Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Goodbye Kiev

It’s been almost thirty years since the Russian nuclear reactor at Chernobyl in the Ukraine blew up and relegated thousands of square miles around it to the status of future desert.  Since then, the EU has come into existence to give refugees to the west of the Ukraine a gateway to survival in Europe.

Russia did the opposite.  Moscow closed its borders and dissolved the Soviet Union after the reactor exploded, thereby absolving itself of any responsibility for the humanitarian disaster unfolding in the Ukraine.  Today, Putin is reluctantly providing troops to help with the demolition of radiation damaged Ukrainian cities, and the West is cooperating by portraying this forced depopulation program as a greedy Russian land grab.

Here is what I perceive to be the problem.  Kiev is a huge city almost at the epicenter of the 1986 disaster.  I suspect that nobody can cope with the human radiation tragedy now coming to light in Kiev.  The truth told thirty years ago might have helped, but it’s too late for truth now, and nobody wants Kiev.  I think that Putin sat down with Hollande, Merkel and Poroshenko to talk about it at Minsk, and they came up with nothing.  Nobody can afford to help.  Too late.

Unfortunately, there is a nuclear solution to the problem at Kiev, and it could be described as an act of nuclear war.  Wouldn’t it be sad if the Minsk meeting was held for the purpose of deciding on which country would take responsibility for wiping the city of Kiev off the face of the Earth?  World War Three?  I hope I’m wrong, but here is my advice: Get out, NOW.


Awash In Plastic

Yes Virginia, we spent hundreds of billions of dollars to launch a huge recycling industry that is now bankrupting municipalities all over North America.  But at least we cleaned up an ugly problem.

Sorry Virginia. We didn’t fix anything.  It’s a problem without a solution.  Plastic doesn’t go away because we recycle it.  First of all, most recycle trucks simply offload their plastic at the dump.  Why bother with your puny recycled plastic when there are trillions of tons of it floating around in the World’s once pristine Oceans.  You see Virginia, in coastal cities the recycling truck disgorges it’s contents into the Ocean.  Not to worry though.  Workers use huge barges to take the plastic and the rest of the city garbage a mile offshore before they dump it.  Out of sight, out of mindless.

Virginia, with every barrel of oil that we humans produce, we get plastic as a byproduct whether we want it or not.  Our greedy planet consumes millions of barrels of oil every single day Virginia.  Recycled plastic?  We don’t need to use it twice.  We’re drowning in plastic, Virginia.

More and more and more and more plastic with every barrel of oil we devour daily.  We burn the oil, but the plastic is with us forever.  There is nowhere to hide all this new plastic.  And Virginia, soon your school will have to close so that the budget can be spent on recycling trucks that take your own carefully recycled plastic to the dump.


Walker: His Big Plus

Republican Governor Scott Walker is so real that he could NEVER be the President of the United States.  Ninety percent of World Despots and mediocre U.S. Presidents have come from prestigious Universities - most are Harvard Grads.

Walker’s big plus?  He does NOT have a University Degree.  Check it out.


Keystone Crashes While Virginia Burns

Don’t be too hard on President Obama because he vetoed the Keystone Oil Pipeline Bill.  A lot of voters don’t like Canadian oil.  Start with the Environmentalists.  They say it’s dirty.  Then consider the Saudis.  They say it’s competition.  Next, think about Warren Buffet and Bill Gates.  They own the exploding oil rail cars and the railways too.  Pipelines compete with wildly profitable railways.

On the other hand, there are very few Democrats in Virginia where the latest oil train blew sky high.  Try to think like a Community Organizer.


Al Shabaab At The Mall

Feeling threatened by terror problems a bit too close to home?   Get used to it.  You elected President Obama to prove to the World that you love everybody.  You sold your malls, your natural resources and everything else to tribal Sheiks who used the trillions of dollars you sent them (for oil), to buy your future.  Now you have no future.


Monday, February 23, 2015

Canada's Anti-Terror Legislation

Here is the acid test:  How will it be used when a pot smoking Muslim becomes the Canadian Prime Minister?


Obama And The Courts

President Obama is right.  Ultra Liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the weak link on the Bench.  Old age is hell.  That the U.S. President would trample an elderly Jewish matron does not surprise me.  Tribal warfare.

Nor is it a revelation to watch David Letterman chime in to magnify the Obama verbal decapitation of this fragile senior.

How propaganda propagates…


Obama Calls Americans Ugly Liars

President Obama tells us that we are lying when we claim that we are at war with Islam.  He says it’s an UGLY lie, and he points his bony finger right at white America.  It’s an ugly lie all right, but Obama is the liar.  The West has NEVER claimed to be at war with Islam.

It is true that under his U.S. Presidency, persons adhering to the Muslim faith are killing each other wholesale in Muslim countries.  It is also true that Muslim factions are now wreaking havoc in almost every country where they reside on the planet.  Christians are paying the price.

No Muslim would deny that Mohammed is revered as a great warrior who slaughtered tens of thousands of Infidels.  Christ had no shoes.


Am I To Blame?

The Bible tells us that we (the masses) are to blame for the human disaster that is now galloping toward us.  Why are we guilty?  Because we are all … sinners.  Sorry folks, I’m not buying that pile of crap.

