Sunday, April 27, 2014

Space Junk

The other day we were told that a computer went down on the space station.  My guess?  It was running on Windows XP, now relegated to junk, and not just in space.  Microsoft cast off most of us in the free world and beyond after even our traffic lights were totally dependent on software running on XP.

But this story gets funnier.  We were told that a space walk would be required because the crippled computer is mounted on the outside of the orbiting station.  Yup.  I had never considered the space saving advantages of this innovation, so now we have moved our own computers out on our lawn.  I’ll have to cut this missive short because it’s starting to snow.

My generation built our world and our offspring cannot even maintain it, let alone make it better.


Monday, April 21, 2014

Leaky Nuclear Reactors

Let’s just say the nuclear reactors on the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan had been leaking for twenty years or so and you were a bit reluctant to tell the crew that they were screwed because you neglected to mention the problem earlier.

Surely the Obama Brain Trust could find a way to duck an issue like this.  War is a dangerous business.  Why not row the creaky old tub in beside the Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan while it was in the midst of a nuclear accident so horrendous that it’s aftermath likely threatens all life on Earth in the decades ahead?

Brilliant!  Today the hopelessly radioactive American sailors are busy blaming the operator of the Japanese nuclear plant.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Malaysian Air Tragedy On And On

Six weeks ago a Boeing 777 jumbo jet took off from Kuala Lumpur and disappeared.  Passengers found their cell phones jammed and useless after they were seated.  Almost every day since then the media has come up with a new lie to placate the cries of grieving relatives.

Each new yarn is more ludicrous than it’s predecessor.  Yesterday we were told that an oil slick had been spotted in the Indian Ocean.  This after earlier stating that the plane went down when it ran out of fuel.  No fuel - no oil slick.

We had also been told that the wreckage was in fifteen thousand feet of water and planted there during a hurricane.  No fuel, deep water and a hurricane six weeks ago?  Do you really believe this latest story about an oil slick?

My question?  What do you do with the passengers after you steal a JUMBO JET?


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Canadian Dollar Dilemma

Canada should be the wealthiest country on earth.  Not so, as evidenced by the slow but steady demise of the Canadian dollar.  As it turns out, without Alberta oil and competent Federal Conservative Government management, Canada would be a Third World Country.

Why the weak dollar?  Canada has two serious problems and is about to add a third anchor to drag it down.

The immediate problem?  The Province of Ontario is hopelessly bankrupt.  The real cost of running it’s aging nuclear power plants can no longer be hidden and consumers are fleeing from soaring electricity bills.  Mothballing the nuclear plants would cost even more than running them.  It’s a Catch 22.  So the dollar has to dive to keep Ontario alive.  But there’s more ...

Bilingualism is an unnecessary money sucking embarrassment that humiliates the entire country.  Quebec jails people for speaking English while the rest of us cannot get Federal Government jobs even if we struggle to learn French.

To add insult to injury, Canadians appear to have tired of good government and now seem determined to elect another Liberal pot smoker as Prime Minister.  We have done it before and we can smell the pot smoke wafting from the White House.

Sorry folks.  Not much hope for our beleaguered Loonie.  There is one tiny ray of sunshine.  Our collapsing dollar is a bonanza for Canadian oil producers.  Alberta finally gets it’s day in the sunshine.


Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Unpaid Internships

Canadian young people can no longer afford to attend Universities built and paid for by Canadian taxpayers.  Those few who do graduate most often find themselves unemployed and saddled with an insurmountable burden of debt.

Next they are told that it is now illegal for an individual to declare bankruptcy in order to shed the burden of debt incurred to obtain an education.

And FINALLY, our struggling high achievers are told by the grotesquely wealthy Canadian Corporations that employment is a privilege that doesn't include a PAY CHECK ... So GREEDY.

No room for our University graduates at the top.  No room at the bottom either. Any civilization that grinds up and consumes it’s youth is not long for this world.


Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Canadians For Global Warming

So we’re finally getting past our coldest winter in a hundred years.  Never mind.  It hasn’t registered on our left wing teachers who continue to preach the gospel of Al Gore in their chilly class rooms.

Things would be a lot better if our Eskimos could grow grapefruit instead of clubbing seals.  No need for smoky igloo heaters -  and T Shirts instead of polar bear skins.

Come on Al.  Give us a break.


Monday, April 07, 2014

Obama's Space Junk

The U.S. President is throwing a tantrum over the fact that Putin is ignoring him in the Ukraine.  Obama says that the U.S. Space Agency, NASA, won’t talk to the Russians, so there.

Obama seems to have forgotten that he unilaterally cancelled the U.S. Space Program, much to the chagrin of many proud Americans.

Today the U.S. can’t even fart in space without Russian help.


Sunday, April 06, 2014

GM ... Bailed Out and Bankrupt

Bush would have let GM go under.  Americans kept GM and dumped Bush.  Now we know that GM was hiding hopeless bankruptcy back then.  Bush was right.

Clueless Obama thought he was rescuing Detroit along with the liars at GM when he peed away hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to prop up a company that is still bankrupt today.

Who is to blame for this rape of the U.S. taxpayer?  Why, you are.  You voted for President Obama.

Liberty is gained by great sacrifice.  Liberty is forfeited at the BALLOT BOX.


Saturday, April 05, 2014

Evacuate Seattle?

Ring Of Fire earthquakes in Los Angeles, Chile and next Seattle?


Message To Boeing

You tell us that the Pinger batteries in your flimsy Jumbo Jets only last for thirty days.  Guess what?  You can now buy batteries at your local grocery store that last for ten years.

And you say you’re not afraid to fly over deep water but your Pinger can’t transmit to surface now that  your 777 is at the ocean bottom.  Shouldn’t you have thought of that before?  You might just look like total idiots.

You probably didn’t know that the U.S. Sonar Transmission Station at Bangor Maine sends out radio signals that penetrate the entire planet killing dolphins thousands of miles away.  I’m glad we could have this little chat.

Not a single cell phone message from a plane full of cell phones?  Silly me.  I assumed that the plane was on Autopilot when the oxygen supply suddenly failed.  How do you explain the silence?

So once a plane takes off you’re not sure where it is until it shows up at an airport somewhere else in the world.  That’s comforting to know with 5000 planes flying helter skelter over North America every day.

The bad news?  Your blatant deceptions scare the HELL out of me.  The good news?  Nobody else seems to notice.
