Thursday, January 30, 2014

Justin Judgment

CTV and CBC media both describe the Trudeau Senate thrust as BOLD.  Trudeau told his Liberal Senators not to come to meetings they never attend on Fridays, so now they can snooze on their own time.

Prime Minister Harper sent the cops (auditors) in.  Justin just sent the old farts home.

Conservatives mock Trudeau.  They fail to understand that stupidity stampedes justice at the ballot box.


What Justin Didn't Say

Canadian Federal Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has single-handedly defrocked his entire Liberal Senate team in a typical flash of brilliance.  You might wonder why nobody from Sleepy Hollow is objecting.

Let me guess at what he told his colleagues behind closed doors.  I suspect that a slew of Liberal Senators will face charges related to expense account fraud.  Trudeau is running from this heat but as soon as he is Prime Minister he will bring them back in from the cold.

It’s a crafty ruse.  His sleepy Senators love it.  The CBC calls it bold. I think it’s so shallow that Canadians will buy it hook, line and sinker.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

King Obama Furher

The U.S. President now says he will rule by Executive Order and to hell with the Congress and the Constitution.    Sad to acknowledge that Americans today simply cannot understand what this really means, just as Germans misread Hitler prior to the Second World War.

The U.S. Constitution is deliberately crafted to self-destruct if its blessing is no longer understood or appreciated.  Justice for the enlightened.  Judgment for the rest.

Americans voted to forgo precious freedom.  So be it.


Mass Murder Myths?

The left wing media is at a loss to explain why the ship is sinking fast with President Obama at the helm.  No-one wants to admit that in our newly chosen tribal world, life is cheap.

So the media propagates myths to cushion the negative impact of an ever increasing number of horror stories.  Let me deflate two of these potential fabrications:

You are assured that in the U.S., mall shooters always kill themselves.

Overseas, you are told that mass murders are always committed by suicide bombers.

What if both of these assertions were myths?  I suspect that Swat Teams deal with mall shooters the only way they can.  What if ten terrorists using remotely controlled devices were responsible for the proliferation of murderous tragedies reported as suicide bombings in foreign lands?  These cowards could be anywhere on the planet today.

Why is the ship sinking?  It’s the voters, stupid.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Why Women Run Everything

It’s the GMO’s, stupid.  In our radiating Nuclear Age we are all GMO’s – Genetically Modified Organisms.

My youth many decades ago featured macho men who ran the world and women who loved it.  Today the women are macho, the men are ambivalent and everybody is on edge, unhappy and depressed.

There is one small catch with this modern role reversal.  The real female miracle was child-birth.  Genetically modified males will never rise to this.  Poof!  We’re all gone.


Short Cut Quebec

No doubt by now you have seen TV video of the horrific Quebec Seniors Home (l’Isle Verte) inferno that took so many lives.  Quebec has collectively worked much longer and harder than U.S. President Obama to disenfranchise its responsible Anglo population.  Only South Africa has succeeded at failure faster than Quebec.  The tragic results of these efforts are now exploding onto TV screens everywhere.

Canada’s government-sponsored left wing media (CBC) featured a translated interview with a female Quebec official who assured us that the burned out Seniors Home where so many died was fully up to Quebec Building and Safety codes.  I believe that the ladies in charge in Quebec believe this and that’s why I stay well away from Quebec hotels, commercial buildings and bridges.  I worked in a Hull Quebec Federal office tower, years ago and I reported to management that all fire hoses were missing and the fire exits were chained shut.  No corrective action was taken then, and I expect nothing has changed since.  I didn’t stay long.

In the absence of responsible management the Mafia fills the construction void in Quebec and their “executives” actually use the faulty bridges they build.

The Quebec disease has overtaken all of Canada in years past and Canadians are again pushing to elect a pot smoking Quebec politico as Prime Minister.  At least he will be welcome at the smoky White House in Washington DC.

See my “Chipboard Inferno” blogs published on September 13 and December 18, 2013.  This Quebec tragedy was easy to predict, just as it is easy to forecast that more Anglos will be forced to leave and disasters there will continue to escalate.  Blame the victim.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Quebec Goes To Sochi

Canada spends a fortune on its “amateur” athletes.  I for one was surprised to realize that most of our competitors come from the Province of Quebec.

