Tuesday, July 30, 2013

God Only Knows

Somewhere in the Bible it says that God is present wherever two or more of his own are assembled.  It may not always be good news:

            Spanish Rail Disaster – Religious pilgrims
            Indiana Bus Crash – Church youth campers
            Italy Bus Disaster – Religious pilgrims

All of this only a week after the village of Lac Megantic, Quebec was ripped apart by a massive railway explosion.

Seems that we followers of Christ are not too popular with the Almighty these days.  Yes, it’s a frightening mystery, but we’re stubbornly staying with Christ.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Modern Cities - Tribal Detroit

Detroit may be the first of a dozen huge U.S. cities to have declared bankruptcy.  But it’s OK because on the same day as Detroit went down, Moodys upgraded the credit rating of the entire country.  Feel better now?

Oh yes, and President Obama reminded you that he rescued you from the recession you are now in.  He pointed out that he personally made things right at General Motors too.  And today we’re told that GM outsold Toyota world-wide in Q2.  (Forget the report that GM had a huge loss in Europe).  To boot, Auto Trend Magazine says the Chev Impala is “peachy”.  Imagine how the pre-Obama GM shareholders and pensioners who lost everything feel about that. 

So if you are one of the 700,000 who still live in Detroit, call one of the 1.7 million jobless residents who were ejected from the city in tears and tell them all is well.  Never mind that their homes have been bulldozed and there are no jobs and the power is off and the city is bankrupt.  If they had stayed they might soon be living in a shiny new proposed $444 million hockey arena that I suspect will be used as a homeless shelter.

The President has your backs, Detroit.  He knows that he can count on you.  You keep proving him right.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Modern Politics - New York City Election Forecast

Anthony Weiner will win.  Democratic sexual trend setters are winners.  The evidence – Elton John, Bill Clinton and Michael Jackson.  Make your own list of winners to confirm this.

Elliot Spitzer will lose.  He is clearly out of step with the trend.  He has two huge strikes against him.  Democrats suspect that he may be heterosexual and much worse he may be a closet Republican.

Who are you rooting for?

Modern Leaders - Nuclear Myopia

How do we know that nobody is in charge on our beleaguered planet?

While the White House and the Kremlin argue over an Internet Whistle Blower (Snowden), Japan is openly preparing to restart fifty earthquake threatened nuclear reactors.

It’s true that the Pacific Ocean has been violated by a half a century of surreptitious garbage dumping, much of it lethal nuclear waste.  So why bother with Japan’s renewed intransigence?  Because Japan has already proven itself to be the most destructive nuclear menace on the Pacific Ring of Fire.  Fukushima bleeds as I write.

How many Pacific Ocean players are silent in the face of impending world-wide devastation at the hands of the Japanese?  Trace your way around the Ring.  Not a peep from China, Russia, Canada, the U.S., Central America, South America or the South Pacific nations.

As I see it, all world leaders on Earth should be demanding that Japan cease and desist.  Instead they fiddle with a vaporous cyber-sleuth while human survival is openly at risk.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Modern Cities - Tribal Chicago

Black Illinois Democratic Congressman/Pastor Bobby Rush blames wimpy fleeing whites for the 375 blacks murdered by black gangs in Chicago every year.  (Not counting a few Crackas)

He cannot blame Zimmerman for this disgrace because the Zimmer lives in Florida.  And these are not racial crimes because the 375 precious sons and daughters were snuffed out by their own kind.  So the 375 dead in Chicago are faceless and nameless.  But the U.S. President says he could have been Trayvon thirty-five years ago.

The tribal President, who travels in a bullet-proof limo, is so racially paranoid that he lectures whites for locking car doors when blacks approach.  Mr. President, I formerly lived in a white world and I locked my car doors for years.  You did it, white or black approaching, and you would still do it if door locks were not automatic.  Are automatic door locks racist?  Some blacks (whites) are thugs.  Try being rational.  You are the President.

