Saturday, November 30, 2013

Charlie Angus Craps on Canada

Charlie is the NDP MP famous for grabbing CBC TV headlines by dumping on Prime Minister Harper every time there is a problem with the free houses that Canada sends to the Cadillac Escalade lady at the Attawapiskat Indian Reserve on James Bay.

Charlie lives in Cobalt, a venerable but grossly neglected north eastern Ontario village.  No free houses for Cobalt.  Every time Charlie flushes his toilet raw sewage runs down smelly Mill Creek (no treatment plant) and eventually pollutes the water that most MP’s drink at the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa.

So it’s true.  Charlie craps on everybody down-stream on the Ottawa River. Charlie craps on Canada.

Charlie is an opportunist who s*its first on his own doorstop.  The locals love him for his elevated oratory.


Canada: The Eyes Have It

Here is a Canadian Political Awareness Quiz for my loyal readers:

Watch the TV news and match up Federal Party Leaders Harper, Trudeau and Mulcair with the following pseudonyms:  Clear Eyes; Dead Eyes; and Shifty Eyes.

It's as plain as the eyes on their faces.  Does this matter to you?


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ask A Canadian: Did He Know?

He?  Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

What was he supposed to know?  Did he know that Nigel and Duffy were from the Dark Side when he hired/appointed them?  They are crucifying him.

Harper’s answer is “no”, but that just feeds the daily parliamentary frenzy in Ottawa.  No bills passed.  Just “Did he know?” over and over every day until the next election two years hence.  Echoes from Mulcair and Trudeau.

Why does it matter?  It’s not the question that’s important.  It could have been “Did he sneeze in the elevator?”  The Dark Side stole $50 million from the taxpayers year after year (The Sponsorship Scandal), but a Conservative can be turfed for telling a fib.

“Did he sneeze?”  Did he know?  My answer:  Who cares?  Their answer:  Does it sound like it might be a fib?  Any fib will do.

Don’t blame Mr. Harper.  Blame Canadian voters.  Like their American brothers and sisters, they can no longer see the forest for the sleaze.

Take Mr. Trudeau’s advice.  Be like his beloved Chinese.  Forget precious freedom and just light up.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Igloo Logic

Our exploding human population is characteristic of the late stage of every age.  It follows that energy consumption soars as well:  More humans and more energy used per living soul.

The expanding web of energy use now reaches to the ends of the earth.  Female Arctic Indian Chiefs travel in bulging Cadillac Escalade SUV’s to private fuel-guzzling jet planes used to whisk them off to New York City.  There, they complain to the UN, and it’s not about igloos.

They should (we should) stop bitching about carbon smoke and enjoy the chauffeur-driven Cadillacs.  Nature will deal soon enough with our insane excesses.


Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Crackpot Channels

Sad that Canadians will be forced to sacrifice governance and meaningful TV news coverage for another two years while all media channels use Senator Duffy and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford as whipping boys to demonize the Right in preparation for the crowning of Liberal Justin Trudeau as Canada’s next Prime Minister.

Amazing that the mud sticks stubbornly to Conservatives when I believe both Duffy and Ford are closet Liberals.

Winning words in New World politics?  Crack and Pot.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

How History Works - Lincoln/Kennedy/Reagan

Greatness is one thing – but what to do if you’re a loser leaving office?  The Obama answer? “Out” the greats that came before.

The President refused to pay his respects to Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address … OUCH.  His media machine now suggests that if Kennedy had not been assassinated the Vietnam War would have dragged on and the U.S. needed Johnson to pass Civil Rights legislation … OUCH.

After crapping thoroughly on Kennedy, CNN assumes that he was more popular than Reagan.  Reagan demoted.

Will Obama rip down the outsized Martin Luther King statue in Washington DC on his way out the door?


Tribal Santa

In 2009 CNN told the World that small children must use hand sanitizers before approaching Santa at the Mall.  My reaction then?  Perhaps it would be wise to go to the sanitizer AFTER seeing the Mall Santa.

