Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Calgary, France and Fukushima

I believe that nuclear waste regularly dumped by France in the Pacific Ocean is gradually raising the temperature of that huge body of water.  All world oceans are dumping grounds for nuclear nations.

In 2011, the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan hopelessly added to the ocean water heating problem.  Nobody cares, but here’s the rub.  If I’m right about even the slightest radiation related increase in the temperature of the Pacific Ocean, it translates to the delivery of trillions of tons of added water vapor to the west coast of North America.  This humid ocean air is dumping excessive rain on all sides of the coastal mountain ranges year after year and the problem will escalate indefinitely.

That’s why the Calgary foothills flooded in 2005, 2006, 2010 and again in 2013.  Every year the Pacific gets a bit warmer, so this year’s flood is uglier and every successive future flood will be worse than the one before.

And Alberta is not in isolation. Massive flash floods are ravaging the U.S. Northwest, British Columbia and all three Prairie Provinces. In Manitoba, the genius Conservative Senator Duff Roblin convinced residents to build what is affectionately known as “Duff’s Ditch” around the City of Winnipeg. This mote now rescues the community from floods that are becoming all too frequent.

In the years ahead, flood prone western towns and cities will need motes or levee walls constructed on a permanent basis.  I foresee “Harper’s Wall” as the answer to tragic future flooding in downtown Calgary.  Thousands of century-old homes on ancient prairie flood plains will eventually be moved or abandoned.  No problem for a hundred years.  Today, beyond rescue.

And flooding through all of western North America is only the beginning – the tip of a rapidly melting iceberg. Rising background radiation is the real earth-shaker.  It too is a hundred thousand year irreversible disaster.  Not to worry though.  You cannot see radiation, taste it, touch it, hear it or smell it, so for now you should just learn to swim to survive the “Hundred Year” floods that arrive every year.

Yes Virginia, Global Warming/Climate Change is real and Al Gore is an idiot.  He thinks that smoke is the problem.

Our book entitled Repeat Performance: The Nuclear Age was first published in 1976. In it we begged the world to stop its rampant march into nuclear madness.  We were concerned for the well being of our children, their children and all future living creatures.  We published a Second updated Edition in 2012 after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.  Take a look:

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Fed Taper? I've Got A Bridge...

So Bernanke once again assured the street that without question he would carry on with his $85 billion/month “QE” give-away to rescue Goldman Sachs and crush U.S. interest rate hikes.  He clearly said No Taper.  Full speed ahead.

Bernanke didn’t change his song – so why does the market go ballistic on the downside every time he speaks?

We’re told that pundits sense that he is waffling as he makes his straight-forward commitment to stay the course.  We’re told that markets plunge out of fear that he might cut off the flood of treasury cash that is propping up bankrupt Wall Street.

Wow!  As I see it, nothing could be further from the truth. Markets tumble to get the Wall Street message across that the status quo will never be enough.  The street is not satisfied with $85 billion in fiat currency printed monthly by the Fed.  Wall Street now looks for $100 billion per month, and when that comes to pass the thieves will want $150 billion per month, and more and more and more ...

It’s a sewer folks, and we were ready for it.  We have no assets – on purpose.  It’s no fun to lose your savings, your insurance, your home, your Mercedes, your job and your dignity.  Wall Street Democrats will not be satisfied until they rob everybody, even the homeless.  You can help them do it.  Vote the Obama/Trudeau ticket.

DJII 15000

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Obama environmentalists have managed to halt new pipeline construction all over North America.  Unfortunately they forgot to snuff out rapidly expanding U.S. shale oil development and shale oil comes with oodles of natural gas that has nowhere to go without pipelines.

So shale oil from North Dakota is rail shipped right through major city centers (that is dangerous and stupid) and a massive volume of natural gas is simply flared off on site in the Dakotas every day of every year.  How much natural gas is making smoke to satisfy the environmental guys?  There is so much gas burning off at shale oil sites that the flares can be seen from space.

Energy wasted.  Shale gas smoke wafting along the jet stream from the Prairies to Chicago.  Jobs lost.  Citizens freezing in the dark.  Rampant pollution.  Economic benefit squandered.  All of this to win the argument against pipelines that have been arteries of prosperity for decades in North America.

Pipelines reduce pollution and environmental damage.  Pipelines raise the standard of living for working stiffs.  Oil shipped by rail costs a lot more, but it also makes fortunes for the Democrats in charge on Wall Street.  They own the railways.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tribal Toronto

If you’re black (or white), I recommend that you avoid having your picture taken with Rob Ford, the Mayor of the City of Toronto.

The Toronto Star newspaper hates Ford so much that the paper deliberately published a picture of him without mentioning that the two black teens with him in the picture were later targeted by assassins.  One died.

My guess?  Someone set about to murder both teens to compromise Ford.  When he stood his ground his adversaries published the photo to traumatize the entire Ford political team.  Who took that picture?  Is there anyone home at the Toronto Star?

This is behavior that I would expect from Obama’s tribal city of Chicago.  If Ford fails in his heroic effort to rescue Toronto, we can kiss the most important city in Canada goodbye, and therefore kiss the province of Ontario goodbye.  Ontario will be little more than appendage to the crime-ridden province of Quebec.

My guess?  There aren’t enough protest-ants left in Ontario to stand up to the maelstrom.  Ford will lose if he is allowed to survive, and another hero from the age of integrity will have gone down in demonic flames.  I hope I’m wrong.

Thank you, Mr. Ford, for challenging the putrid parochial windmill.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How Greed Works - Pipeline Politics

Wall Street brokers and Hedge Fund managers simply buy politicians and environmentalists by funding super-pacs and eco lobby groups.