And bigoted black Congressman/Pastor Rush also has it all wrong.  We white protest-ants didn’t bolt from Chicago for fear of murderous blacks.  No, Reverend.  White is only a color.  Look around you.  Whites are missing from Washington D.C.  We are missing from Detroit and New Orleans.  There are no more whites in your world, Reverend Rush, not anywhere.

Whites are now a beleaguered minority across North America, so you and yours are at the helm today, Reverend Rush.  I now live in your world.  And the whiteless phenomenon has spread world-wide.  Crackas (whites) have gone missing everywhere.

But there is more, Reverend.  If you can find a white like Newt Gingrich to bad-mouth, consider this:  Today’s generation of whites have been denied the faith that blessed and inspired their forefathers who proudly built the civilization we once enjoyed.  Today, there is no-one left to even repair what we whites built.  Everybody loses.  So you can blame us, but you have nowhere to turn, my friend.  The Tribal Black Caucus cannot help.  The White House openly fans the flames of racial hatred.

Want a glimpse of your future?  Take a trip while planes still fly, and see what Zimbabwe and Kenya have accomplished in the 250 years while whites were building the New World.  Yes, Pastor, 80% are homeless and most of them are black.

The planet has been tribal forever my friend.  Freedom in a Cracka World was only a blip.  It no longer exists and Bill Clinton has passed the torch to you.  So go ahead and drive for awhile.  It’s OK with me.  I’m old and Atlas has indeed Shrugged.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Feminist Alert

So I can see how automated garbage pick-up vehicles have glossed over the call for non-male garbage men, but why are all cleaning ladies female?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Modern Amusements

People are dying like flies on roller-coasters and other terrifying amusement park flimsies.  Rider-ship doubles every time a victim pays the price.

A collective death wish.  Go figure…

Modern Bridges - Why They Fall

Faith was the Gift.
Faith brought inspiration.
Inspiration brought knowledge.
Knowledge in abundance.
Faith died.  Inspiration died.
Regurgitated knowledge dies.

A giant sinkhole.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Hi River

So I thought that the name suggested that the town was “high” in the foothills – but now I’m beginning to wonder.

This town on a mountainside has been flooded for a month and they cannot figure out how to get the water to run down the hill.  It’s as if nobody there can think straight.  If I was naïve I would be tempted to conclude that “Hi” was meant to describe a community of potheads.

In fact, I suspect that the problem is a lot uglier than flooding or pot smoking would imply.  My guess – the locals will never really know what hit them on the day the rains came.

Survival of the Fattest

The world’s Biggest Fish have completed the financial rape of the middle class, pensioners and all vulnerable governments world-wide.  They are now turning their attention to picking the pockets of those who became first-generation big fish in my era. The Biggest now own everything but the newly wealthy players on the Street - so watch as the newbies join the rest of us in the ditch.

Without the gift of faith, integrity dies.

Without integrity, greed consumes itself.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Gift of Freedom

The Gift of Freedom

Capitalism requires morality.
Morality requires faith.
Faith is dead.
It was a gift.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Promises Broken

Rumor has it that President and Mrs. Obama have finished paying their low interest student loans.  On July 1st this year, U.S. student loan interest rates doubled to 6.8% per annum.

With no job prospects would you get a post-Obama student loan?  I blame U.S. President for the reality that throngs of loan-bound graduates are unemployed today.  They trusted us and we let them down.

In Canada, students half way through expensive university courses are out on the street after tuitions were doubled – not for new guys, but for those already in up to their ears.  Promises broken.  Promises that decimate our best and brightest.

Today, we humiliate them.  In future years their absence in positions of leadership will bring down our entire way of life.

777 Down

Sorry we couldn’t hear the stall alarm in the cockpit.  Sorry the low air speed buzzer was silent till it was too late.  Sorry the automatic pilot was disengaged.  Sorry the San Francisco Airport landing guidance system was down.