No problem though.  In the Obama world of Democrats, Tribal judgment gets rid of Santa altogether.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Obamacare Explained

A famous Obama fantasy:  “If you like your Healthcare Plan you can keep it”.  Now that it’s been cancelled, another fabulous Obama tale:  “You can get it back”.

Want to know the truth whitey?  Obamacare will bankrupt you by March of 2014 and there’s nothing you can do about it.

The Insurance Companies are laughing at you.  They’re busy using Obama’s Quantitative Easing scam to steal hundreds of billions from the U.S. Treasury.  Your monthly insurance payment check was just a nuisance.  Chicken feed.  Good riddance.

Begging won’t help.  You have no insurance and you have no future.  Screwed.


How History Works - Benghazi

You should cut U.S. President Obama some slack.  He’s been in way over his head for decades.  That’s what got him elected.  The media will patch up his story.

CNN is busy putting his gigantic Benghazi lie to bed as I write and the Warren Commission has all but buried the blatant Mafia hit that rubbed out President Kennedy.

More books will burn.  Future generations will never suspect.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Republican Dinosaurs

Yes, the U.S. economy will totally collapse under the full weight of the Obamcare disaster.  Who cares?  President Obama has personally cancelled Federal restrictions on marijuana.  That’s what matters.

Yes, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford guzzled vodka while he drove past local elementary schools.  Yes, he smoked crack.  Who cares?  His constituents do it.  They love him for it.  That’s what matters.

Yes, Canada’s Federal Liberal leader prefers China’s dictatorship to Western freedom and yes he too smokes up a bit.  Who cares?  He has promised to make pot legal in Canada.  That’s what matters.

Conservatives just don’t get it.  Dinosaurs.  Who needs healthcare when grass kills the pain?


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Fooled By Ford

When the heterophobic Left Wing media took after the self-described Right Wing Mayor of Toronto I mistakenly assumed that the Mayor must be a Republican.  Today I realize that the media is busy crucifying one of its own.

This is an old Machiavellian trick … blame the victim.

The Mafia doesn’t entertain Republicans; your drug dealer is not a Republican; so the Mayor of Toronto is not a Republican.  This will not stop the media from using Ford’s criminality to totally emaciate the political Right at all three levels of government – Municipal, Provincial and Federal.

It is a perverse coincidence that Ford and Duffy are look-alikes.  Ford is to Municipal politics what Duffy is to the Feds.  When it’s all over Justin Trudeau will be the Prime Minister of Canada.  Sleaze sells and dope(s) dominate(s).


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Toronto Tomorrow??? Chicago Today

Americans have always been ahead of Canadians by twenty years with both good news and bad.

Twenty years ago the bloom was off the rose in Chicago and the Mafia was well ensconced at City Hall.  Today Toronto has Rob Ford and he’s not leaving.

Want to see what Toronto will look like twenty years hence?  Just pay a visit to what’s left of Chicago in its post-nuclear age.

But I’m not just picking on Chicago.  Try driving through post-nuclear Detroit.  No power.  No houses.  No hope.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Words - Why Books Burn

We have an old dictionary that says “marriage” is between one man and one woman.  We have a much older Bible that says the same thing.  The meaning stood unchanged for 5000 years.

Not anymore.  The other day an environmentalist in Argentina made news by marrying a large … tree.  As it turns out he is late to the party.  The word marriage lost its virginity decades ago and now that trees are in the mix, I guess it has no meaning at all.

Wait a minute.  If the meaning of words is now variable and speculative, dictionaries are obsolete.  There is no English language.  Not to worry though.  That’s why we have Wikipedia.  Wikens using computers change history and the meaning of words with the touch of a button.

What to do with old Bibles and other books that clearly don’t portray the modern momentary meaning of words?

What did Hitler do?  Books burn.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Obama Solves Jail Overcrowding

Don’t worry about going to an overcrowded jail after you finally accept the fact that you are a criminal because you can’t sign up on the Obamacare Website.  There will be lots of room for you in the slammer now that drug dealing is no longer a crime.  Obama really does care.  Drug dealers out.  Working stiffs in.

