Sunday, May 31, 2015

Hastert Accused

Note: I do not condone the abuse of children or young persons under ANY circumstances.  I do agree that one is considered innocent until proven guilty.

Former U.S. Republican House Leader Dennis Hastert is apparently guilty of becoming the VICTIM of blackmail, and it gets worse.  He is accused of making withdrawals from his personal private bank account without reporting this to President Obama.  Big Brother is watching.

The blackmailer?  No name, no photos and NO CHARGES.  I suspect that it’s perfectly legal to blackmail a Republican.  Republicans are guilty until proven guilty.  CNN and MSNBC make sure of it.

If Senior Democrat Barney Frank had been accused of hiding his sins - but wait.  We dare not rough up a gay Democrat.   I think that President Obama will go on from here to humiliate all closet Republicans, living, retired or dead.  Obama’s Muslim Community Organizers love him for this.  The U.S. is now a Third World country.  Bring it on.


Global Warming? Yes

Is the climate changing?  The central U.S. is now under water.  Catastrophic floods are a direct result of rapid and irreversible climate change.  Yes, it’s Global Warming, but Al Gore’s Tennessee mansion will be underwater before he admits that he doesn’t know a thing about what is happening around him.

Greedy humans have already hidden enough hot nuclear waste in the World’s oceans to produce elevated water temperatures for thousands of years.  More waste is dumped every day.  Increased humidity from the Pacific Ocean will flood the Mississippi Valley in the U.S. for centuries to come.  Warming oceans threaten all life on the planet.  Nuclear madness is the culprit.

Al Gore teaches children that the use of nuclear power prevents Global Warming.  He is an idiot.  Don’t take my word for it.  You will catch on when the water rises above your knees.


Soto Solves Spelling Bee Dilemma?

South Asian young people win the U.S. National Spelling Bee year after year.  Sonja Sotomeyer (U.S. Supreme Court Judge) could easily solve this embarrassing problem.  She would simply cancel the spelling contests.  No problem.

It’s the tribal way.  It’s Obama’s way.  It will happen.


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Freedom Fumbles

The U.S. is out of natural resources and into natural disasters.  From First World to Third World overnight.  White descendants of the U.S. Founding Fathers built the greatest civilization of this age.  We are now all but gone, and the few left behind are unable to stay the course.  Our fate is to descend into the tribal chaos that has dominated human existence through the millennia.

For centuries, Britain and the U.S. struggled to raise the World to Anglo American standards.  Today Britain is unable to help, and U.S. President Obama was elected on a promise to cut American life down to the tribal realities of his own upbringing.  In doing so, the U.S. President has severed the links that tenuously held off chaos in the Third World.  North Africa and the Middle East, in the absence of Western dominance, have erupted into unending genocide and tribal violence.

The greatest nation on earth is bankrupt and floundering.  Its citizens have voted to scuttle the U.S. Constitution, the document upon which our entire World civilization depends. Lights out for America.  Lights out for the World.  Bring it on…


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Baltimore Combination

Six dead and eighteen injured in Baltimore Md over the weekend.  Where is MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow?  Where is Anderson Cooper (CNN)?  Not a peep from either of them.

Black snuffs out Black?  Rachel doesn’t care.  Black murders White?  Anderson yawns.  White kills White?  NOBODY gives a dam.  These are the wrong human combinations.

What does it take to get the attention of MSNBC and CNN?  It’s the Baltimore Combination:  White kills Black.  If a White Cop gives a Black thug a heart attack, CNN and MSNBC make sure that all hell breaks loose across America.

The truth as I see it?  White Christians are at a loss to understand why CNN and MSNBC are huge players in a conspiracy to foment a revolution aimed at extinguishing the American Dream.  Everybody loses.


Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Auto Sales Engine: Recalls

Bill Clinton may have accidentally started a mad rush to auto recalls when he called in 8 million Japanese built cars for a bogus seat belt problem back in 1995.  Japanese vehicle sales soared as owners dumped their blighted cars.  Then there was the Ford Explorer recall and next the huge Toyota recall.  Toyota led the world in auto sales.

