Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pension Fund Fun

If your Pension Fund is deep under water you can be counted among the many. Benjamin Graham would turn over in his grave.  Most of his best fund managers were totally blind-sided by worthless subprime paper.

If you are among the very few with Pension Fund management that held its own by refusing to purchase the worthless paper, count yourself among the very fortunate.

If your Pension Fund reported that it made a killing on your behalf in 2012, you likely still have a problem.  Pension Fund managers shouldn’t play the horses.

Sequester Stupid

U.S. Republicans thought they had succeeded at reducing Federal Budget spending growth.  But there was an Achilles Heel.

Obama got to choose where he made the cuts.  So he cut out white House Visitor Tours and the White House Easter Egg Hunt… Then he slashed airport control tower staff.

Republicans panicked.  The President is now bragging about how he forced them to rescind his cuts.

Nobody died in plane wrecks while this madness prevailed, but it was close.  Of course this goes beyond childish.  It is vindictive.  Nobody home at the White House.

The Race To Sharia

Canada’s predatory language laws are written in such a way that French speaking terrorist immigrants are more likely than Canadian citizens to qualify for government employment.  Most Canadians speak English, but there is no government requirement for employee proficiency in the English language.  French? Yes.  English? No.  As a result, many politicians, bureaucrats, policemen and soldiers cannot adequately speak or understand English.

Canada’s language Achilles Heel became painfully obvious not long ago after our elite Police Force (the RCMP) captured two alleged terrorists.  At a press conference seen around the world, senior constabulary members could not adequately understand or respond to questions put forward in the English language.

 In the end I will not be surprised if this language confusion leads to the terrorism charges being dropped.

Americans seem determined to flirt with Sharia at the expense of freedom.  Canadians refuse to deal with language laws that threaten our security.  It’s a race to anarchy.

When we no longer value the blessing of liberty, it is quickly lost.  Freedom is won by enormous sacrifice and relinquished overnight by apathy.  So be it.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Nuclear Delusions

With record flooding on the shores of the Great Lakes Basin, scientists are lamenting that the lakes themselves have been heading for “empty” since the 1990’s.  They want you to believe that the flood deluge cannot keep up with evaporation caused by … you guessed it … Global Warming.

Nobody wants to admit that GIANT “one percent efficient” nuclear power plants line the shores and every one of them has an easily measurable and substantial heating effect on lake water.  Too many nuclear plants are cooled by water from the Great Lakes.

It’s a monumental tragedy.  Want to do something to help?  Stop bitching and start lobbying to shut down a nuclear plant.  If we could shut them all down the lakes would go past flood stage overnight.  The downside?  Your power would also go off.  So let’s be practical here.  You can begin by simply turning off a light.

First we had nuclear power.
Now nuclear power has us.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Somebody Knew ...

Five hours before the horrendous Boston Marathon bombs exploded, U.S. stock markets went into freefall.

Somebody knew …

Monday, April 15, 2013

How Equity Markets Died

The Wall Street subprime thieves have created a world-wide money supply explosion that has destroyed the value of all currencies.  The giant mountain of worthless money has gone in search of hard assets of any variety.

 Corporate control blocks are purchased one after another.  Then new shares are issued in profusion and paid for with piles of valueless currency.  More and more and more shares are issued until earnings are diluted out of existence.

That’s where we are now.  All new public offerings are swallowed up and diluted beyond hope right out of the starting blocs.  The latest example would be the Facebook IPO.

The subprime scumbags get what they want.  They launder their worthless currency. The share price means nothing to them.  If anything, share price weakness forces out the retail chumps like me and possibly you.

 Integrity is gone, so KISS your precious savings goodbye.

Conservative Bashing (2)

This is one of a series of articles to record ongoing Liberal media denigration of Canadian Conservative values.

Money Manager Credit Suisse tells BNN that foreign capital is fleeing Canada in part because of commodity price weakness.  Really?  Canada is one of the wealthiest resource countries on earth.  Where is the fleeing capital going?  Cyprus?

