Saturday, January 28, 2017

Trump Walks Softly

But he carries a big stick, and he uses it to mercilessly beat the media over the head. Every time Trump says the word "torture", the media goes ballistic and Trump gets TV coverage for a week. He talks about torture, and hires people pledged not to carry it out.

Trump regularly tells the world that Mexico will pay for the wall. Media pundants go wild every time, and they talk about Trump's Follies for another week. In the meantime, each time Mexico objects, one more US manufacturer in Mexico shuts down and begins paying taxes in the US. Mexico has long since paid for the wall in forfeited taxes, and that's before Trump's proposed 20% tax on manufactured products coming from Mexico.

It's a Win-Win for Donald Trump. He makes fools of the media and gets unlimited publicity while he's at it.


Trudeau Still Doesn't Get It

Back on November 22nd, 2016, I posted a Blog entitled  "Liberals Hate Republicans". At that time, I pointed out that Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau had deliberately countered many of the moves Donald Trump proposed while seeking election to the US Presidency. Trudeau has not learned anything since then. He is still countering moves made by Donald Trump.

Trump works to curtail US abortions. Trudeau in Canada introduces a new abortion pill. Trump cuts off international abortion funding. Trudeau hikes Canada's contribution to international abortion funding.

My guess? Trudeau will increase quotas for Muslim refugees entering Canada from the seven Muslim countries whose citizens have been banned from US entry by President Trump. Back on March 10th, 2016, I posted a Blog entitled "Right Wall, Wrong Border". In that Blog I suggested that Donald Trump should be considering building a wall between the US and Canada, because our immigration policy made Canada an open sewer into the US for refugees. My guess is the Trump will shut down the Canadian border crossings first, if Trudeau keeps up his blatant intransigence. No results? Trump will build a wall.


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Trump's Hands

Heterosexual males judge Donald Trump's masculinity by the sophistication and beauty of his female companions. Why do gay men obsess over the size of his hands?


Watching Trudeau Scramble

There was no problem with Canadians electing a school teacher as their Prime Minister so long as the US had his twin bro in the White House. But now an adult has moved in to the big White House in Washington D.C, and it's fun to watch Trudeau / Butts scramble to find somebody clear-eyed (a non pot smoker) to meet the US challenge.

Depression ahead in Canadian politics? Nervous breakdown in Ottawa? Canadians voted for it.


Snowed on the Mall

The brain-dead Clinton low-lifes at CNN hate the fact that Trump gets record crowds wherever he goes, so on inauguration day they pulled out file footage of nobody on the Washington Mall to prove that there was no one there. Unfortunately, the garbage footage that they put forward showed snow on the ground. Any idiot watching the proceedings  was aware but there was no snow anywhere in Washington on inauguration day. If anything,  there was a hint of rain. Twitter went wild with the bogus snowy view of nobody home on inauguration day and CNN quickly put out a second lie to cover for the fact that their garbage footage showed snow everywhere.

CNN chirped that the mall was empty and white was because white tarps had been rolled out there for some mysterious reason. Unfortunately for CNN, any bonehead who looked at the video could see snow on the rooms as well. It will be a while before CNN points out that they also laid tarps out on the rooves.