So now we are witnessing an 80 million car air bag recall and it’s “All Brands”.  This time, auto sales will be pushed by threatening everybody driving every model on the road today.  Sales generated by intimidation.

Call your dealer.  Yes, your car has been recalled, but you cannot get an appointment for repairs until four years hence.  Your choice?  Trade or die.  Blackmail.


Friday, May 22, 2015

Hillary's Emails - A Tragic Joke

U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton now claims to be publishing Emails that she earlier told us had been erased. Vince Foster would get a chuckle out of this.  My guess?  Hillary has had to double her minimum wage staff in order to invent all this miraculous Email vomit.  Hillary releasing her Emails is like a mass murder declaring herself innocent.

No matter though.  Consider her audience.


Obama Blames White Cops...Again

The President says there is too much White Police firepower…That’s what drove the Black a…holes in Ferguson Missouri to loot and torch all the White business establishments.  So the U.S. President made national news by banning Police BAYONETS.  He explained that Cops with grenade launchers alienate the liquor store looting scumbags.

The President watches from the White House TV Room as his U.S. drones snuff out ISIS losers that piss him off.  Why not use drones to cull unruly White cops right here at home?  Silly me.  I didn’t know that the Constabulary used bayonets and grenade launchers  during the Ferguson Missouri melee.


CNN Nazi Style Hatred?

I suspect that CNN hates Republicans the same way that Nazis hated Jews during Hitler’s era.  Hitler controlled a mass propaganda machine that spewed forth highly inflammatory mega lies to turn a nation against a defenseless minority.

CNN is doing the same thing today.  Its targeted victims are U.S. Republican Presidential Candidates.  CNN is engaged in heartless deception crafted to steer the gullible masses to the far left ahead of the coming U.S. Presidential Election.

CNN questions are easily manipulated to make Republican Candidates look like indecisive nitwits.  Presidential hopefuls cannot afford to refuse media attention so they are lined up against the wall one after another and humiliated.  A catch 22 for the best and the brightest.

The CNN questions, double edged, hinge around the Candidates’ opinions on the War in Iraq.  There are no correct answers.  There is no opportunity for rebuttal.    The awkward video exchanges are shown again and again - not just on CNN, but also on MSNBC and even on the Russian TV Channel.  It’s rape by repetition.  Over and over and over…

Americans love it.  My bet is that CNN will prevail.  The U.S. is a Third World country.


Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sorry, Chicago: Detroit Leads The Way

Chicago Community Organizers (Obama included) could learn a thing or two by spending some time in Detroit.  Black Muslim Detroit slums are a decade or more ahead of similar suburbs in Chicago.

Many derelict homes in Detroit are already gone - whole city blocks bulldozed.  Water, sewer and power are history for thousands of Detroit hangers-on.  And compare city finances.  Chicago debt was only recently given “junk” status.  Detroit debt is way past junk and the city has been bankrupt for years.

Wake up Chicago Community Organizers.  If your goal is to deny my goal, Chicago isn’t making the grade.  You are losers at being losers.


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Terror In Philadelphia?

A fifty-year old super heavy steel Amtrak rail passenger car was blown to bits in a huge explosion and rail disaster, and the brothers in Phili can’t figure out what caused the mess.   White House excuses?  Sorry - no speed control.  Sorry- forgot to interview the driver - oops…he doesn’t remember anything.  Sorry - no cab camera.  Sorry - no Black Box info.  Sorry, sorry, sorry. 

My answer?  Sorry - it was another in a deliberately executed plan of terror attacks scheduled for cities across the United States.  One per week and ongoing.  So be it.


Tsarnaev Death Penalty

This young Muslim lad looks like he could be U.S. President Obama’s son, and Obama has an ace up his sleeve.  It’s called CanadaCanada takes in Muslim assassins and weeks later they are back on the street.  The U.S. President can make it happen.



White America is indeed brain dead.  There is deliberate carnage in a new U.S. city every week, and week after week.  This week, Philadelphia.

I had predicted Cincinnati.  After Baltimore, I was convinced that Black Muslim Community Organizers would show up next to trash Cincinnati.  See my blog of April 28, 2015.

You pick another city.  The one for next week.  Just take a guess and write it down.


