Saturday, August 31, 2013

Politics - Heteros Need Not Apply

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner has walked the plank.  He is gone.  It warms my heart to see how even handed the Press is about heterosexuality.  No mercy – Republican or Democrat.  I’m guessing that Filner is a Democrat.  Spitzer is another.  John Edwards is a Democrat.  All of them outed for their masculine meanderings.

None of this would have been newsworthy if these Democrats had dallied with others of their own gender.  But then there’s no accounting for Democrats with misplaced Republican inclinations.

How the pendulum swings.  It hasn’t been so many years since women couldn’t vote and homosexuality was illegal.  Today women run the world and heterosexuality is on the out.

I see relentless media attacks on Republicans for any fickle reason – and I see Democrats given a pass on just about everything – except the mortal sin of heterosexuality.  We heteros are easy pickings - but when we were in charge we did build the art galleries and the concert halls now enjoyed by wealthy Democrats.  And the hospitals, schools, roads, bridges…

What do Democrats build?

Canadian Politics - It's Black And White

Ironic.  Canadians are now looking at a clear choice:  A straight-laced economist business type or a pot smoking millionaire social worker.  It’s almost the same decision that faced Americans the last time around.  Who will govern Canada as we watch our world lapse rapidly into tribalism?

Here’s a way to find out:  Make yourself a list of world famous crowd pleasers and grade them on whether or not you think they might indulge in the weed.  I’ll make a list of my own to help you get started.  No pot gets a zero.  Max pot propensity gets a 10.  My list of populist crowd pleasers:  OJ Simpson, Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, Queen and Elton.

Try grading them yourself.  Out of a max 50 points for five players, I’m guessing that if your point score exceeds 25 the pot smoking candidate stands to win.

Today, with heterosexual politicians coming up losers everywhere, you can use the same scoring technique to prove that the crowd today shuns heteros.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not taking sides here.  I am personally proud to count myself among those of the old school, and I’m quick to acknowledge that I’m out of step with the majority on the road to anarchy.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Pot And The Big Bang

Trudeau says he didn’t smoke up with the “Pot King”.  The Pot King says otherwise.

Who to believe?  My answer:  Neither.  All pot smokers experience memory loss when they’re “up”.  I’m surprised that these two even remember meeting each other, but we would have to rely on third party video to understand what happened next.  I’m assuming there’s video but nobody can remember where to find it.

There’s no use fretting about a pothead becoming our next commander in chief. I suspect it was smoky on occasion while Pierre and Margaret lived it up on Sussex Drive.  Obama and Clinton so far have not pressed the big button – so why worry about Justin?

But isn’t this dangerous?  Hell yes.  Tragic?  Yes, of course.  It still makes no sense to worry because there’s nothing you can do about it.

You live in a world of potheads.  Potheads vote for more pot.  Get used to it.

Obama Spring

President Obama promised to set the Middle East on a new course by freeing Islam from Western domination.

So the U.S. stepped away and today we are witnessing the horrifying fruits of Obama genius.  There is no going back.  The West had managed tribal chaos in the Arab world for half a century.  There was nothing altruistic about it.  The Arab blessing was abundant oil and the West brought in its civil management skills to maintain stability surrounding its oil production facilities.  Order supplanted violent anarchy.

It was a win-win situation that President Obama mislabeled as oppression.  So far I’m guessing that a million Muslims have paid the price for this and I see President Obama getting desperate.  Americans entrust their leaders with the “Button”.  Will he use it?

The Middle East will run out of oil soon enough with or without U.S. interference.  The Obama legacy?  Tragic total Arab chaos.  Obama Spring.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Be Prepared

Canada has ample oil and gas reserves.  What possible justification do we have for our compulsion to force democracy on Middle Eastern countries that hate us for our efforts?  I support our Canadian leadership.  I support our military but I want to see Canadians defending Canada.

When the Middle East runs out of oil, the greedy on the planet will come looking for us.  We should be ready.

Obama Has A Dream

On the 50th anniversary of the MLK “I Have a Dream” speech President Obama, speaking to a Black audience in Washington D.C., tells them: “We have had setbacks but we will win this fight”.

My question:  If it’s a fight and Blacks win, who is it that gets beaten to a pulp?  I’m sorry Mr. President, but I’m White.  My guys freed the slaves and when we were in charge we weren’t interested in fighting.

Now that you are the big guy on the street you’re picking a fight.  No question.

I’ve got news for you.  Doing it your way, everybody loses.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Education Down The Drain

The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) complains that Canadian students are not choosing lucrative fields.  My question: How many lucrative jobs did CIBC offer up to new graduates in 2013?