U.S. Retail Roared?

You might wonder how retail share prices spiraled higher while bread lines were getting longer and longer.

One story:  CNN recently told us that eight year car loans are becoming popular.  Eight year car loans?  Everybody knows that cars today are worthless after five years.  It’s usury folks – and to qualify to buy a brand new car or house you need only be … unemployed.

How many credit card offers have you received by mail recently?  Everybody gets them – gainfully employed or not.  Perhaps a burst of mailed credit card applications creates an uptick in retail sales.  None of it is real folks.  An eight year car loan?  I’ve got a bridge …

Late news flash:  Now we’re told that there was no need to buy a car or a house.  The latest?  Retail share prices roared higher, while retail sales were in FREE FALL, for nine straight months!

Go figure.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Calling Al Gore

Where’s Al when we need him?  We’re freezing Al.  Media reports call this “the Winter Without End”.  Please Al, bring us your little red booties and your palm trees.

Global warming?  Global stupid.

Nowhere To Run

Apparently there is a problem with baby formula in China.  Because of this, Chinese residents in Britain are clearing this product off local grocery store shelves and shipping it to China.

They should read the labels.  Most processed food sold everywhere in the world now comes from China.

Coals to Newcastle?

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Conservative Bashing (1)

This is one of a  series of articles to record ongoing Liberal CBC denigration of Canadian Conservative values.

Operatives at CBC TV have learned that 25% of Canadian nurses would not offer their own family members the free healthcare provided by our hospitals.

My guess?  Fifty percent of Americans cannot afford to go to their privately owned “for profit” hospitals.  Thousands of families have been forced into bankruptcy and ruined by merciless U.S. medical bills.

Another guess? Seventy-five percent of Russians do not have access to a hospital at all.  Many lack central heating and municipal water supplies in their homes.

The bad news?  Hospitals everywhere are struggling in spite of truly heroic efforts by all concerned.

The good news?  The CBC may have discovered that 75% of Canadian nurses lean toward Conservative values.

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Oil - Begger Thy Neighbour

Sad but true that Canadian fracking technology rescued the U.S. from an inevitable energy disaster just in time to get president Obama re-elected.

It is also true that U.S. oil and natural gas recovered via Canadian fracking technology has for the moment marginalized Canada’s Alberta tar sands as a source of oil sold in the United States.  President Obama has thanked Canada for saving his fracking ass by crapping all over Canadian efforts to develop markets for tar sands oil in the U.S. and/or through U.S. ports.

It’s not a joke. Canada and international investors have made massive long term investments in the Alberta tar sands.  Obama’s intransigence has left Alberta so impoverished that it is unable to pay its bills.  The province is forced to go begging while Saudis drive Bentleys.

I for one hope that we can develop a Canadian market or find markets elsewhere in the world for our giant supply of oil.  Americans will learn soon enough that fracking is a short term solution to a long term problem.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Why Integrity Died

If integrity had died in a single discipline we could have blamed the individuals in that field. But integrity died in all fields of endeavor in the final years of the 20th century.

Why did this happen?  The reason is reason itself - more specifically, an across-the-board loss of the ability to reason.  I blame human meddling on a world-wide nuclear scale for the wholesale annihilation of our collective ability to think.

Witness the reality that on Wall Street the bankers, brokers, security regulators, bond raters, financial analysts, accountants and auditors, all lost sight of their ethical compasses within one generation.  Integrity died across the board on Wall Street, and the result was greatly amplified because individuals all over the world were robbed of their financial security overnight.  And Wall Street’s monumental lapse was only the beginning.

Every educational institution at every level is now short circuiting the few young people who cling to ethical leanings.

If you have children, you know that spelling and grammar are no longer taught in our schools.  Let me assure you that there is no such thing as the “new math”.  If it’s gibberish to you, your child doesn’t stand a chance of learning mathematics.

