Monday, June 30, 2014

Hello Lake Agassiz

We live in the Canadian Province of Manitoba.  Manitobans know that much of this province was once deep under the waters of an ancient lake called Lake Agassiz.  I suspect that the lake may be refilling as I write.

I believe that the oceans of the World are persistently warming because greedy mankind continues to dump unlimited quantities of hot nuclear waste in the deep.  Prevailing westerly winds over the warming Pacific Ocean are saturated with humidity.  This excessive moisture falls as rain causing devastating floods never before seen on all sides of our western North American mountain ranges. Water rushing east, eventually finds its way into the central continental basin, once known as Lake Agassiz.

Don’t fret over this though.  Calgary and Denver and hundreds of smaller communities will have to be all but washed away before anyone will take me seriously.  Here in Manitoba, corporate water hoarders are busy flooding out residents along the Lake Manitoba shoreline instead of releasing precious water downstream. They think that water is money, and anywhere else in the world this would be true.

My advice?  Why not take swimming lessons?


No Canada

What do Canadians care about today?  Well, we have Gay Pride WEEK, and Canada DAY.  Our Canada Day Holiday has been totally swamped by a week of proud gay festivities.

Two million are said to have come out for the Gay Parade in Toronto, and that was after a separate traffic stopping parade for dykes.  Will there be a Canada Day Parade?  Will the media count heads?  Will the media even cover Canada Day, or will they just keep on drooling over Canada’s gay majority?

Yes Canada, you were my native land.


Sunday, June 29, 2014

Obama Potty Talk: Iraq and Syria

President Obama said "hands off Iraq".  No air cover.  Then he said yes to U.S. Advisers.  Then no to Advisers.  Then no drones and now the drones are flying.

The latest?  He says he will ask Congress for half a billion big ones to hand out to “moderate” rebels in Syria. Hello?  President Obama doesn’t ask Congress for anything.  And what is a “moderate” rebel?  Sounds like "pot talking" if you ask me.

Don’t blame the wildly popular U.S. President.  Pot smokers just can’t remember yesterday’s lies.  Sad that so many are dying as Obama fiddles.  Obama’s Arab Spring has decimated their world.


Stolen Words: Pot/Rainbow

I was the last to realize that today the POT AT THE END OF THE RAINBOW is Justin Trudeau’s Acapulco GOLD {marijuana}.  Sad to realize how the meaning of any innocent and beautiful word can been atrocitized.

We taught our children to dream of treasure every time they saw a rainbow, and that precious gold came in coins and bars.  The word thieves cackle as they corrupt our innocent children, but those of us who know that the real meaning of words is sacred will have the last laugh.

Go ahead and burn our dictionaries to wash your hands of the ancient meaning of a word like “marriage”, but just remember that the contract that binds you to your own partners is also written in WORDS.  All contracts are written in words.  The U.S. Constitution is written in words and words are now negotiable as to meaning in your wonderful world.

So U. S. President Obama ignores the words in the sacred Constitution and you think it’s amusing.  Sorry my friends. Words do have meanings and this will always be sacred.

“First there was the word, and the word was with GOD


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Government Legislated Robbery

Many western governments attempt to sustain a two percent annual rate of inflation or thereabouts.  That works out to a twenty percent imaginary capital gain in the value of assets per decade.  No problem if your government doesn’t impose a punitive tax on capital gains.

When you tax inflation what do you get?  Legal  government ROBBERY.

But in fact it’s robbery and rape too.  All innovation grinds to a halt when governments place onerous taxes on their citizens.  Real genius flees from countries that legally rip off the taxpayers.   Russia has done this for centuries.  This explains why Russians forever trail behind the rest of the developed world.

I am a Canadian and sad to say that a capital gains tax was imposed here decades ago.  The resulting talent exodus was mind blowing.  Canadians who left have generated vast resource wealth all over the world at Canada’s expense.

Politicians are not stupid.  Just greedy.


No No Nanaimo

The city council in this crumbling Canadian community recently turned away participation in a booked Video Conference featuring famous speakers that included Archbishop Desmond Tutu among other notables.  Why?  Because one of the Conference sponsors is a U.S. Restaurant Chain known for fostering Christian values that have discouraged homosexuality for two thousand years.

But the Nanaimo city fathers didn’t stop after they had put a dozen world leaders in their place. They launched a blistering public attack on Christians that has reverberated around the world on social media.  Nanaimo British Columbia is “inclusive” so long as you are not a heterosexual or even worse, a Christian.
When it comes to Christians, Nanaimo spews such venomous hatred that even Hitler would be afraid to set foot in the ruins of this little town that Christians built.