I’m sorry but almost all of the “lucrative field” graduates in 2013 are now unemployed or working for minimum wage.  The real problem?  Greedy Canadians have outsourced the “new graduate” positions that should have gone to our best and our brightest.  So big business buys off-shore brains at a 75% discount and young Canadians who bought the “promise” are left with a quarter million dollars in debt and no possible hope to recover.

And the famous North American/British Universities have morphed into gigantic money-making machines that spit out mediocre mega-wealthy foreign graduates who buy their credentials with cold hard cash.

Our Universities are now a hopeless disgrace.  We paid for them and our children, the brightest in the world, can’t even gain admission.  Let’s shut them down completely.

Blame the victims.

Tribal Education

All 25,000 applicants to a Liberian University have flunked the Entrance Exam.  What to do?

There are several possibilities:

Just lower the standards.  In the U.S., standards were compromised until voters now have a Social Worker President.  That’s the American Way today.  As I write, the Social Worker is completely stuck on the word “COUP”.

Or Liberia could close its Universities.  Next year’s crop of wanabees will flunk the exam, as will all applicants every year thereafter.  No students?  No university.

But I think I know what will come to pass.  Liberia will lead the way with no more Entrance Exams.  Then the U.S. will cancel all testing of students at its educational institutions. 

If the test don’t fit
Get rid of it.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Up In Smoke

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford should wake up and smell the smoke.  The left wing media will never stop pursuing him.

Sorry Rob, but it’s also true that reporters will NEVER publish video of Margaret Trudeau or Pierre smoking up.  Barry, Bill or Hillary – never.  No racy pics of Justin either.

President Obama smoked cigarettes for decades.  Try to find a single image of the U.S. President with a cigarette in his hand.  Just one photo - from ANY source.  I’ll even accept a photo-shopped pic.  Nope.  A bong can be photo-shopped into a Rob Ford image but it could never happen to Justin.

How tight is the media/politico cabal?  There’s a lot of famous left wing smoky footage out there but you won’t find it published in the Toronto Star.  Hell – Even Facebook/Youtube/Twitter cannot break the code.

Why?  Think of it as a matter of life or death.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Nasdaq Goldman Team

On August 22nd Nasdaq trading went down and stayed down for three hours.  Retail players were once again robbed blind in a split second.  My guess?  Goldman made a fortune.

No warning.  No backup, no adequate explanation and no apology from the Nasdaq CEO when he spoke about it the next day.  He said his employees had done their jobs well.  He added that the problem was not caused by Nasdaq.  He said they were too busy to talk to the media during the emergency.

He simply dismissed the disaster – said it wasn’t his fault and walked away.  Sorry folks.  No backup should have meant no job for this CEO.  Gone overnight.

And Goldman?  You don’t need to be a Goldman client to be raped by Goldman.  To be qualified you need only have assets.  Goldman raped everyone alive in Greece.  If you have savings or a pension, Goldman is robbing you blind as I write.

The CEO at Nasdaq will get another promotion for helping Goldman to give you the shaft one more time.  That’s why he almost smiled while laughing at the media flunky who interviewed him.

Flash crash my ass.  

Thursday, August 22, 2013


I’m sure that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is delighted to learn that Justin Trudeau smoked pot as an MP three years ago.

Do you think the media will go searching the planet for video of Trudeau smoking up?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Greed Has No Borders

On balance, I have been pleased with Canada’s Conservative Federal Government efforts to manage the financial affairs of the country.  So I was shocked and saddened to learn that Canadian Feds insure Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS).

I didn’t know that quasi-criminal Mortgage Backed Securities had become an item in Canada, and I cannot believe that Canadian taxpayers have been insuring these unmanageable securities all this time.  In the U.S., MBS became a vehicle to facilitate the issuance of a gigantic flood of mortgages provided to persons who were financially unqualified and unable to repay the loans.  U.S. taxpayers are left holding the bag.  It was and still is massive rape of the American middle class.

I had long since understood that U.S. Bankers, Brokers, Insurance companies, Credit Rating Agencies and Politicians succumbed to a wholesale failure of faith-generated integrity.  I am now coming to accept the realization that Canadians have been sliding down that same slippery slope.

I would like to comfort myself with the thought that we’re not nearly as ugly, but on the subject of crime, there is no way to be a little bit pregnant.  I could plead Canadian Conservative Government stupidity, but I know that our political leadership is the best the world has left to offer.