Yes, it was probably negligence that caused the crash, but don’t blame President Obama.  The software that runs a 777 probably comes from Bangladesh or India, or Pakistan or Qatar.  The chips in the 777 computers are likely made in China, South Korea and/or Japan.

And U.S. airlines save a fortune by relying on enemy nations to maintain their aircraft fleets.

Not to worry though.  Risk Managers point out that there may have been 3500 planes in the air over the U.S. at the time of the crash.  Let’s say there are 20,000 U.S. landings on a typical day.   Relax and enjoy your flight.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's Not My Fault

In Manitoba, grieving flood victims were told it was nobody’s fault that a flood control channel was built to divert water into their lake, but someone forgot to construct a corresponding channel to take water out of it.

After a recent rail accident close to an Ontario nuclear facility, home owners were told to leave immediately.  They were warned not to stop long enough to pick up their own children at local day care centers.  Just get out.  Start over.  Nobody’s fault.

After Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans residents were denied claims on paid-up hurricane insurance coverage.  They were told it was too bad the hurricane caused a flood.  They needed flood insurance.  The insurance company was not at fault.

When human decency died our politicians rushed in to fill the void with Human Rights legislation.  Sorry folks.  You cannot legislate decency and integrity was a gift of faith.  I can’t help it if we have lost these treasures bestowed on past generations.  It’s not my fault.

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Megantic - It's Not My Fault

“It’s not my fault”… These are words that will explain away your house, your trinkets and maybe even your whole family.

The other day the residents of the Quebec community of Lac Megantic were left in shock after their town center was literally blown away by a massive railway disaster.  Today, as they grieve they face an unrelenting string of lies from the corporate/media Cabal, the most blatant of which is “it’s not our fault”.  I think that when it comes to mis-direction, “it’s not our fault” tops the “exploding fuel oil” story.  Fuel oil does not explode.

It’s not our fault that we transport the equivalent of thousands of tons of high explosives through your town every day.  It’s not our fault that we had no way to fight the firestorm that engulfed you.  It’s not our fault that we cancelled all useful train service to your town years ago, but didn’t see fit to build track around it.

Why is everybody now able to pass the buck and walk away?  The answer? Armies of lawyers and too many people to manage.  The value of individual human life simply had to be sacrificed.  And so Risk Management was invented to put a brave face on the specter of countless individual human tragedies.

You should get used to it.  Here is how the Lac Megantic tragedy will be explained away: Ninety-nine percent of explosive trains go through the town of Lac Megantic with no problem.  A similar train didn’t explode the other day when it tumbled off a 106-year old rusty rail bridge right in the middle of Calgary.   These same trains roll through Winnipeg.  No problem passing through downtown Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal, or countless small towns day after day.  Just luck of the draw that a train blew up when it got to Lac Megantic.

We all use natural gas.  Most of us have propane barbeques.  We need to cook our burgers and we don’t want to freeze in the dark.  There is no one to blame.  Look for more and bigger gas disasters and bigger and bigger lies.  Collective denial.

My sincere condolences to the residents of Lac Megantic.

Modern Cities - Toronto

Downtown Toronto Ontario today faces the prospect of devastating flash floods every time it rains.  I worked in the heart of that city for over a decade in years past, and I can assure you that downtown flooding was unheard of.  Today it’s a yawn.

Manholes popping like huge fountains… Subways, transit, underground parking and subterranean walkways flooded…Cars under water on freeways… Thousands trapped in elevators and everywhere else… Power out and transformer stations overwhelmed.

It’s not a yawn folks.  It’s a huge flood-related catastrophe waiting to happen.  A massive structural collapse?  A mega-derailment?  A drowning tsunami?  Or an unstoppable tower fire?

It’s no longer IF – only WHEN.  But another tragedy is already with us:  Modern minds cannot fathom why flood events persist, so no one sets about to fix the problem.  The well-meaning Mayor says “too much rain” and the locals agree.  He is WRONG.

