Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Modern Cities - Tribal Chicago

Black Illinois Democratic Congressman/Pastor Bobby Rush blames wimpy fleeing whites for the 375 blacks murdered by black gangs in Chicago every year.  (Not counting a few Crackas)

He cannot blame Zimmerman for this disgrace because the Zimmer lives in Florida.  And these are not racial crimes because the 375 precious sons and daughters were snuffed out by their own kind.  So the 375 dead in Chicago are faceless and nameless.  But the U.S. President says he could have been Trayvon thirty-five years ago.

The tribal President, who travels in a bullet-proof limo, is so racially paranoid that he lectures whites for locking car doors when blacks approach.  Mr. President, I formerly lived in a white world and I locked my car doors for years.  You did it, white or black approaching, and you would still do it if door locks were not automatic.  Are automatic door locks racist?  Some blacks (whites) are thugs.  Try being rational.  You are the President.

And bigoted black Congressman/Pastor Rush also has it all wrong.  We white protest-ants didn’t bolt from Chicago for fear of murderous blacks.  No, Reverend.  White is only a color.  Look around you.  Whites are missing from Washington D.C.  We are missing from Detroit and New Orleans.  There are no more whites in your world, Reverend Rush, not anywhere.

Whites are now a beleaguered minority across North America, so you and yours are at the helm today, Reverend Rush.  I now live in your world.  And the whiteless phenomenon has spread world-wide.  Crackas (whites) have gone missing everywhere.

But there is more, Reverend.  If you can find a white like Newt Gingrich to bad-mouth, consider this:  Today’s generation of whites have been denied the faith that blessed and inspired their forefathers who proudly built the civilization we once enjoyed.  Today, there is no-one left to even repair what we whites built.  Everybody loses.  So you can blame us, but you have nowhere to turn, my friend.  The Tribal Black Caucus cannot help.  The White House openly fans the flames of racial hatred.

Want a glimpse of your future?  Take a trip while planes still fly, and see what Zimbabwe and Kenya have accomplished in the 250 years while whites were building the New World.  Yes, Pastor, 80% are homeless and most of them are black.

The planet has been tribal forever my friend.  Freedom in a Cracka World was only a blip.  It no longer exists and Bill Clinton has passed the torch to you.  So go ahead and drive for awhile.  It’s OK with me.  I’m old and Atlas has indeed Shrugged.


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