Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Burned Out Bernie

Poor Bernie Sanders is taking his final breaths to keep Hellish Hillary in the news.  She has trampled thousands without mercy on her trek to the top.  Bernie is just her latest. 

Perhaps even Bernie doesn’t realize that he is a dilapidated dupe.  Will he be another sad Clinton statistic by election day?


Ethical Racism - Skills

Most whites can play at basketball.  They can’t really play basketball.  Most blacks can play on Wall Street.  They can’t really play Wall Street.  Master thieves?  Mostly white.  Whites destroyed our world.


Saturday, March 26, 2016

Obama To Belgium: We Have Your Back

What does it mean when U.S. President Obama says "we have your back"?  What does it mean when he brags that he "leads from behind"?

Perhaps the Belgians could ask Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq or Afghanistan.  Today, President Obama is leading from behind in Syria.  To Syrians it means 10000 bombing raids and 30000 bombs dropped on their cities.

The Belgians should contemplate the damage done by 10000 bombing raids over Belgium.  Obama has your back?  My advice?  Duck.


Slavery And American Muslims

I believe that almost all cell phones, tablets and computers are now manufactured in slave cities in China and other despotic Asian countries.  I'm calling for black community organizers in the U.S. to boycott all slave built gadgetry outright.

Most Wal-Mart trinkets and one third of the food consumed in the United States comes from enslaved countries in Asia.

Another opportunity for U.S. President Obama to lead from ... behind.


U.S. Lyin' Ted and Sleazy Donald

Wouldn’t it add to the fun if ALL of the trash hype surrounding the U.S. Republican Presidential campaign was a Democratic media invention to bait Ted and Donald?

No matter the source of the sleaze, it can only happen in a tribal third world country willing to go to ANY lengths to smear its final remnant of integrity.

This will end badly.


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Offending Canadian Indians

Native Canadians hate our efforts to sound out and spell the words they use in their strange language.  They say no, and I agree.

Let's expunge all Indian words from our English language and instead use words that we can spell.  We stop mangling Indian words, and in turn, Indians stop using the English language.


Canada Redefines Inclusion

Canada's prissy new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, preens his hair and flaunts his feminism for a drooling U.S. television audience.  He trumpets inclusion as the byword for all Canadians.

Unfortunately for me, heterosexuals, Christians, pro life and unilingual Canadians need not apply.  There is no need for Trudeau to exclude us from his inclusive new version of Canada.  We are the product of an aging generation, and we are disappearing (you know, dying) as I write.

In days past, we built the country that he now leads.  We will soon be gone, and we were the rudder steering the great ship of Canada.  A ship without a rudder.


You Say Your House Is Missing?

The storms keep getting bigger and new homes simply blow away in the wind.  As weather violence escalates, you would expect home builders to construct sturdier houses.  The opposite is true.   Stick houses.

Staples have replaced nails. Sticks have replaced studs.  Cheap plywood is now used instead of sturdy lumber.  Municipal services have cut corners as well.  New natural gas, water and sewer lines are made of plastic instead of copper or iron.

We live in a fifty year old Seniors Residence that was built by people of our own generation. (lumber, sturdy plywood, concrete, metal pipes, etc.)


Walking On Needles

Toronto's elite have decided to open "Safe Drug Injection Sites" on streets like yours, so that criminals can sell more dope.  My suggestion?  Addicts would be more comfortable if these needle nests could be located in Rosedale and at Upper Canada College.

Handy too, because most dope pushers live in Rosedale and go to Upper Canada College.


Trump In Chicago

It's easy to pick on Trump, especially in Chicago.  Why did no other U.S. presidential candidates face riots there?   Do you know the answer to this question?

The answer is simple.  Hillary and Cruz and the rest didn't go anywhere near Chicago.  Too much violence.  Obama's vicious Community Organizers are working at destroying Chicago the way Alinsky wrecked Detroit.

Trump simply gave you a glimpse of what's really happening there.  You will never be allowed to see what Obama's rioters really did on the night the Trump rally was cancelled.  You would throw up.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Hillary Babble

“We have done a good job of securing our borders” says Hillary Clinton.  This would be funny if Americans were laughing about Obama’s story that U.S. unemployment now stands at five percent.

America is a third world continent.  Twenty percent of the populous live on the streets.  But there is good news.  They all have iphones so that Facebook/Twitter can tell them when to riot.  My guess?  You are voting for Hillary.


A Gift From Canada

How much do Canadians of Liberal persuasion suddenly love Americans?  Two starry-eyes fellas in NYC got down on their knees before our Rock Star PM Trudeau and begged him to run for the Presidency in the United States.