Friday, May 15, 2015

Bloody Fun

The U.S. FDA proposes that gay and bisexual men are OK to give blood if they claim that they have had no sex for a year.  Why not just test blood and give “strait” blood to strait people, and “gay” blood to gay people?  Gays need blood too.  In my opinion, the gay population now exceeds that of we strait stragglers.


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Left Wing Media Magic

Watch it happen over and over: Media entrapment of Republican Conservatives.  How is it done?

On day one, a question is asked by the media and the victim answers with specifics.  The next day, or hours later, this same question is modified or asked in such a way that the opposite answer is correct.  Now you are told that the second answer reveals the victim back-peddling on the first question.

CNN recently nailed Jeb Bush this way on the question of Weapons of Mass Destruction.  In Canada, media entrapment is a daily TV extravaganza.  Sad to say that NOBODY seems to notice.


Obama's Chicago

President Obama spent years “organizing” Chicago.  His folks intimidated major department stores, wiped out the stock yards and stopped the University of Chicago in its tracks (Alinsky).

Community Organizers mean business, and today, another HUGE step backward for Chicago - Moody’s lowered Chicago’s debt rating to JUNK.

There is cheering at the White House.


Greece: The Joke Is On...

Is it on Greece, or German Bankers or the German taxpayer?

Greece is reluctantly borrowing billions to repay billions.  It’s musical chairs, but in this charade EVERYBODY loses when the music stops.  A Catch 22.  Disaster ahead?


Why America Is Doomed

Now you are told that Bin Laden was a fake.  That means that the New York City Twin Towers terror attack story was a fraud - which cancels the justification for the U.S. WAR ON TERROR.  A few of us have known this from the beginning, and you labeled us “Truthers”, a condescending insult.

The magnitude of this deliberate triple deception is so huge that it is beyond quantification, and yet you are still willing to buy the endless string of lies that spew from sick Government and Media spin factories.

Yes, there is a war underway.  It’s on the streets of America, but you cannot acknowledge that either.  So you are eaten alive by Black Muslim Community Organizers, and you blame yourselves for their tribal brutality.  Black crime is out of control and selective Media micro management has convinced you that White Cops are to blame.  It’s a death wish.

Why America is doomed.


Monday, May 11, 2015

The Alinsky Organizers

President Obama’s hero, Saul Alinsky, passed away complaining that his efforts to indoctrinate radicals produced tepid results.  Alinsky preached violence to defeat the Establishment, and he called his converts “Community Organizers”.

In my view, President Obama is proof that Alinsky’s program radicalized what was once the greatest nation on Earth.  Americans installed a “Saul Alinsky” Community Organizer in the White House.  And now, Cop killings, day after day all over America.  So organized.  President Obama gets to watch the carnage live in the comfort of the White House Movie Studio.


Obama On Osama

President Obama told the World that he and Hillary watched the assassination of Osama Bin Laden live in the comfort of the White House Video Theatre.

Now we are told (on CNN) that Osama, an elderly jailed cripple, was allegedly gunned down, dismembered and thrown in pieces from a chopper that night.

Who to believe?  This is tribal Al Qaeda stuff.  The President didn’t mention these particular details at the time, but then we all know that he would never order a White Seal to dismember a Black Muslim brother.


Terrorism: Who Will Pay The Price?

In Muslim Alberta, terrorist Omar Khadr has moved in with the lawyer who claims credit for getting him out of jail.  The lawyer has put his family, community and country at risk.

Here in Godless Manitoba, bus beheader Vince Li is NOT moving in with the Psychiatrist who saw fit to his release from a mental institution. The Psychiatrist refuses to put his family in harms way.  What about my family?  No problem.  He doesn’t even know me.


Obama On VE Day

A change of heart?  The U.S. President had not confessed that his White Grandpa served in Patton’s Army.  In times past, Obama did call his Black Grandfather a  n…..  and an Uncle Tom because Grandpa Onyango credited the British Army for his training and education.

Nice to see President Obama acknowledge a White guy, especially since this one took him in when he was abandoned in his childhood.


Trudeau On Childcare

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau says that we will have to wait to find out how he plans to pay for half of his promised $4 billion Childcare Plan.  I would say there’s no need for us to wait.  Federal Liberals have made this pledge before several previous elections.

