Sunday, April 07, 2013

Why Integrity Died

If integrity had died in a single discipline we could have blamed the individuals in that field. But integrity died in all fields of endeavor in the final years of the 20th century.

Why did this happen?  The reason is reason itself - more specifically, an across-the-board loss of the ability to reason.  I blame human meddling on a world-wide nuclear scale for the wholesale annihilation of our collective ability to think.

Witness the reality that on Wall Street the bankers, brokers, security regulators, bond raters, financial analysts, accountants and auditors, all lost sight of their ethical compasses within one generation.  Integrity died across the board on Wall Street, and the result was greatly amplified because individuals all over the world were robbed of their financial security overnight.  And Wall Street’s monumental lapse was only the beginning.

Every educational institution at every level is now short circuiting the few young people who cling to ethical leanings.

If you have children, you know that spelling and grammar are no longer taught in our schools.  Let me assure you that there is no such thing as the “new math”.  If it’s gibberish to you, your child doesn’t stand a chance of learning mathematics.

Roads, bridges, buildings, automobiles and aircraft are stripped of essential components in order to maximize profits.  Designers no longer understand the fundamentals of product safety.  New construction of all kinds is failing and the problem will be greatly magnified in future years (eg: the 787).  Fifty year old bridges and buildings are falling down for lack of maintenance.

We are at the end of an age.  Big changes lie ahead.  Here is my timetable for our slide from precious JUSTICE to tribal JUDGMENT.

1. When integrity died justice left with it.

2. The absence of justice led to a financial meltdown.  Wall Street began by robbing seniors and individuals, then corporations and finally the handful of mega-thieves financially raped entire countries without mercy.

3. The attack on countries has now put the well-being of politicians in jeopardy.  As I write, these politicians are turning their attention towards the Wall Street bankers who robbed them. (Cyprus).  It will soon be an all out war for survival between bankers and politicians as they scrap over trillions of stolen dollars.

4. Today, the unelected judiciary has moved into the void, and judges in the highest courts on the planet find that they can legislate without complaint from politicians or bankers.  And so the slide from integrity (justice) to tribal dictatorship (judgment) is all but complete.  Judges rule the world by default.  It’s biblical.  You will find it in the Old Testament Book of Judges.

Complaining won’t help. Protest-ant rule of law and integrity were destined to be with us only briefly at the wind-up of the age.  Tribal judgment was the norm for Herodotus and it has persisted for most of recorded history since then.  Tribalism will prevail in the lives of those who survive us.  Get used to it.

And don’t feel sorry for yourself.  The majority of voters in the United States (once the greatest nation on earth) have elected a leader who comes from unapologetic tribal ancestry.  When justice is no longer understood, its beneficiaries vote for tribal judgment (dictatorship).  It’s the will of the majority.  Integrity is dead.  The world IS unfolding as it should.


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