Canadians are generous.  Take him - he’s yours.


Thursday, March 17, 2016

Obama On Obama

Two weeks ago, U.S. President Obama was taking credit for 10,000 bombing raids over Syria and Iraq.  More recently he has discovered those responsible for genocide there.  I guess he caught a glimpse of himself in a mirror.


Negative Interest Rates - Seniors Last Frontier

Seniors had savings.  They planned to live on the interest.  Rates went to nil.  Screwed.

Seniors had pensions.  Corporations raped their pension plans and then topped it off by going bankrupt.  Screwed.  Seniors bought Triple A sub prime paper, chasing yield.  Sub prime paper was a fraud.  Triple A was a fraud.  Screwed.

Seniors owned their homes outright.  In the U.S., real estate collapsed.  Screwed.  Some American seniors bought reverse mortgages on their paid-off homes and they ended out on the street.  Screwed.

Most seniors were left with only what was in their personal bank accounts earning no interest.  The final thrust?  Negative rates that prey on these accounts.  The fifty super rich Wall Street a..holes want every last cent … and your fillings.  Repeat Performance.


Canada Courts Criminals

So Canada’s PM Trudeau says he has to keep Harper’s promise to deliver weapons to Saudi Arabia but he doesn’t need to keep Harper’s promise to prosecute thirty Senators re expense fraud. 

In Canada, crime pays.


African Americans And American Africans

I remember African Americans: good-natured souls, mostly Christian, loyal to their country.  African Americans have now been supplanted by American Africans, mostly angry, mostly Muslim, and totally tribal.   Allegiance unknown.

Today, the city of Detroit Michigan is overrun by American Africans and consequently at the demolition stage.  Chicago follows close behind Detroit in this respect.

Donald Trump recently got a face full of angst from Obama's Muslim Community Organizers (American Africans) in Chicago.  These Chicago thugs are at the forefront of the American African revolutionary movement.

I'm not pointing fingers.  Americans voted for this.  It is the will of the people. Their will be done.


Why Trump Won't Make It

To date in the U.S. Presidential election campaign, I estimate that Trump has spoken live to over a quarter-million people.  Twenty-five violent audience members have caused a great deal of commotion.  All 25 of these thugs are now continuously in our faces on CNN over and over and over again.

One protester, who was tackled in the process of rushing the stage (where Trump was speaking), has been interviewed so many times that he is now practically a family member to the American TV audience.  No, he is not in jail.  He is a media darling on CNN.  My guess?   The next person to rush the stage will have a gun.

Why is CNN baiting the murderess rabble?  Why is MSNBC baiting the murderous rabble?  The answer is straightforward.  Murder video makes money.  Tribal America worships violence.  OJ for President.


Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A Glimpse Into Our Future

History reveals that the African continent was inhabited for thousands of years before Whites discovered America.  This suggests that Africans had a huge head start on the development of their continent.  In spite of this, only 7% of Africans have access to electricity today.

The West has completely failed in its efforts to bring Africa into the 21st century.  Africans have totally failed to bring Africa into the 21st century.
It is ironic to realize that North Americans have voted decisively in favor of leadership sympathetic to tribalism.  The floodgates are open, and those of us who built North America are already hopelessly outnumbered.

In Uganda, 22 voters were recently killed in post-election violence.  Tribalism is totally incompatible with electoral democracy.  A glimpse into our future.
Bring It On.


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Canadians Love Criminals

Americans drool over the murderous OJ Simpson.  Canadians are more refined.

Canadians finance criminal organizations outright.  Canada has “safe drug injection sites” to make it convenient for criminals to market their illicit drugs to their victims.  But the story gets stupider.  Canada's new Prime Minister was elected on a promise to make pot legal.  How many young people shoot up on pot?

My suggestion:  Why not set up adjoining offices for elicit drug dealers so that they can avoid freezing outdoors during Canadian Winters?
Next?  Clean beds for rapists?  Hello?
Illegal drugs are... Illegal.


Monday, March 14, 2016

Repeat Performance: The Endless Meme

As this Age draws to a close, we the remnant of those who can think, those who built this civilization, are too decimated to stand together as a tiny minority.  We face brutal extinction at the hands of the numberless rabble.  It's a senseless worldwide meme.

Freedom fails miserably as the last of us are dragged to the cross.  Anarchy in a leaderless world sets the stage for a new Dark Age.


Sunday, March 13, 2016

Canada Beckons

I can't say that I speak for all Canadians, but I invite Americans of my generation (old) to come to live in Manitoba if Donald Trump LOSES the U.S. Presidential election.

