Friday, September 18, 2015

Gretsky Baffles CBC

PM Harper to meet with Canada’s most famous hockey player.  The CBC hacks say it’s a waste of time because Gretsky can no longer vote in Canada.

Are Canadians really that stupid?  What would the CBC say if Mr. Harper met with the Pope?


Mulcair's Pipeline Flip Flop Flip Flop Flip ....

NDP Leader Mulcair now says that PM Harper is to blame for the absence new pipeline construction.  This after Mulcair went all the way to Washington to argue against building the important Keystone XL Pipeline.

Mulcair blames Harper for putting the boots to Pipeline Regulators.  Think about it.  No regulators would mean new pipelines helter-skelter.

You say that you are a big Mulcair fan?  There is no point in trying to confuse you with facts.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Liberal / NDP Coalition

Having trouble distinguishing between Liberal and NDP election lawn signs?  No, you are not color blind. These signs are now almost the same color - a washed out pink/orange hue.  Ugly.

Yes, there is an important subliminal coalition message in this.  My guess?  You had not noticed that you had not noticed.  Sad for Canada.


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Dumb And Dumber

California surfers use drones that could easily cut their faces off, to watch sharks so they don’t bite their arms off.  And yup, they swim between the sharks.


Refugees: Baltimore Calls

Europe now says it will take 160,000 refugees.  That’s the good news.  The bad news?  Europe already HAS 160,000 refugees, and there are 15 MILLION more on the way in.  The question has never revolved around how many would be accepted.  The question with no answer remains:  What about the 15 million?

U.S. President Obama’s “leadership from behind” produced this disaster.  Americans elected him.  The U.S. should step up.  Ferguson and Baltimore need to break out the Welcome signs.

So far Russian President Putin hasn’t noticed the 15 million refugees.  Even the Pope will be taking in two families.  Where is President Obama?  His brothers are wanting.


Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Obama In: Christ Out

CNN asks if a Muslim stewardess refusing to serve alcoholic beverages is the equivalent of a Christian Municipal clerk refusing to sign a gay marriage certificate.  Can a Muslim taxi driver refuse a passenger who smells of alcohol?

In our secular “rule of law” society the answers to these questions should be obvious.  Two questions apply to every case:  Is the activity legal?  Was it set out in a job description?  Clearly, a stewardess is hired to legally serve alcoholic beverages.  Taxi drivers cannot legally deny transport on the basis of body odor.  A Municipal court clerk is required to act within the legal framework of the municipality, state and country.  All concerned here should face dismissal if they refuse to perform legal tasks they have agreed to perform as a condition of their employment.

But the story doesn’t end here.  I suspect that the complaining Muslim stewardess and the Muslim taxi driver might already be out of work, but the Christian court clerk was not simply dismissed - she was sent to JAIL because she refused to sign the gay marriage certificate.

Christianity built the greatest civilization of this age.  Sad to realize that Christians now encounter murderous hostility everywhere on the planet.  Christians in America face jail time for their beliefs.  They need only look to Africa and the Middle East to foresee the carnage that lies ahead for followers of Christ.  Who is to blame?  When U.S. citizens voted to out Christ, the whole world quickly slid back into tribal chaos.  Today, there is no turning back.  It’s a death wish.


Trudeau Deficits: Bigger And Better

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau tells you that Harper mismanaged the economy by running deficits during back to back recessions.  Then, with a straight face Trudeau goes on to say
that his planned much larger Liberal deficits are the answer.  This is sad, but what’s much worse is the realization that Canadians are buying the story.

The Liberal message never changes.  “Promise everything.  Deliver nothing”.


Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Marriage: Just A Word?

A white female Municipal Clerk in More head Kentucky is in jail.

Did she commit murder?  No.  Did she rob a bank?  No.  Is she in any way a threat to public safety?  No.  Why is she behind bars?  She refused to agree to the marriage of two gay men.  Yes, she was jailed over the meaning of a word.  The meaning of the word “marriage” is clearly set out in millions of aging English language dictionaries.

I would not be upset about the new reality of prevalent homosexuality, but homosexuals are violently at war with those of us (mostly heteros) who care about the traditional meaning of words.  Their hatred runs deep and now that they are in the majority, they are playing for keeps.

Words are used as a “whipping boy” to expose an incomprehensible ubiquitous homosexual death wish.  I suspect that I too will be jailed for my belief that words have lasting meaning.  Before it’s over, those of us who refuse to yield will find ourselves facing firing squads.

Don’t laugh.  Christians world wide are facing genocide today, and Christ died because he refused to bastardize the meaning of His words.  “The road to the cross is narrow and steep.”

News Flash:  Municipal Clerk to be released.  Too little, too late.


Monday, September 07, 2015

Canadian Gutter Politics

Trudeau, Mulcair and the left wing media have teamed up to opportunistically exploit video of two small children lying dead on a Turkish beach.  They are careful not to blame this travesty on Muslim terrorists who are forcing millions to flee from their homes and their countries.  Somehow they have contrived to imply that Prime Minister Harper is personally to blame for the tragic deaths of these innocent children.

Most Canadians are inclined to buy into the relentless and blatantly dishonest media hype trashing PM Harper.  Where do you stand? 


Sunday, September 06, 2015

The Mulcair Grin

Why did NDP Leader Jack Layton put the boots to Tom Mulcair?  Layton chose an unknown French speaking Quebec MP to replace him as he made his final exit from politics.  Was it Mulcair’s “Mona Lisa grin” ????


Saturday, September 05, 2015

Trudeau Keeps Foot In Mouth

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau says that PM Harper has no compassion.  Only an idiot totally devoid of compassion could say something that stupid.  So long as Trudeau has the gloves off, I will confess my belief that Trudeau is indeed an idiot.

Idiocy is a winning qualification in politics today.  I’m guessing that you will vote Liberal.


Friday, September 04, 2015

The European Union: A Marriage From Hell

The framers of this deliberate scheme (the European Union) clearly had in mind the destruction of the hard working middle class in Europe’s most prosperous countries.  Germany and Britain have totally lost control of their borders.  Impoverished citizens from EU member countries are moving en masse to Germany and Britain.  Migrants from all over the World are flooding in via the weakest external EU member country borders.  Europe’s former western civilization is quickly morphing into the Third World.


Thursday, September 03, 2015

Cops Crucified

A white male senior Police Officer in Toronto, Canada, has been convicted of attempting to maintain public order as Law Enforcement backed away from vicious riots that greeted G20 members meeting there two years ago.

So the Ferguson Disease has made its way to Canada.  And soon Canadians could have a dedicated pot smoker leading the country.  Just like our American neighbors.  Monkey see, monkey do.


Tuesday, September 01, 2015


Japan shut down its fifty nuclear reactors following the horrendous Fukushima power plant disaster in 2001.  At the time, I predicted that the Japanese would be forced to recapitulate.  Their resolve held for over a decade, but they have now elected a government that favors a return to nuclear power generation.  Re-start announcements have been published.

It’s a Catch 22.  For decades Japan had nuclear power.  Today, NUCLEAR POWER HAS JAPAN.
