Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Open Season On Trump

Hollywood and the media are both pursuing US President elect Donald Trump with a vengeance. It's open season on Trump, and this has quickly morphed into open season on Cops. Anarchy in the streets of America.


Liberals Hate Republicans

Canada's Federal Liberal  politicians have a long history  of animosity toward  their American counterparts  on the Republican side of the aisle. You're probably too young to remember Liberal Cabinet Minister Carolyn Parrish stomping on the Bush doll. Perhaps you are unaware that a senior Liberal official referred to George Bush jr. as a moron.

Canada's Liberal Prime Minister today is carrying on with the hostile Liberal tradition. Trump says no to open borders and free trade. Prime Minister Trudeau says yes. Trump says no to Cuba. Trudeau deliberately goes to visit. Trump says yes to coal. Trudeau responds by accelerating the shutdown of Canada's coal power generation industry.

Trump cuts taxes. Trudeau introduces a carbon tax and more. The Canadian mouse craps from a great height on the US elephant.

Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was elected with a landslide. Canadians are cheering him on. This will not end well...


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Trudeau On The Trump Win

Blah, blah, blah blah....


Did Trump Walk On Water?

No. This was not a miracle. The Trump story was so compelling that even the hackers who rigged the US voting machines helped him to win.


Inauguration Odds

I'm guessing that there is a $100 trillion bet that US President-Elect Donald Trump won't make it to the Presidency. That's my estimate of what greedy Wall Street stands to lose.


Us Media Mediocrity

Vice President Elect Mike Pence was booed by low-lifes in New York City. CNN and MSNBC were set up, ready for it and all over it. Video headlines for days and ongoing...

Greeks held demonstrations in opposition to a visit by President Obama. That event was reported on Russian TV. It showed up as a footnote in the US media. Americans were told that Greeks were objecting to Donald Trump.


Monday, November 14, 2016

The Missing Pillar

Canada now has a $100 billion physical manifestation of the extent to which it's stature as a great nation has devolved in the 21st Century. It's known as the Nipigon River Bridge, and it failed in a gust of wind after 42 days in operation.

Why did this happen? Canada's Federal government and several Provincial governments place gender equity above ability when selecting candidates to fill senior positions. Giant mistakes are showing up, and those responsible are in a pathetic state of denial. Unfortunately, we are only moments away from lives being lost as a result of our inability to acknowledge the obvious.


Sunday, November 06, 2016

Are Women Stupid?

Hillary Clinton wants women to vote for her because she claims that Donald Trump does not respect them. I suspect that most females will vote on the basis of the pressing issues facing the United States and the World today.

Sorry Hillary. Women are brighter than you think.


Brexit. -- You Can Check Out...

The EU is a dictatorship. You can check out, but you can never leave. I said this in a blog some time ago, and now we have a court decision in Britain that calls for parliamentary approval before Britts can leave the European Union. It's a roadblock that could easily lead to the end of the whole discussion.

Greece voted to check out, and Greece is still in the European Union. I repeat. The EU is a dictatorship.


The Sausage Emails

You're not too bright are you? There's no problem with Tony Sausage having thousands of emails from the US Secretary of State on his computer, because they are all duplicates.

Perhaps there are duplicate State Department emails from Hillary on the McDonald's website as well. You say that you suspect that some of these emails may be sensitive or even private in nature? A breach of security? They are duplicates. Get over it.

But you say that Tony Sausages a pervert. No problem. Hillary knows all about perverts. Enough said.
