Saturday, May 28, 2016

Third World Canada

Albertans hate their Tar Sands prosperity so much that they voted for a Socialist government.  Canadians hate Alberta so much that they voted for a Liberal government.  The Tar Sands just kept on producing the oil that has paid the bills for Albertans and the rest of the country.

Then the fires began.  This assault was so brutal that the Tar Sands ground to a production shutdown.

Today, Canada is in collective denial, unwilling to acknowledge the obvious.  It's as if a whole nation is cheering for the shadowy arsonists.  Watch for a new round of strategically sudden wildfires to challenge Tar Sands communities and production facilities.

Canadians have opted for economic suicide. We will all reap what you have sown.


Is Trump Psychic?

U.S. Presidential candidate Donald Trump, has warned about the potential for a worldwide airline industry collapse.  Trump blames terrorism.  In my opinion that is not the whole story by any means.  The truth is much more ominous.

The invention of the jumbo jet ushered in an era of Third World travel into the First World.  It's a one-way trip.  The jumbos travel empty in the other direction.  Americans have deliberately elected and re-elected President Obama, who is well-known to be friendly to the migration into the United States of his millions of brothers and sisters.  Canada has since followed suit, electing a Liberal Prime Minister who made immigration from Muslim countries a key element in his election platform.

The question is:  Can the First World survive this unrelenting flood of humanity from the Third World?  Trump's air travel collapse prognostication may prove to be correct.  Is Trump psychic?


The Oxy Generation

Bigger and bigger storms.  Cheaper and cheaper building materials.  Bigger and bigger wildfires.  Ever more flammable dwellings.  Bigger sinkholes.  Smaller cars.

Did your flimsy house blow away in a hurricane?  Did it explode into flames in a wildfire?  Did your car disappear in a city sinkhole?

In the days before street drugs, we oldies knew how to build solid secure homes and sturdy city infrastructure.  We paid attention to the old adage, "Build your house on a rock."


Another Obama Fix

There is a tribal solution to everything.  Americans were bitching about long line-ups at airports.  The problem?  Security issues.  You know, terrorists.  Obama to the rescue.  He simply fired his Transportation Security CZAR.  No more line-ups.  All aboard.


Why Drive When You Can Fly?

Loblaws, a leading Canadian grocery chain, plans to dump its Gas Bars and sell Pot instead.  In my generation, this grocery chain was owned by one of the most reputable Protest-ant families in Canada.

Sad to have to accept the new reality.  Only sleeze survives.


The Trudeau Smoke Scream

It's not true that Canada's green Liberal Prime Minister hates all smoke.  He only hates Conservatives smoke, the kind made at the tar Sands in Alberta.

Liberal pot smoke is a delight to Prime Minister Trudeau.  Pot turns voters "GREEN."


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

They're Back: Exploding Tar Trains

Canada's popular new Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is busy reversing all of the restrictive legislation passed by his predecessor, Stephen Harper.  One of the changes that came about under Mr. Harper's leadership was a restriction on the transport of tar sands oil by rail.  A serious accident at Lac-Megantic Quebec brought about this change.

No more restrictions.  The other day I counted 116 contiguous tanker rail cars slowly moving along the rails toward downtown Winnipeg.  If what I suspect is true, each of these rail cars is literally a bomb waiting to explode in an accident or because of a deliberate terrorist intervention.  In the Lac Megantic accident, many rail cars exploded.  The result was the destruction of the core a Quebec community not nearly the size of Winnipeg.  These dangerous tar Sands trains are passing through cities and towns across Canada and the United States.

They're back.  The Liberals are back.  Canadians can't get enough of their pretty new Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.


Sunday, May 15, 2016

Why Buffett Hates Trump

Not much Wonder.  Buffett practically invented the outsourcing of U.S. jobs that made him a fortune and destroyed the US economy.  Ask Warren why he clings to his derelict office in the wreckage of the Berkshire Hathaway shirt factory in the US Northeast?

If Trump wins, he will quickly bring back jobs that Buffett out-sourced. Berkshire Hathaway shirts will again be made in North America instead of China.


Canada's Smoke Paradox

Canadians hate smoke so much that Prime Minister Trudeau took a cheering section of 300 souls to the UN Climate Conference in Paris.  They were there for 3 weeks complaining about - smoke.

The paradox?  Prime Minister Trudeau won a landslide election on a promise to legalize the use of marijuana in Canada. Pot smoke?  No problem.


Alberta Grovel's

It's fun to watch Alberta's female Premier Rachel Notley beg while Trudeau sends Alberta's tax dollars to Quebec - billions.

Alberta voted for Trudeau.  Canada voted for Trudeau.  The prevailing meme was "change".

Canada voted against itself and for the Metis nation of Quebec.  The West joined the rest of Canada and voted against Prime Minister Harper.  Harper gets the last laugh.


Thursday, May 12, 2016

What ISIS Really Means

Most people today would tell you that ISIS describes terrorists operating in Iraq and Syria.  But ISIS has another meaning.  In ancient times ISIS was an Egyptian deity.

A strange echo from the past.


First Past The Stupid

Canadians voted in a landslide for a slate that includes scrapping the traditional "First Past The Post" electoral system.

Eighty percent of Canadians live in our gay cities.  Under the new voting regime they will totally dominate the rest of us, who create the country's wealth living on 99% of Canada's giant land mass.

Nintey-nine percent of the country will be voiceless.  Let's face it.  Canadians are really stupid.  Stupidity and freedom are incompatible.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Quebec (BCE) Buys Manitoba Tel

And why not?  Canadians voted for Quebec in a landslide, and Manitoba was no exception.

Yes, jobs by the thousands are leaving Winnipeg for Montreal as I write, but Justin Trudeau has pretty hair. Canadians like pretty hair.

Promise everything.  Deliver nothing.  You voted for it.


Tragedy in Africa

Gates and Clinton are busy saving souls in Africa.  But Africa is in perpetual drought and famine.

Every life saved means another life lost to dehydration and/or starvation.  It's a zero-sum game. Good intentions are not enough.


Sunday, May 08, 2016

Fort Mc Murray:: Controlled Disaster?

Sad to say that many Canadians wish that Tar Sands oil production facilities in northern Alberta would simply disappear.  These delicate souls are concerned about the environment, and worried sick about pollution from the oil and gas industry.

A week ago, 10 forest fires mysteriously appeared on the outskirts of Fort McMurray, Alberta, and 3 days later most of the town and its suburbs had burned to the ground.  Fort McMurray residents are employed  at Tar Sands  facilities.  The fire rages on and is still out of control today.  If a fire like this got underway in southern California and could not be controlled, the entire city of Los Angeles would have been gone years ago.  California is well known for its huge wildfire problem.

In my life experience I have never seen an inferno on the scale that we are witnessing at Fort McMurray. I had never seen a fire that could not be put down by Canadian fire crews.

I cannot believe that's this disaster would be allowed to go unchecked out of angst over operations in the Canadian Tar Sands. The scale and persistence of the conflagration is beyond my understanding.  It does not speak well for future prospects in Canada's remote communities.


Saturday, May 07, 2016

Clinton Clobbers Guns

Hillary cheers for a lawsuit against gun manufacturers.  Americans will have to use clubs and archery against the coming terrorist invasion. It doesn't mean much because decades ago Americans shut down their iron ore production and then their steel industry and most of their heavy armaments production and even their auto manufacturing industry.  The U.S. is already well past defenseless in a tribal world.   Chickens  waiting to be plucked (or maybe beheaded).