Let me guess?  I’m betting you voted for him and you fully intend to do it again if he doesn’t cancel elections to save money for the Insurance Companies on Wall Street.  They’re his biggest fans.


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Poof: You're Bankrupt

Ever wonder why U.S. President Obama can hack into German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cell phone, but he cannot get his own Obamacare Website to work?

Obamacare?  Doesn’t he know that millions of white middle class working Americans will be forced into bankruptcy?  They have already lost their medical benefits after paying into insurance plans for decades.

Do you feel better when the President says he’s sorry and explains that he knew you would lose your house but he couldn’t tell you ahead of time because you might have voted for Romney?

Too bad pal.  You are hopelessly outnumbered by more and more Obama pot smokers and they smoke up before they go out to vote for him.  They don’t give a hoot about your house or your precious family.


Friday, November 08, 2013

Trudeau's Legacy? Rob Ford

It seems strange to me.  Trudeau and Ford attended the same schools.  Both are pre-disposed to favor drug use.  Why doesn’t Trudeau come to the defense of his fellow traveler?

Will Trudeau manage Canada the way Ford “deals” with Toronto?

We’ll see soon enough.


Wednesday, November 06, 2013

The Dufford Massacre

A new meaning for the old saying “Two Figs and a Poke”.  Unfortunately for Canada, Duffy and Ford are going to keep right on poking until the Harper struggle for justice goes up in Justin Trudeau’s pot smoke.


Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Off The Rails

Wouldn’t it be horrible if Canadian railway lines were used as back-door routes to move dangerous compressed natural gas east and west from North Dakota on its way to offshore markets?  The U.S. is not without its own railways.

It’s easy to predict the coming conflagration that will cost thousands of lives in the heart of a Canadian city when a tanker train blows sky high in the blink of an eye.  It’s one thing to transport dangerous goods to destinations where they are needed in Canada.  It is quite another to risk Canadian lives to satisfy an insatiable market for exports.

The verdict is in.  Canadians refuse to build safe pipelines and Canadian railway shippers are not up to the task of transporting dangerous cargos.

I wish we could agree.  No more rail movement of dangerous goods destined for offshore markets.


Sunday, November 03, 2013

NDP Hero Worship

In Canada, the Federal Conservative Party has become the victim of a well orchestrated Senate Scandal brought on by high profile embedded Liberal Party hacks.  These media-savvy political operatives are bleeding out damaging stories of their own criminality to Canadians at the pre-ordained pace.  Their objective is the total emasculation of the governing Harper Conservatives by the date of the 2015 Federal Election.

The scam is running like clockwork and Canadians are hungry for every new revelation.

Socialist NDP Party members have become so frenzied over this that they have published Baseball Cards depicting the errant turncoat Senators as “Wayne Gretsky” style heroes!

Go figure …Smut sells.


Saturday, November 02, 2013

Obama Re-thinks Spy Policy

President Obama told Chancellor Merkel (Germany) that he is no longer tapping her phone.  Feel better Ms Merkel?

Here is the problem:  When a liar promises to stop lying, how do you know he’s not lying about not lying?

Anyway, how do you “re-think” your plans to spy on somebody?  When Democrat John Kerry was running for U.S. President he told Americans he would conduct a GENTLER war.  Go figure …

I make light of this, but in the new Tribal America SPIN WINS.  I lament for former freedom.


Friday, November 01, 2013

Obama And The NSA

It’s not as if you Americans didn’t have a crystal clear choice when you went out to vote for a President:  a stern straight shooter or a toothy super spinner.

You went for that infected toothy smile and now some of you are rebelling because the NSA is in your faces (eavesdropping on everybody).  Get over it America.  When you vote for jackboots that’s what you get.

You’ll do it again if you get the chance, and Canadians are hell bent on following in your footsteps.
