Sunday, August 28, 2016

Naive Donald

Trump says that he will cut off the flow of illegal drugs and he will make the black inner cities safe. Unfortunately, he lost the black vote by promising to cut off the drugs. Naive Donald.


Poor Donald

Donald Trump says that he is worth 10 billion dollars. Unfortunately, ten billion dollars is not enough. He is up against 100 trillion dollars that is at risk on Wall Street. 100 trillion dollars is betting that the status quo (Hillary) is the only way.

If they could, Chris Stevens and Vince Foster would tell Donald that a single life in American  Big League politics is cheap indeed.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Cheaters Trample Trump

Trump tells Americans to watch out for cheaters voting twice at the polls.

Sorry Donald. The voting machines were manufactured in Venezuela and the software for the voting machines was written in Iraq. They are programmed to cheat.

The voting machines have already decided that you lose Donald. No need to go out to vote.


Sunday, August 07, 2016

Buffett on Trump

Warren Buffett says that he is puzzled by the reality that he and his friends are wildly wealthy and you have nothing. The man who invented the outsourcing of US jobs and thereby destroyed America,  blames Mr. Trump for your problems.

The icing on the cake? Buffett is promoting the Clintons. Bill Clinton shut down the Glasse-Steagall Act, and that destroyed Wall Street.

Buffet and the Clintons together have wiped out the future of the United States.


Trump.-- All Talk

Donald Trump has said that he would still be elected even if he shot someone on the street in New York City. Chris Stevens and Vince Foster would say that words are not enough. You have to have actually done the deed and lied about it, not once, but many many times to get elected.

Sorry Mr. Trump. Words are not enough.


Saturday, August 06, 2016

Canada's Trudeau Leading From The White House

Yup, and Obama leads from behind. One word from Barack and Canadian troops are bristling at Putin on the Latvian border.

Oops. Putin Just cancelled Canada's Bombardier C Series jetliner order. Putin leads with his fist.

Trudeau Plays. Canada pays.


You Are Easily Fools

Gold Star Mothers by the thousands whose sons and daughters were murdered by Muslims while serving in the US Military are angry at Hillary's Muslim Democratic Party headliners, but these mothers will never be heard. MUZZLED.


Monday, August 01, 2016

Is Billy On The Bus?

I suspect that Hillary and Bill went their separate ways many many years ago. Today Hillary is on a highly flaunted bus tour. Did anyone see Billy actually get on the bus? Did anyone see Billy get off the bus? Just for fun, keep an eye out for Billy.


Hillary Sells Out America

Hillary did not send or receive confidential emails during all the time she was US Secretary of State. I'm not surprised that Democrats flock to support their crafty liar

But countless world leaders sent Hillary their secrets in confidence. Their silence makes them co-conspirators by default.


Fareed Speaks For America

CNN's Fareed Zakaria keeps explaining the softer side of extreme Islamic terrorism to Americans, and they are buying it outright. The only time it hurts when a Muslim beheads a Christian is if the Muslim cuts herself. Fareed says the Gingrich "Sharia Test" is just plain stupid.

Come on Hillary.. Fareed for VP.


The Clinton Islamic Party

Hillary is beating the crap out of Trump now that her two angry Muslims are speaking for the Democratic party and dominating the perverse US airwaves. Islam abhors democracy, and yet Americans are cheering has Hillary's Muslim heroes wave around their copy of the US Constitution.

It's an oxymoron. But then you must remember that Barack Obama made no effort to hide his Muslim heritage, and Americans practically worship him.

Freedom has had its moment in the Sun. Americans are tuning out and moving on and to hell with their next generation.


New York Post Equal Time?

A front page pic of Melania in the buff? Even the Third World scumbags at the New York Post couldn't screw up a photo of beautiful Mrs. Trump.

Now what I want to see is a New York Post front-page layout of horrible Hillary in her birthday suit. Off with that ugly armadillo outfit.

You know. Equal time? Balanced reporting. Can a pig fly?