Someone had to explain it to me.  These are WINTER Olympics and Quebec is the only Canadian Province that gets snow.  I’m from Winnipeg.  I should have known.


Friday, January 24, 2014

Ford And Bieber Trash Canada

Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper has struggled to make Canada a better place for  his children and yours.  He gets scant media attention for his efforts.  On the other hand Justin Bieber and Toronto Mayor Rob Ford are busy dragging our once beloved country into a sewer and they have the entire world media cheering them on.

Picture pot smoking Justin Trudeau as Canada’s next Prime Minister with crack smoking Rob Ford as the Premier of Ontario.  Perhaps we could appoint Bieber as our Attorney General.  It's the voters, stupid.


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Without A Future

What do Neil Young, Rob Ford, Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have in common?  They are worshipped by the media and popular with the electorate.  They are big pot advocates.

Pot spawns great art and musical genius – but we cannot eat music and stoners don’t educate, operate, litigate, build roads or defend their fellow citizens.

Why do our young people drool over OJ Simpson, Elton John, Michael Jackson and Dennis Rodman?  Why elect dope peddlers who cannot see the future through their hallucinogenic haze?

Our forefathers risked life and limb to escape to the New World for the benefit of their offspring.  Their integrity built the civilization we once enjoyed.  Our grandchildren now exist in the wreckage of the miracle created by their ancestors.  Why did our youth choose to get high rather than repairing and building anew?

When faith died, many in my generation reverted to loving themselves at the expense of their progeny.  Nuclear power offered to turn the lights on.   My peers said yes - and to hell with the lethal mess that this would leave behind.

And so our lights burn bright today but rising background radiation is busy castrating every life form in existence on the planet, forever.  The lights are bright but we are fried and rapidly losing our ability to think.  Problems escalate and solutions evaporate.  Brick wall ahead.

Without a future …


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Burnaby Burning?

I get a kick out of the lady Premier of British Columbia.  She loves highly explosive liquid natural gas (LNG) that will likely blow the city of Kitimat off the map in future years.

She hates tar sands tar that will hardly burn let alone explode.  Tar becomes a problem after it is thinned with propane, but even then I would guess it’s safer than natural gas when shipped by pipeline.

The lady Premier has a thing about tar/oil pipelines, so hundreds of explosive fuel trains are now careening up and down the dangerous three and a half percent grade mountain slopes in B.C. every day.  Brake failures are inevitable.

Consider the number of B.C. towns and cities situated in steep valleys beside rail lines.  How many will pay the price for this story of unlimited greed and stupidity?  It’s almost humorous to realize that a recent Burnaby B.C. derailment dumped coal in a puddle.  What if that had been propane-laced tar?  Half of Burnaby could be burning today.  Don’t hold your breath.


Crack Emergencies

It’s not difficult to understand why crack-heads don’t recognize a disaster when it strikes.  They can’t feel anything – good or bad.

After seven hundred souls died in extreme heat that produced a massive Chicago power failure, U.S. President Bill Clinton demanded free air conditioners for the underprivileged.  Yes, they had no electricity and that recurrent problem will never be fixed.

Toronto mayor Rob Ford didn’t know it was an emergency when residents went without power for a week in the freezing cold.  If you live in Toronto, you know that the city will never really recover.

Perhaps in North America, Detroit is furthest down the path to crack oblivion.  Bulldozers are busy flattening city blocks one after another.

I should not be surprised.  Americans worship OJ Simpson, Michael Jackson, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Dennis Rodman.  It’s new, but now we Canadians have Justin Trudeau and Rob Ford on the Toker Popularity Team.  Toronto is in a shambles and it’s beginning to look a bit like Detroit.  No turning back … It’s the voters, stupid.


Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Buffet - A Long Story

I didn’t realize it at the time, but Warren Buffet came into my life over fifty years ago.  I was a teen-aged clothing salesman at a T Eaton Co. Department Store in Canada.  Our most expensive shirts were U.S. made beautiful specimens from a company called Berkshire Hathaway.  I wore what I sold so I knew they were the very best in every respect.