So let me make my position clear.  Canada has no business insuring Mortgage Backed Securities.  MBS should never have been sanctioned by government regulators in Canada.

The issuance of these securities in Canada should be terminated.  All existing Federal insurance liabilities should be transferred immediately to the errant corporate entities that generated this disgusting paper.

I am no longer a happy Conservative, but in Canada, the alternatives are totally hopeless.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

How Tribalism Works

You are misguided if you’re still hung up on the virtues of right over wrong.  That’s just useless crap from the era of we followers of Christ.  Today it’s not right or wrong.  It’s “Which Tribe?” that counts.

Look back:  President Obama’s black Harvard professor humiliated the black police officers who came to arrest him.  He walked.

The President says Trayvon could have been his own son, or better still could have been Obama himself thirty-five years ago.  What’s the message here?  Zimmerman is in the wrong tribe and this is not over yet.  Watch and see.

So this brings us to the black Arab military psychiatrist now bragging about killing a dozen U.S. soldiers and wounding twice that many.  How will his trial turn out?  Here is a tribal clue.  Muslim Terrorist Omar Khadar killed a U.S. soldier and President Obama sent him home to Canada.

I’m guessing that the psychiatrist murderer is bragging because he knows his tribe just gets sent home.  Will he walk?

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Political Oxymorons - Canada

Canada’s former Liberal Prime Minister Cretin cancelled the citizenship of tycoon Conrad Black for accepting a title bestowed on him by the Queen.  Cretin didn’t cancel his own citizenship when he brought home the highest honor that France can offer its peasants.

Nor did Canadians terminate the citizenship of terrorist Omar Khadar for admitting to the murder of a U.S. soldier.  Khadar may be out on the streets in Canada today.  Black had to beg to get back into the country and I suspect that he’s still watching his back.

The gift of faith fostered freedom and freedom thrived under Rule of Law.  Today the gift is gone and Rule of Law has been hopelessly compromised.  Tribalism fills the vacuum.  Get used to it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Wreckage of America

Today we find huge Mosques in the ruins of many great past civilizations.  This shouts of Islam predating its modern Saudi roots.

I predict that the World Trade Center site in New York City will be finished off with the construction of a Giant Mosque.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Wiener's Wiener Windicated

Here is what made front page news on CNN the other day:  It was a CNN revelation.  CNN said “Your iPhone is spying on you”.

So if we put two and two together we should be able to predict another CNN headline: “Wiener suggests that an iPhone in his pocket took the raunchy pics on its own and plastered them all over YouTube”.

Those who single out Wiener as a pervert should not pick on him.  He has a complicit media on his side and just watch as millions of voters make a winner out of Wiener.  He is not alone.

America once led the world.  Today CNN is busy shepherding America’s putrid remnants into obscurity.

Wiener for President??

Friday, August 09, 2013

The Tesla Miracle

Tesla has sold 62 cars (my estimate) and its market capitalization is now about one-third of that of General Motors.  Surprised?  Consider this:  The Obama GM myth makes the Tesla mirage look like child’s play.

GM in the Reagan years was the world’s largest corporation.  Today, it’s a blemish in the wreckage of Detroit.  That’s why Tesla is catching up fast.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

My Obama Fan Mail

Don’t get me wrong.  I watched the President on the Tonight Show and I really like his quick wit.  I would be his biggest fan if only he was a comedian.  That’s my fan mail.

But the fact that Americans deliberately planted a comedian in the White House is not lost on me.  Not for a second.  Sorry folks, but most comedians would likely have difficulty understanding the depth of meaning in the words in the precious U.S. Constitution.

You know that freedom is history when Americans make a joke of the White House.  No doubt the world is unfolding as it should.

Monday, August 05, 2013

Education Oxymoron

So we lowered the standards and raised the tuition fees until only wealthy idiots are eligible to attend Harvard and Princeton and Cambridge and Oxford Universities.  Not much wonder that bridges and buildings are falling down around us.

My question is:  Where did Obama  get all that tuition money?

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Al Qaeda On The Run

CNN’s cagey Candy Crawly sprawled the headline “Al Qaeda On The Run” across our TV screens after the Obama Brain Trust shut down 23 Middle East Embassies on Sunday.  We were told that American terror sleuths had ferreted out an Al Qaeda attack in the offing.

Sorry Barry, but some of us knew that Sunday was the final day of Ramadan and that date spawns violence year-in and year-out.  Good on you for picking up on the obvious.

Sad that you and Candy are so proud of your alliance of deceit.  It is the White House that is on the run in the Middle East.  There are no Mid Eastern Embassies shut down in Washington D.C.