Monday, April 25, 2016

Flint Water Crisis Charges

Today, the once prosperous GM City of Flint, Michigan is hopelessly bankrupt and in a water crisis.  GM abandoned the city after a strike that began there led to the bankruptcy of the huge corporation.

Today, charges have been laid against several government employees who are assumed to be responsible for the reality that the city can no longer afford drinkable municipal tap water.

With what will these scapegoats be charged?  Stupidity?


LGBT In Public Washrooms

Sad to realize that the people for whom our public washrooms were built no longer feel safe in them.  It's a problem without a solution because straight or gay, eventually we all have to pee.

I am a heterosexual, and if necessary, in future I will accompany my wife into the ladies washroom, not to use it, but to protect her.  Everybody welcome.
In third world countries, people pee in the streets. Our new reality today is leading us there.  Tumbling toward tribalism.  No washrooms required.


Our Nuclear Legacy

Sad to say that my generation built nuclear plants in a tranquil world that has now gone berserk.  We were wrong, and our progeny are too stunned by rapidly rising background radiation to respond to the problem.  They can't even fix the potholes on our streets.


Trudeau To Attawapiskat

You cannot expect Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau to visit the distressed Indian Community of Attawapiskat in Northern Ontario.  He travels with a cheering section of 300, and his jumbo jet is too big to land at the local airport.  Unlike Kananaskis, Alberta, there is no five star hotel at Attawapiskat.  The local boarding house will only accommodate 34 people.


Monday, April 18, 2016

Canada In Convulsions

Last October, Canada's Conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, was soundly defeated in an election after bringing in legislation to fight drug addiction, jail lawbreakers, and assure Canadians of a secure financial future.

Change has come quickly as this Harper legislation is dismantled, and Canadians are cheering about the results.  The country has gone from a modest annual financial surplus to a 30 billion dollar deficit.  Money is flowing like water, into the Province of Quebec.

Drug dealers are spilling out of prisons and returning to their needy customers in cities, villages and on remote Indian Reserves.  The province of British Columbia has its first ever narcotics overdose emergency, and a remote Indian Reserve reports a flood of drug-related suicide attempts.

Have you noticed the recent resurgence of reports of hopelessly smashed up cars on our city streets?  The carnage was gone from nightly news video for years under PM Harper, because he jailed the crazed teen druggies causing the problem.  “You do the crime, you do the time”.  Liberals are not so nasty, so:

They’re BACK!  Did you vote for them?


Japan: Waiting For Kyushu

Japan has 6 nuclear reactors on Kyushu, an island not much bigger than your front yard.  Yes, it was Kyushu that was ripped apart by their latest mega-quake.  Yes, the only two reactors re-started in Japan are on Kyushu.  All fifty had been shut down after the Fukushima nuclear disaster.  Yes, the Japanese were begging for and voting for re-starting their reactors.

Can a mega-quake miss 6 reactors on a postage stamp?  Waiting for Kyushu.


Starbucks Breaks The Faith

Starbucks has been welcomed into upscale communities across the globe, precisely because of its quality products and sensible management practices.
Now that Starbucks has this privileged position in utopia, the company intends to pedal booze from its coffee shops.  There are plenty of bars in the slums, but no Starbucks franchises.


Rachel's Epiphany

Rachel Notley is the embattled Socialist Premier of Canada's oil producing Province of Alberta.  She is busy trying to shout down federalist left-wingers who wish to shut the oil and gas industry down completely.

Rachel, you cannot explain that Jim Prentice was right, now that you realize that Alberta is broke.  Your flaky supporters are still flaky.  They cannot tolerate the truth.

Your short career may soon be over, Rachel.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Trading Places

I was amazed to discover that many lesbians consider transgenders to be freaks.  Silly me.  I once thought that homosexuals were a bit unusual.  Change is coming fast as worldwide background nuclear radiation soars.  In reality, we heterosexuals are now the freaks in a bizarre world at war with itself.

I do understand why the last of the heteros are sought out and herded to the Cross as total radiation sterility overtakes the planet.  Thankfully, most of the remaining souls guilty of heterosexuality are seniors today.  We will be gone soon, and since homosexuals cannot reproduce, the planet is headed for a "Silent Spring".


Friday, April 15, 2016

Another Colorado Massacre?

The U.S. Republican National Committee says that no rules have been changed in their effort to dump Trump.  Is it really true that Republicans in Colorado never get to vote in Presidential Primaries?

Pay attention.  Stoned Colorado has shut Trump out without casting a single vote.


Preying On Poverty

In the United States, Michael Moore portrays himself as a champion of the down-and-out citizens of Flint Michigan.  He does not live in Flint.  He lives in a huge mansion in prosperous Traverse City.

Canada's flavor of the month with regard to exploitation of the down-and-out is the truly distressed remote native village of Attawapiskat in Northern Ontario.

Canada's self-appointed media hog exploiting Attawapiskat poverty is Charlie Angus, the Socialist Federal Member of Parliament for the Riding.  Charlie does not live in Attawapiskat.  I have yet to see video of Charlie setting foot in the village.

Preying on poverty.


Islamic U.S.A.?