Politicians and green guys gleefully shut down oil pipelines because oil makes smoke. But natural gas from oil wells makes fertilizer and oil drives farm equipment – so we still need natural gas and oil – or we all starve to death and freeze in the dark.

Not to worry though.  The Hedge Fund guys buy politicians and environmental wacos for millions.  Then they buy oil tanker rail car manufacturing companies for billions and they take home trillions in profits by shipping oil and dangerous natural gas by rail through our cities.  This same fuel should be safely shipped using pipelines so skillfully skewered by bought politicos and tree huggers.

The current U.S. oil tanker order backlog stands at 47,000 rail cars, and dangerous tanker unit trains are already rolling past residential back yards, schools and city centers everywhere.  Wall Street banksters are making a fortune by blocking pipeline construction, building rail cars and buying up railways.

Horrendous oil and gas rail disasters lie ahead.  You voted for it.  Environmental madness.

The Mafia And the Media

The Mafia, the Left-Wing Media and Islam all share a common trait.  You can join up, but you can never leave.

In Canada today, we are aware of the vicious unrelenting media attacks against Senators Pamela Wallin and Mike Duffy.  From insider media darlings to pariahs overnight for choosing the high road in life and politics.

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was groomed by his benefactors and bolted to law and order at painful expense to himself and his family.  Even the Catholic school where he served has abandoned him over unproven media speculation.

It is little solace to realize that greater than these have come from Mafia roots and paid the price for their efforts to clean up the world.  John and Robert Kennedy are notable for their stubborn determination to swim against the parochial current.  Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney was groomed and then pummeled for his efforts, and Martin Luther King paid the price for his refusal to bend to forces unknown.

The road to the Cross is narrow and steep. Evil struggles to overtake us.  Criminals are apparently blind to the fact that history repeatedly shows evil totally consuming evil once it gains the upper hand.  It is sad to watch our best and our brightest ensnared in the maelstrom.

Radiation: Nowhere To Hide

The Soviet Union had been managing hopelessly sick and disfigured radiation orphans for decades before the Chernobyl nuclear disaster shook the Ukraine.  The Russian atomic weapons research mess at Chelyabinsk in the Ural Mountains makes the Chernobyl nightmare look inconsequential.

But Russia today is the size of North America.  Lots of remote places to lose abandoned waifs.  Japan, on the other hand, has a land mass that is only twice the area of our tiny Lake Ontario.  Japan has nowhere to hide its nuclear sins.

Japan’s mounting human radiation tragedy should long since have been acknowledged so as to encourage emigration.  In future years, nuclear refugees from Japan will be turned away from every country in the world.  Nowhere to hide.

Where do you stand on this issue?  Raise your hand if you believe there will be no future major earthquakes in Japan?

Our book on nuclear issues entitled Repeat Performance, The Nuclear Age, is available from McNally Robinson Booksellers in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Take a look:

This book can also be purchased through the Google Books website.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Japan Wobbles

The Fukushima nuclear disaster revealed more than one Achilles Heel in Japan.  I think the Japanese now realize that there is nowhere to run in their tiny country.  It is also becoming apparent that there is no way to pay for accident remediation either.  The Fukushima problem requires ongoing expensive management and it simply cannot be fixed.  It is a financial bottomless sinkhole.

So Japan’s imminent bankruptcy and slow death have attracted Wall Street parasites, the Hedge Fund billionaires that suck the lifeblood out of entire countries when they are seen to be vulnerable.  This time I think it was Soros who claimed that he convinced the latest Japanese government to crank up the printing presses and flood the world with Yen.  The banksters shorted the Yen, bought Japanese stocks … and waited.

The currency flood was launched and the Yen plunged.  The Japanese stock market soared.  The Robber Barons raped and pillaged and left laughing – but then Japanese bond yields ticked up and the entire world financial market shuddered.  Any hint of rising yields anywhere on Earth threatens a contagion that could quickly bring down the entire investment industry across the planet.  The soaring Japanese stock market went into a tailspin and bounced like a penny stock.

That was after Japan had apparently slammed on the brakes and shut down the currency printing presses, but the fixed income yield disturbance continues to ripple through financial centers.  There is no international appetite for yield recovery because eight hundred trillion dollars in phony paper is earning interest as it floats aimlessly around the planet.

The maggots have raped another ailing country.  This time it is Japan.  Is this the travesty that finally brings down the financial house of cards world-wide, or is it just Greece all over again?

How will we know?  Watch for an uncontrolled sudden upward yield spike in U.S. Treasury paper.  Like a thief in the night …

Monday, June 03, 2013

The Hidden Blessing of World-Wide Infertility

As I interpret Malthus, he implied that when a species wears out its welcome on our tiny planet it soon ceases to exist.

In my view, humans have worn out their welcome, so it makes sense that mad scientists have split the atom and spawned exploding infertility in all evolved life forms. Nuclear science has long since created a mess so gigantic that our imminent total extermination is virtually guaranteed.

And the path to planetary extinction is painful.  Russia now hides millions of radiation-deformed orphans, and mothers everywhere choose to abort the healthy children of the few remaining humans capable of breeding.

These tragedies, manifestations of Malthusian morass, will eventually be alleviated by the blessing of total infertility.

Our dreams for the future were methodically stolen and destroyed by thoughtless greed.  Greed is the only reliable characteristic of humanity.  It is little solace to recognize that the selfish will suffer the same fate as they have imposed upon us.  No doubt the world is devolving as it should.

We are thankful to be old.