Yes, Nanaimo, we got the message and you’re right about this:  Christians are so few and far between today that you can crap on us from a great height without fear of losing a single pot customer.  But all of you complainers had heterosexual parents and most of them were Christians to boot.  I realize that your vitriol is aimed at them too and believe me when I tell you that I know how it feels.  I salute your Christian parents.  They built the village of Nanaimo out of their deep and abiding love for....YOU.


Sunday, June 22, 2014

Immigration Obama Style

Americans voted to scrap their Constitution in favor of tribal politics.  Here is how the Obama immigration policy works.

Arizona voted for tough new immigration laws.  President Obama responded by taking Arizona to court and opening the Mexican border floodgates to swamp the state with illegals.  Arizona cannot afford to defend itself in court against the unlimited resources of the Federal Justice Department.

CNN tells us that overnight the muslim population in the U.S. has grown to eight million souls.  In the same breath we learn that with President Obama at the U.S. helm the world population of refugees {mostly muslim} has exploded to fifty one million victims.

My guess?  President Obama didn’t stop at opening the Mexican border immigration floodgates.  Muslim refugees and millions from African countries are seamlessly arriving on U.S. soil as I write.

I loved the U.S. Constitution and all that it stood for.  But it was deliberately designed to evaporate in the absence of faith in God.  No doubt the world is imploding as it should.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

War of Words: Niger

Now that blacks are in charge in the U.S. they have ordered us to stop using words that offend them.  Never mind that they are using the white man’s English instead of the languages of their homeland, Africa.

Many American blacks have ancestors who came from Nigeria, Niger or other African countries in the region of the Niger River, so they once called themselves nigers.

Now, blacks say no to whites using our language to describe them as nigers.  Their word.  So books by Mark Twain are heading for the dumpster all across America to satisfy the ego of President Obama.

It’s OK with me as long as blacks are willing to stop using the white man’s English language.  They could start by trashing stolen English names like Martin Luther King, Michael Jackson and especially the humiliating O.J. Simpson.

Anybody can change his/her name.  Barack Obama and Muhammad Ali sold out their American names in favor of terrorist handles.  Anybody can do it.

Personally, I liked it better in the days when Barry was smoking up at the white man’s most prestigious universities and Rodney King blurted out “Can’t we all just get along?”


Monday, June 16, 2014

Father's Day Obsolete?

Gays love Pride Week but they’re working hard to get rid of Father’s {Mother’s} Day.  Perhaps there’s something to it.  Downtown city streets are packed for the Pride Parade.  There is no Father’s Day Parade because fathers are few and far between these days.

I think I might know why.  Not so long ago a nuclear physicist told the world that rising levels of nuclear radiation were no longer a problem because humans have adjusted to radiation.  He may be right, and new nuclear realities include collapsed libidos and rampant infertility.

Voila.  Fathers obsolete.



Friday, June 13, 2014

Romney and Cantor

Both gone without a whimper.  Different faiths but cut from the same cloth.  No, our side was not defeated. We wrote the blessed U.S Constitution.  It was deliberately penned to self destruct upon falling into tribal hands.

Such has come to pass, but not because we lost the war.  Look around you.  Look up and down your street or both ways in your condo hall.  We are gone because we chose to leave.

You rejected our best and our brightest and now you have problems. You say the elevator is on the fritz and the freeway is full of pot holes?  We designed and maintained the elevator and we built the roads.

Yes, Virginia.  We are gone, gone, gone!!


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Obama and Gitmo

Americans are complaining because President Obama traded an alleged U.S. Military deserter for five vicious terrorists.  This after they voted for Obama because he said he would shut Gitmo down.

How did they think he would do it?  Shoot them?  Americans can’t have their cake and bitch about it too. My guess?  President Obama will cut all of the remaining Gitmo pitbulls loose on his final day in office if not before.

Sad to say, but U.S. voters deliberately voted for Islam. They will reap what they have sewn.


Monday, June 09, 2014

Goodbye Kiev

After the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the Ukraine, somebody forgot to evacuate and abandon nearby Kiev.  Perhaps both East and West agreed that it was just too expensive.  For whatever reasons 25 years have passed and Kiev is now in trouble.  Today nobody will take on its radiation damaged refugees.

So Putin is busy hacking Black Sea access away from the Ukraine, thereby isolating Kiev between a rock and a hard place.  Will Kiev finally be blasted off the face of the earth?  A nuclear solution to an earlier nuclear disaster?  Which side will take the credit/blame??


Ontario Election: Loser Wynnes??

The real issues in the Ontario election?  Soaring power costs and rampant Liberal corruption.

Sad that in a tribal world nobody gives a hoot about real issues.  They vote  for their own and Tim is not a female.  He is not gay.  He doesn’t smoke crack.

Wynne will win.  Ontario will default.  The Canadian dollar will collapse.  I call it Wynnecare.  It’s a clone of Obamacare. 
