Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fiscal Cliff? Who Cares?

Pay attention. The Fiscal Cliff is a “Drop in the Bucket”.  The White House and Wall Street had already agreed to print $48 billion and steal it from you outright.  Who needs the tax man?  Sound like a lot of money?  That’s how much they print and steal from Americans every MONTH!  It’s called QE or Quantitative Easing.

So who cares if the struggling middle class have to pay more taxes after the White House takes America over the Fiscal Cliff?

Forty-eight billion dollars go missing every month.  That’s why you lost your house. That’s why you receive no interest on your savings.  That’s why your roads are full of potholes and nobody collects your garbage.  That’s why your local policemen and firefighters have lost their jobs.  That explains why your schools are closing.  In  Obama parlance this is called “Leaning Forward”.

So a disaster had already come to pass long before anybody threatened to raise taxes. Higher taxes will simply accelerate the American slide toward its African-style destiny. There is no middle class in Kenya.  There is only poverty and chaos.  It’s what Americans voted for TWICE.

Remember Benghazi.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Latest Market Forecast

Finally I got it right.  Look back at my blogs published on August 13th and Sept 2nd of this year.  In both cases I called for a market high on September 11th.

So now that the top is in place I’ll tell you what I was looking for after that.

I think that September 11th launched a slide that will prove to be massive by any standards.  That’s what I had in mind.  I still believe it.  I hope I’m wrong.

Apocalyptic Prognostications

I don’t think that the Mayans intended to predict the end of the World.  I think that they were calling for the end of the Age.

I don’t think that the Mayans intended to predict the exact date of the end of the Age, but they came close to doing that.  In my view we passed the Zenith of our previous Age and entered a new one in the year 1975.

There was nothing apocalyptic about it.  The bubble of optimism simply burst.  Since then it has been all downhill in a slide that will go on and accelerate for hundreds of years.  From no boundaries to no future – overnight.

Has your life changed since 1975?

More On The Cliff

So the U.S. Republican House Leader told us in the final moments that the House would pass a “Cliff Bill”.  How was I to know that he didn’t know he didn’t have the votes?  Beyond incompetence.

So now the Republicans are going to wear the outcome of this disaster.  If I was an American I would be a Republican, but I am truly embarrassed by what transpired today.

In Canada the Left is in shambles.  In the U.S. both the Left and the Right have gone down the political drain.

Americans are hell bent on reaping what they have sown.  So be it.  I love the U.S. Constitution and the America that once was.

The Cliff

I was afraid that Republicans would still be negotiating when the President took the U.S. over the Fiscal Cliff.

Now we have a cliff-edge news flash – The Republican House will pass a “Cliff Bill” today.

Hurrah!  In the final moments the ball is left in the Democrats’ court.  I’m hoping that the left wing Senate will pass the bill along to the President.

I want Americans to know without question that their President, Barack Obama fully intended to keep his promise to veto the middle class.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Republicans Sore Losers

I wish my fellow Republicans could figure out that we LOST the election.  The 47% on food stamps won.  They don’t work and they voted to keep the food stamps coming.

Pay attention.  They don’t work so they don’t give a hoot about taxes.  They have never heard of the “Fiscal Cliff”.

The President was re-elected to print more and more and more money for food stamps.  He is doing just that and it’s a winner as he sees it.

Potus (the President) doesn’t need the middle class when he can simply keep on printing money.  He was raised in twenty different countries, none of which even had a middle class.

What about the Fiscal Cliff?  Think of it this way.  If the U.S. goes over the Cliff, more of its citizens will end up unemployed and on food stamps.  Food stamp souls vote for Potus.  So Potus will simply sit on his hands and watch the U.S. economy go down the drain.

And who will be blamed for this very real disaster?  The Republicans – the sore losers.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mass Murders: Can We Recover?

Many Asian nations had struggled with opium dens for thousands of years before explorers in the west discovered the Americas. Sixty years ago, I was in my youth in the New World and I had never heard of drug addiction. It was the invention of the jumbo jet that finally opened floodgates to allow our naïve culture to merge with the ways of the rest of the world.

Today, the jumbo jet population is exploding and we are awash in Old World narcotics, both legal and illegal. To make matters worse we have invented our own toxic chemical hallucinogens to pacify our population.

Mass murders? Some blame guns. Others blame mental illness, but the elephant in the corner is addiction. Narcotics call up madness and guns facilitate the crime.

Can we stem our addiction to addiction? In a world of excruciating pain, narcotics consumption is accelerating at an alarming pace. The scale and frequency of human atrocities can be expected to keep pace with our escalating slide into the stupor of drug dependency.

Monday, December 10, 2012

My End of World Prediction

For some time now there has been a debate among Seers as to whether the world will end on December 12th or December 21st of this year.

I have a prediction of my own, and I hope that it will reverberate around this whole planet.  My prediction:

I believe that precious freedom will continue its accelerating slide into the dumpster of history long beyond the end of the year 2012.

Ask yourself this:  What have I got to lose if I’m wrong?

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Grover, Let Thy People Go

The Grover Norquist Tax Pledge was a stroke of genius, and now we need another bold move from Mr. Norquist.

Grover - RELEASE your loyal Republicans from their pledges, and do it NOW.  Ask them to help the Democrats to put whatever Fiscal Cliff rescue they want on the desk of the President.

I’m betting that Barry (the President) will refuse to sign.  I think that Potus (the President) may be attentive to the wishes of the King of Saudi Arabia (election financing) and the King is wringing his hands waiting for Americans to plunge over the Cliff.

I believe that the President WILL NOT sign under any circumstances.  He has set Grover and the Republican Party up to take the blame for the Scrooge Christmas and the depression to follow.  Call his bluff Grover.  LET THY PEOPLE GO.