Sunday, December 29, 2013

Kissing Pensions Goodbye

We all know that Al Gore didn’t invent the internet, but Bill Clinton can indeed take credit for trashing the institutions that once defended our financial security.

Since Clinton, Pension Fund managers all over the world have been hopelessly out-maneuvered by stealth.  Many pension asset pools have declined to a point where Managers no longer have funds required to cover the payments promised to future pensioners.

The pension asset shortfall is causing panic among Fund Managers.  Collapsed interest rates have starved the fixed income side of the asset pool, and Managers are at a loss to enhance returns on the equity side of the balance sheet.

In Canada we are watching our real long term wealth-generating natural resource treasures sold off to wealthy foreign dictatorships, while our humiliated Pension Fund Managers scramble for performance by throwing our savings into Mafia owned Rangoon Casinos and Strip Malls all over the world.

In my opinion, Canada is the strongest nation with the safest currency in the world.  If I had it my way, no Canadian Pension Fund would be allowed to invest outside the country and preservation of capital would be the management objective rather than performance.

Of course this is not in the cards.  Instead, Canadians will elect a pot-smoking Prime Minister.  Canada will slide into obscurity and future Canadians will be slaves in their own country.

You say it couldn’t happen?  The United States was once the greatest nation on earth.  Americans elected Bill Clinton and then Barack Obama to pave the smoky road into hallucinogenic obscurity.

But don’t blame Bill Clinton or Barry or Justin Trudeau.  When the gift of freedom is no longer cherished, the rabble in every age vote in favor of smoking up.  Who cares about pensions?  Repeat Performance.


Monday, December 23, 2013

Seasons Greetings

In a precarious world we celebrate the birth of Christ and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

China Buys The World

China sends worthless trinkets to North American Walmart Stores and takes in mountains of worthless U.S. dollars in return.

China uses its dollar hoard to buy up every real resource deposit it can get its hands on all over the world.  So China trades trinkets for treasure in two steps that ultimately deny North Americans access to these resources.

We will freeze in the dark with our trinket trove.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Garbage And The Plague

I have driven over thirty miles on occasion to drop off a battery at a recycle station so as not to bruise our delicate environment.  All the while the local garbage truck is spewing toxic liquids on our streets in a steady stream of dripage as it passes our homes to collect our carefully segregated garbage.

Some cities demand that residents purchase tags for their garbage bags.  Only tagged bags are picked up.  Those who cannot afford tags soon begin dumping their garbage in local parks and on side roads outside the community.

The public health implications of leaky garbage trucks and trash strewn country roads are monumental, but when the plague does finally arrive you will be told it’s your fault for forgetting to get a flu shot.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Chipboard Inferno - Kingston

A five story chipboard Student Residence under construction in Kingston Ontario is now a smoldering heap in the aftermath of a gigantic raging inferno.  See my “Chipboard” Blogs published on September 29, 2013.  It was an easy prediction.

Most homes and many multiple unit dwellings built in North America in the past two decades have been clad in highly flammable chipboard.  Yes, it’s madness but it makes a fortune for builders.  Check your own residence.  The next explosive inferno story could be yours.

What lies ahead?  I predict that thousands of lives will be lost in future chipboard conflagrations.  Sad to say that this will become routine.  I’m glad I’m old.

Firemen don’t live in chipboard houses.


Thursday, December 05, 2013

Oil, Wheat ... or Cake?

It’s Biblical – the argument over oil or wheat, but greedy Wall Street billionaires have answered the question in no uncertain terms.

In years past, Canadians built railways and our Protest-ant prairie Bread Basket helped to feed the world.  Not anymore, because now that Christ is dead, oil and money trump wheat on Canada’s aging U.S. controlled rails.

Railways built to feed the planet are now clogged with explosive oil tankers -  like cars trapped in traffic jams on a rush-hour freeway.  There is no room left on the rails to move the wheat now rotting in prairie silos.

Let them eat cake.


Monday, December 02, 2013

Canada: Right, Left, Wrong

So sad to realize that all Canadian TV channels have successfully tagged Senator Duffy and Toronto Mayor Ford as Satanic Conservatives when I believe they are both Closet Liberals.  The media will tar Prime Minister Harper with the sins of these two jerks every day for the coming two years in order to elect “Dead Eyes” Trudeau as our next Prime Minister.

Mayor Ford blames his violence on drunkenness.  As I see it, blind inebriation is not an excuse for smoking crack.  These are unforgivable sins for those of us who have accepted responsibility for the well being of others – family, corporate or political.

Mayor Ford says he’s never had a problem but remember this.  Raging drug addicted alcoholics have been known to run down pedestrians and/or beat their innocent children.

The Right is no help here.  Many Toronto Conservatives claim that they would vote to re-elect a thrifty raging alcoholic drug addict for Mayor because the alternative is a left wing “Tax and Spend” homosexual.  Two wrongs make a much bigger WRONG.

In a changing world, I guess I’m stuck beyond the Right in that fringe category dubbed Tea Party losers.


Sunday, December 01, 2013

Canada: The Mulcair Muddle

Shifty-eyed Federal NDP Party leader Thomas Mulcair is stubborn, but what will he do if his entire Quebec Caucus announces a decision to run for the Federal Liberals in the 2015 election?

He and Charlie Angus might wiggle Liberal Cabinet posts if they jump out in front of their double-crossing herd by declaring their abiding love for Justin Trudeau next week.

Watch  “Shifty Eyes” for clues.