Collective denial is a world-wide malaise – so we wait…

Monday, July 08, 2013

Modern Appliances - Air Conditioners

My generation invented the air conditioner.  It had a drain because cooled air throws off water.  It’s a simple truth based on what we called “Relative” Humidity.

Your generation decided that our air conditioner drain was an unnecessary nuisance.  You got rid of it.  Your air conditioners are superior as you see it, because they don’t damage the ozone layer.

Unfortunately patients, who know nothing about ozone, die because in modern cool hospital operating rooms water drips from instruments and ceilings on hot days, forcing a complete shut-down of these facilities.

Soon your generation will discover that dehumidifiers can be used to prevent dripping ceilings and you will double energy consumption by installing huge dehumidifiers beside the air conditioners that would dehumidify if they had drains.

Darkened operating rooms are only a symptom of the problem.  The real tragedy is that your generation has lost the intuitive ability to understand or analyze simple problems.

Our bridges are falling down under your care.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Environmental Anarchy

Thirty years ago, well intentioned tree huggers chained themselves to one another across forest access roads to prevent loggers from cutting down trees.  Today those unattended forests are burning out of control with tragic loss of human life and property.

In Arizona the other day nineteen forest fighters burned to death in a searing maelstrom that was blamed on lightning.  No one mentions the role played by environmentalists or the tragedy of arson when lives or property are the price we have paid.

Government forestry officials have inherited thousands of miles of tinder dry deadfalls (trees) from the environmental activists of thirty years ago.  Countless firestorm disasters could likely be traced back to forestry department “controlled” burns if the left wing media was not in cahoots with the environmental camp.  Obfuscation rules the day.

Sad to realize that most tree huggers live in wooden houses.

Beware Of Glad Tidings

Today, the continuation of U.S. stock market gains hinges entirely on the parallel continuation of money printing by their Federal Government Treasury.  The program, known as “Quantitative Easing” (QE) sees $85 billion monthly doled out by the Fed to wealthy U.S. bankers.  The bankers in turn use the loot to buy up control of everything in sight all over the world.  Worthless U.S. dollars purchase corporate shares, buildings, toll roads, bridges and all else that is real.

This is the new reality, but here is the rub.  The Treasury justifies its continuing currency printing travesty by explaining that stimulus is required because the economy is tepid and weak.  Connecting the dots, the stock market will continue to outperform so long as the economy remains under the weather.

It’s an oxymoron folks.  In the real world of yesteryear, equity markets rose when the economy was STRONG.

Tomorrow, good news from the economy will precipitate a market crash.  Go figure …

Saturday, July 06, 2013

The Lac Megantic Railway Disaster

More to come on this subject, but for now I refer you to my Blog published on June 13th of this year, entitled How Greed Works – Pipeline Politics.  Click on the sidebar Archives for June 2013 to read my article.

After cautioning readers about dangerous oil and natural gas shipped by rail through our towns and cities, I closed with the following sentence:  “Horrendous oil and gas rail disasters lie ahead”.

Take a look.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

McLuhan Genius

It was Marshal McLuhan who became famous after he told us that “the media IS the message”.  He said that as we moved from the linearity of the newspaper to a multiplicity of news sources (radio, TV and more) the eventual result would be dissatisfaction, then rage and finally a return to primitive tribalism.  He would not have been shocked by the Facebook Revolution, or YouTube or Twitter.

I was among many who dismissed McLuhan in the 20th century because he was also famous for his unabashed promotion of LSD.

It was only after I discovered that my own recently published observations regarding a return to tribalism (at the expense of freedom) were an echo of what McLuhan had penned decades ago, that I awakened to his prophetic gift.  I was forty years late to his party – likely because I have never been a druggie.

Sad to realize that today we live in an illusion created almost entirely by the left wing heterophobic media.  Tragic to realize that the forecast of this travesty came first out of a mind under the influence of an hallucinogen made from cleaning solvent.

Today I know that I cannot rise to the McLuhan stratosphere of revelation because I refuse to follow his twisted hallucinogenic path.  The few of us who remain trapped and struggling on the straight road have to face the possibility that it leads to the cross.