Then one day I put on an expensive Berkshire shirt that didn’t meet the mark.  It was cheaply tailored garbage.  Buffet had closed the U.S. Berkshire factories and replaced their brand with worthless trash from Chinese slave mills.  He ripped off loyal Berkshire shirt customers for decades and destroyed its U.S. mills and workers.  He and others like him have made vast fortunes at the expense of the workforce in what was once the most prosperous and successful Christian nation on earth.

It was forty years before I mentally connected the Berkshire shirt tragedy to the pompous stuffed shirt who named his Wall Street investment company after the corpses of his first victims – Berkshire Hathaway.

Buffet and his Wall Street buddies have used the Chinese shirt model to destroy many once prosperous U.S. industries.  Americans drive Chinese Chevrolets while Buffet bulldozes Detroit.  They pay U.S. prices for slave camp facsimiles.

Today the Buffet U.S. railway oligarchy is making money hand over fist by shipping dangerously explosive unit trainloads of fuel right through towns and cities all across North America.  Villages are going up in flames after huge rail accidents.  Cities are next.

Does Buffet care?  Did he care when he bulldozed Detroit?  He cares only about money.  How do I know?  It’s a long story.


Monday, January 06, 2014

Bakken Burns - The Suicide Trains

So now we’re told that authorities have “discovered” that Bakken oil is more flammable than heavy oil.  Earlier we were told that the Bakken Formation produced light crude oil.

So we can all agree that light crude burns better than heavy crude.  That is not a lie, but then it has nothing to do with the recent string of massive railway tank car explosions.  It’s a thinly veiled deception to calm the maddening crowd.  The truth is that oil burns but it does not explode.  So why not tell us what has caused these rail cars to become rolling bombs?

You have to understand that hundreds of thousands of huge tanker rail cars are now trundling through towns and cities all across North America.  This is new and these rail tankers don’t just carry oil.  One hundred car tanker trains are piling up like derailed match sticks and exploding like roman candles all across North America.  I call them suicide trains.

Bakken crude is more flammable?  Who gives a s**t?  Warren and his Wall Street Railway buddies will stand by and watch a suicide train blow up the heart of a major city, all for the worship of money.

Will Warren apologize then?  Nope – he will blame the disaster on terrorists and the sad thing is that you will buy his story.  9/11 all over again.

Yes, light oil is more flammable than heavy oil.  Spin always wins.  You always lose.

Love Warren or freeze in the dark.


Friday, January 03, 2014

Snowden On The Cross

Disgraced Whistle Blower Edward Snowden has made two year-end statements to the world:

First, he tells us that by his honest efforts he is busy exposing individuals and governments guilty of mega-crimes all over the world.  His complaint?  He is persecuted for his honesty while the criminals that he exposes are left to walk free.

My reaction?  Honesty dies a horrible death at the end of every age.  Joan of Arc said “He who tells much truth is sure to be hanged”.  Snowden need only open the Bible to confirm this truth.

Snowden’s second observation:  He naively believes that if we all get together we can put a stop to worldwide mass surveillance.  To quote Rodney King:  “Can’t we all just get along?”

My reaction?  There is no need to get the liars together Mr. Snowden.  Surveillance will end when computers go dark in the aftermath of the coming collapse of civilization.

Until then?  “If it can be done, it will be done.”


Why Environmentalists Lie

Thirty years ago environmentalists chained themselves together across wilderness roads to save the trees.  They put a halt to responsible forest management that would have prevented the massive wildfires that now pollute the world and burn down cities and towns.  They were wrong back then and they lie about it now.

Today our cities are out of energy and environmentalists are busy putting a stop to new pipeline construction.  Thousands of explosive railway cars carry the fuel that could otherwise have safely supplied the power to keep the lights on.

Will environmentalists say they are sorry when a fuel train explodes to destroy the core of a major city?  They are wrong about hating pipelines today and they will lie about it tomorrow.

Thirty years ago we needed responsible forest management.  Today we need pipelines.  No such luck, but here is the rub.  Complain, and we will all freeze in the dark.

“If it can be done it will be done.”