Don't get the impression that I'm offering a Rose Garden.  Canada is in the same political mess as the United States.  I simply wish to assemble in one place, all of us who built North America, so that we can watch the current generation mow our efforts down from a distance.


Warren Buffet Explained

Let me offer my interpretation of the recent words of Warren Buffet:

Buffet says that he fully understands that at the end of an age the gifted few get fabulously rich at the expense of the rest of us, but it isn't his fault or their fault that you are stupid.

That's the bad news.  The good news?  Buffet is well past his "best before date" and death is an equal-opportunity destroyer.  Bye bye Mr. Buffet.


Thursday, March 10, 2016

Right Wall: Wrong Border

Who would have predicted that Canadian voters would go Sharia in a landslide?  Canada provides the planes and the Prime Minister has been seen at airports hugging Syrians flooding into the country.  And today, President Obama promises to throw the U.S. border open to Canadians seeking entry to the U.S.

Sorry, Mr. Trump.  When you close the door, they come in through the windows.  Freedom fried.


Trudeau Goes To Washington

Mediocre meets incompetent.  Strange that the frog and the spider from Hindu legend should end up running the world.

It proves that you can indeed put the cart before the horse, but not for long.  The Hindu legend doesn’t end well either.

Voters drool.  Repeat Performance.


Tuesday, March 08, 2016

The Tribal Islamic Meme

America cheers as CNN flaunts senior U.S. military officials who tell the world that they will follow UN Protocols that supercede the wishes of the U.S. Commander in Chief.  The UN is dominated by Islam.  ISIS (Islam) beheads treasonous Generals and CNN infidels.

Christ has long since abandoned our millennials.  In His absence the West is quickly returning to the chaos of tribalism.  Voting for Sharia.


The Flint Water Scam

Latest news?  Now we’re told that thirty homes in Flint Michigan will get brand new water pipes.

Here is a wonderful photo-op proposal:  How about Barack, Hillary, Bernie and Michael Moore locking arms as they sip the sewage that spills forth from the shiny new water pipes in Flint?

Sewage in.  Sewage out, forever.


Are Toronto's Crashes Pretty?

In years past, red flashing lights signaled “stop” or “danger”.  There were no rolling rainbow colors that today might suggest that you are approaching a gay bar.  Oops… Things have changed.

Some Toronto police cars now flaunt rainbow colored flashing emergency lights for your comfort.  Ever seen a pretty car crash?


Trump Does It His Way

Why did Americans elect and re-elect Barack Obama?  My answer?  Because he is different.  Nobody cared that he was incompetent.  Nobody cared that he made 500 promises that he knew and they knew he would not keep.  The “drone” of conventional Republican and Democratic politics is so putrid that even a “different” talking dog could have won.

Yes, Trump is different, but he is not Obama.  Yes, Trump can reach down into the ditch to touch the American psyche where it lives today; but no - he will not be elected.  Unlike Obama, Trump refuses to smoke, drink or do drugs.  Trump is brilliant, white, straight and protest-ant.  All of the above make Trump a loser.

Different is not enough.  Sleaze sells in America.


Sunday, March 06, 2016

Mega Tsunamis Meet The Mega Brain Dead

I have said that this brain dead generation cannot even repair what my earlier generation built.  After the tragic Indonesian mega-tsunami of December 26, 2004, the West rushed in and installed 22 signal buoys in the Indian Ocean to act as early warning detectors for tsunamis.

Good idea, but sorry - due to NO MAINTENANCE all of these detectors have long since gone off line.  They have ceased to function. 

You can bring a horse to water but …


Flint Flaunts Failure

Sorry folks, but lead is not the problem in Flint.  Fifty years ago, Flint Michigan was the prosperous envy of the world.  The water pipes have not changed since then.

No, the truth is that the genius that built Flint was driven out by idiots like Michael Moore, and we will NOT be back.

Go ahead - dig up the pipes.  You reap what you have sown.


Saturday, March 05, 2016

The Buses Speak

We are old.  We come from a time when human life was so highly valued that buses were made of heavy protective steel.  Our buses won the argument when they got into collisions.

Today, shiny new buses are made of plastic covered plywood that collapses on impact, killing passengers wholesale before bursting into flames.

We don’t ride on buses.


The Pipes That Built General Motors

It’s a good thing that Democrats make promises and never keep them.  It would be sad to see them replacing century old water pipes in Flint Michigan while bulldozers are busy flattening city blocks of derelict homes.

Brand new pipes to no where.  It gives a whole new meaning to the old saying: “Get the lead out”.