Canadians never pay a cent because Liberals simply don’t deliver on the childcare promise.  It’s the promise that matters.  That’s what Liberals vote for.  They are not stupid.  They love a smooth tongued liar.  Like father, like son.


Sunday, May 10, 2015

Heartless Harper?

The talking heads at CBC and CTV agree that Muslim terrorist “brother” Omar Khadr is a gentle articulate powder puff and Prime Minister Harper is heartless because he will not acknowledge this.  But then Prime Minister Harper was in Parliament last October when Muslim brother Zahaf-Bibeau burst in and shot up the place.  No doubt Zahaf-Bibeau could have easily sold the CBC on his “feminine” side.  None of these media hacks have yet looked into the business end of a high powered rifle.  It tends to make real people appear to be heartless.


Where Is Medvedev?

Did Putin have a tiff with his echo?  I have said it's dangerous to cuddle up beside a vicious pit bull anywhere in the world.


Saturday, May 09, 2015

Who Shot Brian Moore?

On Saturday, May 2nd, NYPD Officer Brian Moore was murdered in cold blood by a Black assailant.  Not a peep from CNN.  My guess?  The Black shooter will walk and Officer Moore will be charged in absentia with racism because he made eye contact with this innocent Black “brother” (My Brother’s Keeper).

I expect to be told that the Black shooter appeared to be unarmed at the time.  My guess?  His weapon was legal and he had a concealed weapons permit.  He was a homeless pastor delivering groceries (Skittles and Iced Tea) to needy families.  The White police officer confronted a frightened Black Alter boy.  CNN has the facts.

Moore is not the first White Cop to be shot dead by an innocent Black guy.  CNN fails to report these shootings because all White Cops are guilty if shot by Black thugs.  Black lives matter.  We Whites know that we are guilty.  That’s why we don’t torch cities when we are regularly mowed down by the “brothers”.  That’s why CNN hides in the bushes.  White lives don’t matter.  Keep cheering for CNN.


Friday, May 08, 2015

My Brother's Keeper: It's Not Black And White

In Baltimore, a Black Police Officer is charged with murder for driving  a Police Van, while in Canada a Muslim terrorist walks free after murdering a U.S. soldier.

So this issue is clearly not Black or White.  A “Brother” isn’t just Black.  Islam is the ticket to freedom.


Khadr Charms Like Obama

Terrorist Omar Khadr disarmed everybody in his first TV interview after his release from jail.  He was positively cuddly.  I was taken aback.  It occurred to me that the U.S. President might look upon Omar as a son, (like Trayvon) or even a “brother”.

Another Muslim media charmer, like Obama.  Harmless.  Right?


Where To Bury Our Nuclear Sins

Of course it’s obvious that all nuclear waste storage should be managed by those who benefit from the electricity generated while producing the waste.  Those who benefit, and their children, and grandchildren and great grandchildren an on and on for 100,000 years, should care for the waste.  But that never happens.  Here is how greedy idiots propose to deal with Canada’s nuclear garbage.  They plan to take waste from nuclear plants on the shores of Lake Ontario and store it in deep limestone deposits on the shores of Lake Huron.

But wait…Lake Huron is upstream from Lake Ontario.  The nuclear wizards haven’t considered the concerns of souls in Sarnia, Windsor, Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Falls or even Toronto for that matter.  These folks are all downstream from Lake Huron but upstream from the nuclear mess on Lake Ontario.  My advice?  Never move your garbage upstream.  It is obviously beyond stupidity.  You end up drinking your own mistakes.

And burial in limestone?  Limestone is extremely porous and totally dissolves in the acidic waters that are the product of global warming.  There is no such thing as a competent waterproof limestone bed.  Who are these imbeciles?  They spent years discovering that even granite plutons have cracks.

I’m guessing that NIMBY holds the answer (Not In My Back Yard).  None of these incompetents live anywhere near the proposed storage site on Lake Huron.  Their lights are still burning brightly.  It hasn’t occurred to them that they are crapping in their own source of drinking water.


