Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Del Mastro Done?

Canadian Member of Parliament Dean Del Mastro was forced out of politics over what may have been a $23,000 overage in election spending.

I well remember the Liberal Sponsorship Scandal.  Canadians discovered that Finance Minister Paul Martin had turned over a fifty million dollar blank check every year to then Prime Minister Jean Chretien, ostensibly to rescue the politically shaky Province of Quebec.  Hundreds of millions of dollars were never recovered or even accounted for.

Prime Minister Chretien didn’t lose his job.  Paul Martin went on to become the next Canadian Prime Minister.

Did Del Mastro step over the line?  Perhaps so, but I saw a dedicated Canadian hard at work for his constituents and his country.  Innocent until PROVEN guilty?  No.  One strike and he’s OUT!

Until I have reason to do otherwise, I will side with Del Mastro.  I only wish that Prime Minister Harper would step in to offer the party a bit of much needed guidance here.  Do Conservative Candidates really have to count their political contributions every day during an election campaign?


Obama And The Peace Prize

Norway had a hunch.  Let’s give the Prize to a Social Worker.  Maybe it will work out.  Nobel would turn over in his grave if he could review Norway’s record on hunches.

President Obama did pull U.S. troops out of harms way all over the world.  The U.S. did abruptly step away from putting down endless skirmishes in the Middle East.   That has saved American lives.

No one will do the body counts in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan to reveal the real human cost of the Obama Presidency.


Monday, November 10, 2014

How To Care For Exploding Trains

You didn’t know that your local railway track now plays host to long, really long exploding trains?  Yup.  Warren Buffet owns the rails and he is making a fortune in the exploding train business.

But not to worry.  The Government of Canada has figured out what makes these trains blow sky high in the midst of our towns and cities.  The trains explode because the sleepy train driver forgets to set the hand brake when he goes to catch forty winks at the local motel.

Yes, these exploding trains have only one person aboard. Yes, it’s OK to leave a train unattended on railway tracks that pass behind your house.  On the side of a steep hill?  No problem.  We are assured that one need only set a hand brake, just like the one you don’t use in your car, and all will be well with an abandoned exploding train.

Feel better now?


Sunday, November 09, 2014

Terrorism In Canada

On October 22,2014 Canada’s Parliament was attacked by a muslim terrorist gunman.  Several days after the fact, the Socialist Party Leader came to the conclusion that the shooter was not a terrorist.  He was simply mentally ill.

I agree that the shooter was mentally ill, but then all terrorists are mentally ill.


Saturday, November 08, 2014

Quebec Wants Out

Quebec’s dissatisfaction with Canada is chronic and many Canadians share my view that Canada without Quebec would be a better country.  Quebec has won many concessions from the rest of Canada through the decades, one of which is control of immigration into the province from foreign countries.

Quebec went out into the world seeking French speaking immigrants and found thousands of willing travelers in countries that we now recognize as terrorist hotbeds.  So today, I believe that even Separatists might agree that Quebec is an uneasy place.


Friday, November 07, 2014

Obama Salutes The No-Shows

During the run-up to the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, the liberal media harpooned Republican candidate Mitt Romney by publishing his private observation that the 47 percent of Americans on welfare were not likely to vote for him.

Many on welfare did not bother to vote at all … until 2008. To his credit, candidate Obama brought the unemployed to the polls in droves.

What happened at the U.S. mid-term elections in 2014?  Obama’s welfare hordes simply stayed home.  Not satisfied with Obama.  So much so, that the President lamented that he “got the message” from the two thirds of eligible voters who failed to show up.

I also got the message.  The message is that the precarious thread of U.S. Constitutional freedom now hinges on the whims of a tribal voting majority.

Sorry Hillary, but the key to 2016 is “black”.  The hordes will be back if the Democrat is black.  Any black will do, Michelle.

And beyond 2016?  A tribal world has prevailed forever just beyond the bounds of our “moment of freedom”.  There are no elections in the tribal world.