Roads, bridges, buildings, automobiles and aircraft are stripped of essential components in order to maximize profits.  Designers no longer understand the fundamentals of product safety.  New construction of all kinds is failing and the problem will be greatly magnified in future years (eg: the 787).  Fifty year old bridges and buildings are falling down for lack of maintenance.

We are at the end of an age.  Big changes lie ahead.  Here is my timetable for our slide from precious JUSTICE to tribal JUDGMENT.

1. When integrity died justice left with it.

2. The absence of justice led to a financial meltdown.  Wall Street began by robbing seniors and individuals, then corporations and finally the handful of mega-thieves financially raped entire countries without mercy.

3. The attack on countries has now put the well-being of politicians in jeopardy.  As I write, these politicians are turning their attention towards the Wall Street bankers who robbed them. (Cyprus).  It will soon be an all out war for survival between bankers and politicians as they scrap over trillions of stolen dollars.

4. Today, the unelected judiciary has moved into the void, and judges in the highest courts on the planet find that they can legislate without complaint from politicians or bankers.  And so the slide from integrity (justice) to tribal dictatorship (judgment) is all but complete.  Judges rule the world by default.  It’s biblical.  You will find it in the Old Testament Book of Judges.

Complaining won’t help. Protest-ant rule of law and integrity were destined to be with us only briefly at the wind-up of the age.  Tribal judgment was the norm for Herodotus and it has persisted for most of recorded history since then.  Tribalism will prevail in the lives of those who survive us.  Get used to it.

And don’t feel sorry for yourself.  The majority of voters in the United States (once the greatest nation on earth) have elected a leader who comes from unapologetic tribal ancestry.  When justice is no longer understood, its beneficiaries vote for tribal judgment (dictatorship).  It’s the will of the majority.  Integrity is dead.  The world IS unfolding as it should.

Trudeaumania Is Back

No matter that Justin can’t spell his own name.  He is the only Hood Ornament left in the Liberal party, so there is a groundswell of subterfuge mobilizing in his favor among the multitudes who keep the faith.  So far, most of this activity is invisible to the electorate at large, but one crack has shown up in the veil of secrecy.

Not long ago, a Federal NDP MP from Quebec bolted to the Bloc.  That should have served as a glimmer of what is to come for NDP leader Thomas Mulcair.  All Quebec NDP MPs who fail to change allegiance between now and the next Federal Election will lose their seats to Liberals at that time. Mulcair is stubborn, unbending and arrogant. My guess is that he will not get the message.

Sad to say, that Canadians on the right are also unprepared for the resurgence of Liberal activity that lies ahead.  Federal Conservatives in ridings across Canada have been lulled into the view that no other political party has the organizational resources to compete.

I believe that in the absence of leadership, others have CHOSEN not to compete until now.  Today, Federal Liberals have a Hood Ornament and Twitter and they are ready to go.  All or nothing.

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Wall Street Lingo

Ezra correctly calls our Canadian oil “Ethical Oil”.   He has branded oil from countries hostile to freedom as “Conflict Oil”.  I agree with this characterization but I also acknowledge that nobody cares what we think.  We are stuck clinging to a myth.

On Wall Street, where it really matters, the ruling Democrat Czars describe all Canadian oil as “Stupid Oil” and Saudi oil as “Black Gold”.  Canada contributes nothing to the bloated Wall Street coffers with its costly honest oil.  Wall Street has done Canadians in so thoroughly that the oil producing province of Alberta now has a huge deficit.  Alberta is starving while Canada struggles to ship oil by in box cars to Democrats who don’t want it.

Saudi oil (Black Gold) on the other hand, comes out of the ground for almost nothing and generates obscene profits that line the pockets of the Wall Street Democrat Oligarchs.  Not much wonder they call it Black Gold.

Get over it Ezra.  Stupid Oil doesn’t cut it because ethics are last week’s news.