Canada Lucky In Lumber

Canada may have invented the explosive formaldehyde chipboard (particle board) lumber substitute that has now become the bane of today’s Chinese manufacturers. (Look up “Lumber Liquidators”).  Virtually every home built in the U.S. and Canada in the past 25 years is made from this dangerous gassy highly flammable material.  Now, somebody has made a fortune shorting Lumber Liquidators stock after telling the TRUTH about this extremely volatile building product.

Here is the GOOD news.  Lucky Canada ran out of trees needed for chipboard production a decade ago.  China stepped in to fill the void, so now China (not famous for its forests) will be blamed as entire U.S. subdivisions go up in unstoppable flames.


Del Mastro Done? (First Published November 12, 2014)

Canadian Member of Parliament Dean Del Mastro was forced out of politics over what may have been a $23,000 overage in election spending.

I well remember the Liberal Sponsorship Scandal.  Canadians discovered that Finance Minister Paul Martin had turned over a fifty million dollar blank check every year to then Prime Minister Jean Chretien, ostensibly to rescue the politically shaky Province of Quebec.  Hundreds of millions of dollars were never recovered or even accounted for.

Prime Minister Chretien didn’t lose his job.  Paul Martin went on to become the next Canadian Prime Minister.

Did Del Mastro step over the line?  Perhaps so, but I saw a dedicated Canadian hard at work for his constituents and his country.  Innocent until PROVEN guilty?  No.  One strike and he’s OUT!

Until I have reason to do otherwise, I will side with Del Mastro.  I only wish that Prime Minister Harper would step in to offer the party a bit of much needed guidance here.  Do Conservative Candidates really have to count their political contributions every day during an election campaign?


Scapegoats In The Twenty-First Century

The masses cannot be moved to conflagration without a scapegoat (real or imaginary) invented to stir up anger.  Marx tackled the bourgeois.  Hitler went after the Jews.  In the Twenty-First century, white heterosexuals are the chosen scapegoats.

It’s always the gifted minority.  We White heteros built and managed the New World.  Today, there are only ten of us left, so the masses are busy chasing phantoms.  We saw you coming decades ago and we stopped breeding.  That’s why the bridges are falling down.


A Ray Of Sunshine From Alberta

For decades Alberta has been the economic growth engine of Canada in spite of the fact that the Province was raped by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.  For its generosity, we offer Albertans of yesteryear our sincere and heartfelt thanks.

But the recent Provincial Election has confirmed an about face in the political mindset for this formerly wealthy Province.  Arab money wants Canadian oil production wiped off the map.  The left in Canada is anti-industry to its core.  Federal Trudeau Liberals still hate Alberta.

There is one ray of sunshine in all of this stupidity.  Here in Manitoba, there will be no more perpetual Tar Sands haze blocking out the sun once the giant Alberta oil production complex grinds to a halt.  Three cheers for Third World poverty here at home.


Thursday, May 07, 2015

Khadr's Next Grenade

Omar Khadr’s Scottish lawyer called Canada’s Prime Minister Harper a bigot and much more.  Nobody blinked.  I’m calling Lawyer Scottie an idiot.  That will get me a Human Rights citation and maybe some jail time.

But from my jail cell I might get the last laugh.  Sorry, Lawyer Scottie, but you cannot cuddle up to a bloodthirsty pit-bull without getting mauled.  That’s what they do.  Khadr will quickly prove me right.  You are indeed an idiot.


Khadr: Another Obama Victory

American soldiers tell us that they watched Omar Khadr murder one of their own.  This did not deter U.S. President Obama from having Khadr transferred from the Guantanamo Prison in Cuba to the Islamic state of Alberta in Canada.

Now that Khadr has been released from jail in Canada, might I suggest that this would be an ideal opportunity for the U.S. President to visit with Khadr in the Islamic city of Calgary?  This would set the stage for the annexation of Canada’s only wealthy province into the Islamic States of America.

Obama guessed right about Canada.  Stupid Canadians are still turning the other cheek.  Easy pickings for Islam.


Losing With Wynne

Ontario Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne won by glomming up the gay/labor/welfare vote.  If she had been Black she would have mirrored the Obama landslide in the U.S.  But Ontario, like France, is “Nuclear Power Bankrupt”.  Somebody has to pay the bills.  The question is: Which of her constituencies would she crucify first?  She has wisely picked her welfare losers, because they will never understand what she is doing.