Trudeau Tinkers

Canadian Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has mesmerized Canada’s media pundits by tinkering in parliamentary titillation.  Not to make light of serious personal charges, but in any country where voters truly valued their freedom, such issues could not take over the weighty agenda of government.

I lament for Canada.


Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Trouble In Toronto

Does your home/building/business use natural gas?  The gas you are burning in Toronto has been supplied across Canada through TransCanada Corp (TRP) pipelines for sixty years.    So now TransCanada (TRP) wants to stop supplying Canadian gas through its public utilities entrusted pipeline paid for by timid taxpayers in Toronto and the rest of Canada.  Why?  Because the east doesn’t use enough gas today.  So says TRP after Toronto has grown from village to mega-city.

But not to worry.  Because you don’t use enough gas, TRP plans to build a brand new pipeline to supply Toronto with gas from the U.S.  Yup - a new pipeline because you don’t use enough gas.  And the new U.S. gas will come from high cost Marcellus shales that will shut down production every time the price of oil collapses.  The oil price is tanking as I write.

U.S. President Obama is known world-wide for his successful efforts to block the U.S. TRP Keystone pipeline construction proposal.  Do you think he will approve a TRP pipeline to serve Toronto?

Sorry Toronto.  You paid for the TRP pipeline across Canada and now you will freeze in the dark like the rest of us in forty frigid towns and cities along the venerable TRP pipeline route.  Why would thirty greedy TRP Board members put the boots to the nation that built this pipeline miracle?  They need our pipeline to move bitumen (heavy oil) from the Alberta tar sands.  TRP will make a fortune shipping bitumen.  We freeze and TRP triumphs.  The truth?  It’s all about the money.

Today, faith and integrity have long since died in North America, and those of us who remember, find ourselves thrown out into a world that has always been tribal.  Tribalism builds nothing.  Tribalism exploits the vulnerable.  When freedom has run its course, the masses actually VOTE for tribal leadership.  It’s a death wish that has overtaken the United States and now shows up in plush Canadian Board Rooms.

In the ruins of our once “Blessed Land”, money trumps integrity and personal greed guides decision making.  Trouble in Toronto.  Tragedy in Canada.  Tribulation on our tiny planet.


Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Canada Pipeline Politics

Canada’s TransCanada Corporation is seeking Government approval to move Tar Sands bitumen by pipeline from northern Alberta to a port on the country’s east coast.  The proposal envisions the conversion of an existing natural gas line to take the bitumen to and through the Province of Ontario.

Nobody seems to have noticed, but cities, towns and villages across the prairies and into Ontario will lose their critically required domestic supply of natural gas if this proposal is allowed to come to fruition.  These are the customers that made it possible to build the pipeline in the first place.  They {we} paid for it and in return were promised quiet access to natural gas, not exploding propane-thinned bitumen.

Greed and stupidity are the hallmarks of the end of this age.  Sad to have to freeze in the dark in one of the wealthiest energy producing countries in the world.


Monday, November 03, 2014

Islam Sweeps America

Muslims hate NASA because it was once a symbol of U.S. World leadership.  President Obama scuttled NASA on his first day in the White House.

On the other hand, muslims love U.S. mega-banks.  Arabs control several biggies.  President Obama bailed out these banks using trillions of dollars confiscated from American taxpayers.

Don’t look surprised.  Americans freely elected their tribal president and they cheer as he leads them into the abyss.


Conflicted Canadians: Birthing

No fetus in the womb is legally safe from the abortionist’s knife in Canada.  However, if a worried mother-to-be flees Canada for Africa while pregnant, the government of Canada will struggle with an unlimited budget to make certain that both she and her child are safe and nurtured at birth.


I Lament For Hamilton

A muslim terrorist mowed down an unarmed soldier from Hamilton, Ontario the other day.  Canada’s Government-funded media outlet (the CBC) responded by repeatedly airing a film clip flaunting that city’s staged affection for a buffoon in blatant muslim tribal garb.

What if the situation had been reversed?  We all know that Christians captured in ISIS overseas territory get world-wide TV coverage as they are beheaded.

The residents of Hamilton are hurting.  Why rub their faces in it?
