Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Calgary, France and Fukushima

I believe that nuclear waste regularly dumped by France in the Pacific Ocean is gradually raising the temperature of that huge body of water.  All world oceans are dumping grounds for nuclear nations.

In 2011, the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan hopelessly added to the ocean water heating problem.  Nobody cares, but here’s the rub.  If I’m right about even the slightest radiation related increase in the temperature of the Pacific Ocean, it translates to the delivery of trillions of tons of added water vapor to the west coast of North America.  This humid ocean air is dumping excessive rain on all sides of the coastal mountain ranges year after year and the problem will escalate indefinitely.

That’s why the Calgary foothills flooded in 2005, 2006, 2010 and again in 2013.  Every year the Pacific gets a bit warmer, so this year’s flood is uglier and every successive future flood will be worse than the one before.

And Alberta is not in isolation. Massive flash floods are ravaging the U.S. Northwest, British Columbia and all three Prairie Provinces. In Manitoba, the genius Conservative Senator Duff Roblin convinced residents to build what is affectionately known as “Duff’s Ditch” around the City of Winnipeg. This mote now rescues the community from floods that are becoming all too frequent.

In the years ahead, flood prone western towns and cities will need motes or levee walls constructed on a permanent basis.  I foresee “Harper’s Wall” as the answer to tragic future flooding in downtown Calgary.  Thousands of century-old homes on ancient prairie flood plains will eventually be moved or abandoned.  No problem for a hundred years.  Today, beyond rescue.

And flooding through all of western North America is only the beginning – the tip of a rapidly melting iceberg. Rising background radiation is the real earth-shaker.  It too is a hundred thousand year irreversible disaster.  Not to worry though.  You cannot see radiation, taste it, touch it, hear it or smell it, so for now you should just learn to swim to survive the “Hundred Year” floods that arrive every year.

Yes Virginia, Global Warming/Climate Change is real and Al Gore is an idiot.  He thinks that smoke is the problem.

Our book entitled Repeat Performance: The Nuclear Age was first published in 1976. In it we begged the world to stop its rampant march into nuclear madness.  We were concerned for the well being of our children, their children and all future living creatures.  We published a Second updated Edition in 2012 after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.  Take a look:


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