I suspect that Wynne is quietly busy de-coupling power bills from the rent collected at welfare housing apartments.  Yup.  Welfare folks will soon be forced to pay soaring electricity bills in addition to their monthly rent.  Losers lose with Wynne.

The good news?  This sleazy strategy is a win win for Wynne.  They all vote Liberal.


Europe: The New Dark Age

France sits at the center of Europe and France has bragged for decades that eighty percent of its power comes from nuclear power plants.  Today, these nuclear plants are all well beyond fifty years old.  France cannot afford to shut them down, nor can it afford to pay for the expensive power they produce. France will never recover from this tragic reality.

Nuclear accidents ahead?  France is quickly sweeping all of Europe into a “New Dark Age”.  The Nuclear Catch 22.


Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Buffet Blows Up North Dakota

So another exploding oil train has done just that on a Buffet railway line in North Dakota.  It’s not his first train to blow sky high in North Dakota, but this time a town has been evacuated.

Don’t worry about your Berkshire stock.  Buffet owns the Insurance Company that will make things right.  And yes, it’s true that President Obama says “no” to new pipeline construction that would solve this exploding problem.  But the President doesn’t even know where North Dakota is, and of course he needs Saudi billions to keep his hegemony afloat.  Saudis hate U.S.  oil.  No pipelines please.


Whitey Bye Bye

Every tribal culture on earth bitches about how we Whites have raped their homelands in order to become wealthy.  Why don’t these same tribal guys turn the tables and trample White civilization?  But wait…That’s what’s happening today.  Have we simply surrendered to our tribal brothers and sisters?

Not on purpose.  The Third World will never acknowledge that White genius created our “First World” utopia.  Whites will never admit that our creative gifts have now evaporated.  We no longer have the blessing that allowed us to lead the World.  That’s why we’re being swallowed whole on our own turf by vicious tribal thugs.

Everybody loses.


Baltimore: A Better Lie

When the madness began in Baltimore, CNN fed us four straight hours of video showing Blacks looting and torching a large new pharmacy building.  Now we are told that this was only one of five pharmacies trashed that night.

So I finally realize that all of the mayhem in Baltimore was simply cover for a gigantic drug heist by the stoned residents of a hopelessly addicted slum.

This makes sense.  It trumps the White Racist lie, big time.


Can A Black Muslim Lead The World?

Why yes, but that begs another question:  In which direction?

President Obama’s Community Organizers are torching Seniors’ Homes, looting liquor stores and pharmacies, and burning the bridges we built all over North America.  This is not a joke.  The Twin Towers are missing in New York City.  Jumbo airliners are plunging from the skies.

Yes, a Black Muslim is leading the world and his goal is to deny your goal.  Don’t pout.  You elected him and it happened because those of us who gave you indoor plumbing failed at replicating ourselves.  There are none of us left to protect you in the world that we so lovingly built for you.

The truth is all the more tragic because we left nuclear plants behind that cannot be operated in the absence of our outdated genius.  Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima are only the first three of hundreds of nuclear plants about to explode on Planet Earth.

Yes, they still pee in the streets in Muslim countries.  No, they have never had electricity, and Black Muslim leadership is making this a reality in your future.

Yes, the next U.S. President will be a Black Muslim, whether or not there is an election.  There are no elections in the Islamic world.  Remember, you voted for this.  No doubt the World is unfolding as it should.  We are cheering you on.


Alberta Sells Its Soul

Calgary sold out to Islam years ago.  Edmonton has had socialist leanings forever. There are thousands of Canadian Indians in Alberta.  They hate economic development. 

And now the Province of Alberta has elected an NDP Government.  It was a giant repulsive landslide victory.  So Alberta is now an extension of the wildly popular Islamic Obama juggernaut in the United States.

We love this adventure.  Now we will watch Canadians across the country clamor to elect Liberal, Justin Trudeau as our next Prime Minister.  To hell with indoor plumbing and heated houses.  Islam and marijuana rule.  Bring it on.