Take a look at our book:

The Mote In Your Eye

Don’t blame President Obama for the Sub-Prime explosion of crime in the financial community.  He is a former Social Worker from Chicago (Dare I say Kenya?).  The legislative stage for the world-wide flood of Sub-Prime paper was set entirely by Billy Clinton.  That explosion of worthless Wall Street paper was used to destroy your savings, collapse the value of your home and gobble up control of all of corporate America.  That was a stick in your eye.

But that’s not the mote.  Take a look at your investment portfolio.  Check out the number of shares issued since Clinton opened the criminal floodgates on Wall Street. Earnings dilution resulting from private share issues could turn out to be the mote you haven’t yet noticed in your eye.

Here is how the scam works.  You buy shares in a one million share company.  Soon afterward Wall Street quietly takes control of the company.  Then one hundred million shares are sold to a Saudi “Sovereign Dictatorship” company.  Now your investment is controlled by a foreign entity, the company earnings have fallen to nil and your shares are worthless.

Excessive share issuance is described as dilution.  In my view, dilution becomes a crime when it is used to subvert the interests of legitimate shareholders.  It’s happening everywhere in the formerly Free World.  Check on your investments.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

They All Fall Down

Protest-ant engineers of my passing generation built the vast aging infrastructure and
giant skyscrapers that we use today.  Sadly, the intuition and integrity essential to the maintenance of our way of life is dying with us as we ourselves pass into obscurity.

 Bridges that we built are falling down.  Giant sinkholes swallow up freeways and buildings.  Fraudulently designed modern office towers are imploded deliberately or they simply collapse on their own.  Rail disasters are routine.  Dams and huge power plants are failing with catastrophic consequences, some of which have negative planetary implications.

Modern technology cannot be relied upon to replace what we lose let alone expand vital facilities needed to meet the requirements of a growing world population.  There is no one left with the ability to maintain what my generation built let alone replace it or expand it.

Do you cross a bridge or take an elevator on your way to your school or work?

Fracking Drought

Heard about the massive multi-year drought in Middle America?  Who or what is to blame?  In years past, U.S. cities argued with farmers over precious supplies of fresh water from the giant Mid-American Aquifer.

Cities and farm crops use a lot of water, but today there is a new very thirsty player in the game.  The new player is known as fracking.  Fracking has revolutionized domestic oil and natural gas production and it is a giant new water consumer in a world where water is now in short supply.

I’m guessing that if Americans continue to expand their fracked hydrocarbon production they will simply run out of water in the heartland.  City water reservoirs are already running dry.

Many civilizations have ended in drought.  You can’t drink oil.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Keystone - Thanks But No Thanks

Obama now says that the Keystone Pipeline extension is OK so long as Canadian oil doesn’t make smoke.  Clearly, all oil makes smoke, but Canadians think that he might have said “maybe”.  What is it about the word “no” that we don’t understand?

Frankly, I’m tired of persistent U.S. anti-Canadianism.  We in Canada need to face the facts.  Wall Street trillionaires don’t make a nickel on a barrel of tar sands oil from Canada.  On the other hand, every barrel of black gold that comes from their Saudi allies is 90% gravy used to finance the Democratic Party in Washington.

Even their own environmentally disastrous fracked oil costs Americans more than it generates in revenues for Wall Street.  The fracking fraud will be over when the Wall Street thugs are finished making a fortune importing railway tank cars from China.

If Obama hates our tar sands oil I have bad news for him.  Americans are already burning tons of Canadian oil.  Why doesn’t he shut off the tap at the Canadian border? And why does he accept our oil delivered in leaky railway cars pulled by smoking diesel locomotives?  He is speaking from both sides of a sneer.

In future years, Canadian oil should go into the U.S. at the international price that is applicable to the grade we supply.  No more fraudulent U.S. pricing and no more ridiculous discounts.  Take it or leave it.