Americans are told that U.S. Republican Presidential candidate Ted Cruz is a Canadian Cuban born in Calgary, Alberta.  Canadians know that Calgary is a Muslim city - not Cuban.

Take a good look.  Another Muslim headed for the White House?


Monday, April 11, 2016

The Trump Paradox

Trump has been trampled in "Pot" States (Colorado), and in Mormon States (Utah).  It's as obvious as black and white.  Two extremes.

Followers of Christ are few and far between today, so Mormons don't count.  Pot smokers, on the other hand, outnumber all other categories among U.S. voters.

It's the pot, Donald. You are trying to rescue a stoned Third World tribal populace.  Pot is the key.  Good guys finish last in what's left of America. You lose.


Cops: A Catch 22

When a policeman today uses lethal force to protect himself or the public against life threatening violence, we put the policeman in jail.  Proof that we are on the road to anarchy.


White Supremacy? I Don't Think So

I have written in glowing terms about how we white Protest-ants built the magnificent civilization that is sought after by the rest of the world.  In my opinion this is true, but it's not the whole story.

We Protest-ants (In collaboration with brilliant Jewish co-conspirators) finally became so greedy that we came up with the atomic bomb.  This nuclear miracle will lead to the tragic demise of all life on Earth.  Sad, but also true.


Saturday, April 09, 2016

Why Indict Hillary?

It's a ticking time-bum, set to make a big stink about six weeks before the upcoming U.S. Presidential election - too late for Biden.  With Clinton out of the picture, Obama will save the day by issuing an Executive Order for his own third term.

No election required.


Alberta Voted For Quebec

Alberta helped to give the Liberal Party a landslide victory in the recent Canadian Federal election.  Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently traveled to Alberta to say thanks.  He offered to extend Unemployment Insurance benefits by two weeks in the bedraggled Muslim City of Calgary.

Since then he has given the city of Montreal three-quarters of a BILLION dollars to fix their potholes.  Most of that money comes from taxes paid by the oil patch in unemployed Alberta.


Canadian Indians - Just Send Money

Voters loved it, but I was a bit miffed when Canada's Federal Liberal Prime Minister in waiting offered to spend 45 million dollars on 260 Indians living in Northwestern Ontario

Needless to say, I need not have wasted my time.  Since then he has offered to send 8 BILLION dollars to Native people all across Canada.

No problem. Liberals always promise everything and deliver nothing.


Guns And Republicans

At perhaps the most dangerous moment in the history of the United States, Republicans have chosen a gun-free venue at which to hold their Convention to choose a Presidential candidate.

Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy would turn over in their graves.


Friday, April 08, 2016

Obama For President

CNN says that Trump is driving UP U.S. President  Obama’s approval ratings.  Why should you care?  CNN explains that Muslims in the U.S. are feeling threatened.  Yup.  Osbama will protect terrorists from Trump.

My prediction?  Two Executive Orders from the White House to make U.S. Muslims whole again:  First, shut down Gitmo, then dump U.S. Presidential Term Limits.

That’s why CNN flaunts the lame duck President’s approval ratings.  He’s not leaving.  No election required.  Americans are sick of elections.  King Obama.


Sunday, April 03, 2016

Obama On Nuclear Waste

U.S. President Obama says his efforts have led dozens of countries to “get rid of” their nuclear waste.  Sorry, Mr. President.  Nuclear waste NEVER goes away.  You can move it, but there is NO way to make it disappear.  What is much worse, tons more spew forth each and every day from nuclear reactors all over the world.  Obama says the waste is leaving without telling us where it has gone.  Perhaps to Washington D.C.?


Friday, April 01, 2016

Right And Wrong

In Canada, the four political rock stars of my adult lifetime are Harper, Finley, Flaherty and Ford.  Today, only Harper survives, and he has been unjustly humiliated.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was dead before I understood that excruciating pain led him to the narcotics that reduced him to madness.

There are other heroes too. Everyone on the outstanding Harper political team was forced to discover a universal truth.  It is dangerous to be a right wing success in politics.  Terrorists and Mafia thugs have better prospects.  They snuff out their adversaries.  Pay attention.


From Protest-ant Justice To Tribal Judgment

The persistent story of humanity through the millennia is one of brutal tribal “judgment”.  Despots, dictators, kings, chieftans and theocrats.  Great civilizations have emerged in the brief moments when “justice” has reigned in place of despotism.

Only God knows why He withdraws the gift of faith that spawns justice and freedom.  Today, humans use their precious freedom to choose despotic tribal leadership, and this signals the demise of justice.  We are passing through the death pangs of a "just era".

So be it.  “The moving finger writes…..”

In Europe, dictatorship has already arrived without a murmur in a number of countries.  Americans have elected leadership that clearly comes from tribal roots.  Canadians panicked in their efforts to dump their Protest-ant Prime Minister, and since then, criminals, wife beaters and drug dealers have been streaming out of law courts and jails.  Justice?  No.  Judgment?  Definitely.
The justice meme (freedom) is fragile and momentary in any age.

Unstoppable violent judgment (despotism) is again sweeping the planet.  It is the undeniable will of the people.  I'm glad I'm old.
