection for Republicans.

Obama cannot lose with Chavez counting the votes.

Freedom was hard won and lost in a generation.