In every age, humans simply breed until we run out of feed.  That’s when the s..t hits the fan and you and I are not to blame for it.  Our time on earth is up, none-the-less.  Nobody left to fix the white man’s farm tractor.  It’s population pressure, dummy.


Obama Violent Extremists Summit

U.S. President Obama has once again assembled hundreds of Muslim violent extremist heavyweights at the White House in plain sight for all to see.  POTUS made a pretty speech blaming Americans for the problem, and the whole country rolled over and went back to sleep.

“But if the salt have lost its savor”…
  (Matthew 5:13)


Foundations Of Greatness

The United States will not likely make it into revisionist history books, but some of us know that it was once the greatest Nation on Earth.

The U.S. Constitution was written by white Protest-ant males.  Women, blacks and Mexicans could not vote while the U.S. phoenix was rising.  We have come a long way since then.

Today, anyone can vote, elections are a sham and there is no way to slow the slippage toward oblivion.   Brutal tribal Islam is the rising star.  Under Islam, nobody gets to vote.

We are too old to care.  It’s your World now.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Day The Sun Went Dark

On Friday the Thirteenth, Sun TV (STV) went off the air in Canada.  STV was a proxy for Fox TV in the U.S.   Canada’s left wing Federal Bureaucrats refused to give STV the license it needed.  So STV shut down after reporting a $14 million loss for 2014.

Tragic when you consider that Canada’s left wing Federal Bureaucrats also dole out a BILLION dollars every year to prop up Canada’s National Broadcaster, the CBC.


YOLO, Stupid

YOLO is Obamaspeak for “You only live once.”  His fans love it when he reveals his deep seated genetic Muslim roots in what they recognize to be surreptitious Islamic code.

We stupid Christians are hung up on the promise of  “Eternal Life.”


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hang In Joe Oliver

Joe, I realize that you made a HUGE sacrifice for your country when you left Bay Street for Ottawa.  I know that you STOOD TALL again when you stepped into Flaherty’s shoes.

I might be wrong, but I’m guessing that you were planning to retire after the 2015 Election with a job WELL DONE. Then, along came Eve.

Now, I hope that you will hang in for one more Election, Joe.  You will have my blessing either way, but you will hear me cheering even if you decide to step down a week after you are declared the winner.


Harper Prods The Pit Blull

I’m a fan of Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper.  I just wish he would refrain from calling Russian President Putin a liar.  Mister Putin is in absolute command of one of the most powerful Military Forces on Earth.  He is a ruthless adversary with the weight of the World on his shoulders.  Canada has no nuclear missiles and we would not hold Russia off for long with our six CF18 Fighter Jets.

In years past, Canada could count on support from it’s powerful honest neighbor to the south.  No more.  Liars falling all over each other.  Today we’re on our own with our puny fighter planes.  In a rapidly changing World, we might just need help from President Putin in the years ahead.


Obama Goes To War

I don’t want to DRONE on about this, but President Obama did laugh a bit as he left Norway with his Nobel Peace Prize.  He had patiently explained to them that there is such a thing as a “JUST WAR.”

He should know.  He had just come from organizing a war in Chicago and he was sending 30000 U.S. Troops to Afghanistan at the time.  But hey.  Now that he has lost control of the U.S. Congress he has decided to ask for a Declaration of War.  Sort of icing on the Norwegian cake.

Which war, you ask?  Take your choice.  Obama has been “leading from behind” all over the World.  It’s a good thing that Americans are a bit like Norwegians.  They haven’t noticed.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cholesterol Conundrum

Just when I was learning how to spell cholesterol I find out that I could have been eating bacon and eggs all this time after all.  Yup.  Only 20% of cholesterol problems are attributed to diet.

It’s the salt and the sugar that are killing me.  Pass the butter.


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Islam In The New World

Until recently, I assumed that Muslims arrived here to embrace precious freedom and adopt our way of life.  Today I understand that this is not necessarily the case.

Many are here because they face certain death if they return to their Muslim homelands.  They tolerate us only because there is no alternative.  Most immigrate leaving family members behind.  So they are in the New World, hating it here and watching us as we bomb countries and family members that they love.

Canada is a land of immigrants.  None of us would wish to stand by while our countries of origin were attacked.

And Islam presents a second problem for the West.  Some Muslims are angry with Infidels wherever they find us.  These rabid souls don’t just want in.  They want all of us OUT and they believe that unlimited terrorism is justified in order to achieve their aims.

So the West squanders its military might trying to help in Muslim countries while leaving us hopelessly vulnerable to attack at home, and our attackers are those we are trying to DEFEND abroad!  Everybody loses.


Monday, February 09, 2015

Obama Budget? Why Now?

Is it true that President Obama didn’t bother with a White House Budget offering during his first six years in office?  Too busy playing golf?

Why now?


Who Says So?

What if  President George W. Bush had told us that the brutality of ISIS was no worse than slavery in the United States?  My answer?  He would have been impeached for TREASON!

But wait.  President Bush didn’t say that.  It was President Obama, and it was not that long ago.  Obama?  No problem.