Tuesday, May 05, 2015

POTUS Tiptoes Thru The Terrorists

The U.S. President comes from at least two generations of Muslim stock, and he tells us that he also had a Muslim stepfather.  Everybody knows that you simply cannot walk away from the Muslim faith.  But it gets worse.  What if the President is gay?  Islam is quick to “Ethnic Cleanse” itself of homosexuality and/or converts who abandon the faith.

My question?  If vicious murderous terrorists stalk cartoonists world wide, why haven’t they noticed the Infidel in the White House?  Is there a touch of myopia in the fabric of the faith of Muhammad?  And don’t tell me that POTUS has body guards.  Most of them are likely Muslim.  POTUS regularly fills the White House with Muslim leaders from all over the World.  This week he played host to his cadre of youthful U.S. Community Organizers.  I assume that most of these starry-eyed young people are Muslims reaping their well-earned rewards for organizing the conflagrations at Ferguson and Baltimore.

I suspect that POTUS knows that his safety is in no way threatened by his distinct preference for Muslim visitors who are certain about something that many Americans refuse to admit.  Nevertheless, my advice to the tiptoeing leader of the World?  No cartoons PLEASE!


Raitt And Foxx: Lawyers Run The Railways

Government lawyers in Canada and the U.S. are trying hard to deal with exploding oil tanker trains.  They are beefing up the tankers and fixing the brakes.  The lawyers could not possibly know the truth.  It’s the hundred year old rail beds and bridges, built by my generation, that are giving out.  The ancient rail beds simply cannot take the excessive weight and train frequency.

Better brakes will tear the rails up faster.  In Canada we have at least one highly qualified Engineer sitting as an MP in Parliament.  His voice is sadly muzzled for lack of the realization that he understands technical problems.  Our Government lawyers don’t know that they don’t know.  The explosions continue.  Which city will be first to pay the price?


Obama Judgment In Baltimore

Six police officers were arrested recently, after a Black male allegedly died in police custody.  One of these suspected racists is accused of driving the police van.  Yes, he was Black, but that only makes him an Uncle Tom.  And there is more.  He is also guilty of stopping the van on the way to jail.  That’s right.  Guilty of driving?  Guilty of stopping?  I rest my case.

There was video footage.  You had to look closely.  Did you notice that the victim dragged toward the police van was blacker than the person they put aboard?  And now we’re told that he had a heart attack?  That’s a better yarn than the first story we were offered.  It’s hard to get a prisoner with a broken back out of a van.

Broken neck - severed spine, and now a heart attack?  My guess?  You bought the whole story.  Tribal judgment is more fun than rule of law.


Saturday, May 02, 2015

Misogyny In The Canadian Military

So the women who have muscled their way into the armed forces have discovered that male male military guys are aggressive and highly motivated.  They call it misogyny.

I agree.  The women with muscles are right.  Male males cannot work one on one with women, even if the women think they’re men.  At the same time, it is IMPOSSIBLE to take the masculinity out of the male male.

What to do?  I have a suggestion:  An all female military.  Why not?  Before women got muscles, the military was a male world.  Let’s give pushy females a turn.


Friday, May 01, 2015

Baltimore: Obama Could Do More

Yes, I have acknowledged that U.S. President Obama gets the credit for pushing the adversarial Cripps, Bloods and Guerillas together to trash Baltimore.  But he could be doing more.  Blacks could be injured throwing Molotov cocktails or looting White business establishments.  As U.S. Commander in Chief, the President could deploy drones to hit White real estate before the looters move in. 

And the President should issue an Executive Order to expunge Whites from the courts, the military and all police forces.  Supreme Court Justice Soto Mayer set the stage for this.

President Obama says it’s a “rolling rumble”.  I agree, and it will be a long hot summer.  CNN and MSNBC are working hard to stir the pot.  Blacks matter.  Drones save lives.


Baltimore: Sorry Freddie

I blame White cops for the explosion of anarchy in Baltimore.  I suspect that Freddie Gray was murdered in his jail cell by a Black cellmate.  If it’s true, White cops have known this for some time.

People have died.  Buildings have burned.  Lootings…Beatings.  Not a word from the White cops, but CNN and MSNBC have been fanning the flames.  Why is this happening?  Perhaps President Obama can tell us?
