Tuesday, September 30, 2014


First there was the WORD and now we have what I call “Obamaspeak”.  Lets take ISIS as an example of how Obamaspeak works.  It is now apparent that POTUS had not put Al Qaeda to bed when he said he did, so it has turned up again, more vicious than ever.  No problem.  Obama simply outed the word Al Qaeda, and came up with the term "ISIS" instead.

Still not satisfied with this sleight of hand, Obama quickly moved on and renamed ISIS, ISIL.  Sometime in the future he will remind Britain, France, Canada and the rest of the U.S. hangers-on (the Coalition) that they all agreed to his plan to attack ISIL, the Islamic State of Iran and the Levant.

Here is the hook.  Israel is in the Levant, so without apparent intent, Obama's newly invented "Coalition" has given the U.S. President permission to attack Israel.


Monday, September 29, 2014

The Dark Guy In The Middle?

Silly me.  I thought they were talking about President Obama after he rehired  all the white guys he fired in his first term as POTUS.  Now I find out that we whities are no longer allowed to use the English word “dark”.


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Seniors Pensions: A Bad Joke

I walked away from the investment business years ago when I realized that integrity was giving way to legal crime.  Sad to say that seniors are among the most vulnerable victims.

The latest nail in the pensioner’s coffin?  CALPERS, arguably the largest U.S. Pension Fund, has announced that it will no longer invest in Hedge Funds.

In my opinion, there is no such thing as a Hedge Fund “INVESTMENT”.  Hedge Funds are for speculators, and pensioners DO NOT wish to be exposed to speculation with their entrusted savings.

Legal crime.


Friday, September 26, 2014

Duffy's Back

The CBC’s favorite Senator, Mike Duffy has suddenly reappeared in the media.  So far it’s mostly file footage, much like the Liberal glue sniffing video regularly pulled from creaky CBC drawers in the days before Federal elections.

But wait!  I thought the next Federal election was still a year away.  Isn’t Duffy firing up to crucify Harper a bit too early?  Will he be in our faces on an hourly basis for a whole year?  I think that crafty Justin Trudeau may have smoked out the possibility of an early election call!

This time I hope he’s right about an early election.  Let’s get it over with.


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ukraine In The Crosshairs

After the 1986 Chernobyl Nuclear disaster in the Ukraine, Russia dissolved the Soviet Union in order to rid itself of the horrendous financial and medical liabilities created by the event.  The Ukraine and other radiated countries were left to fend for themselves.

In the aftermath, NATO and the EEC moved into the gaping void left by Russian intransigence.  Today there is a new problem rearing it’s ugly head.  Entire downwind regions crippled by radiation will no longer support human life and must be depopulated.  This explains why the Ukrainians and the Russians are demolishing cities one after another.

Yes it’s tragic, but the truth might set the nuclear industry back a decade or more.  Lives are cheap in our addicted glowing world.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Trudeau Vindicated

Canada’s Prime Minister in Waiting forgot to lock his doors and somebody broke in.  What’s the big deal?  It can happen to anybody these days.  Why, just yesterday a druggie burst into the White House unannounced.

My guess?  Both Obama and Trudeau employ TOKER SECURITY SERVICES and the world is in good hands.


Saturday, September 06, 2014

Elections: How To Take Down A Right Winger

Five Easy Accusations:

Candidate brought a family member on a business trip by plane.
He/she hired an undocumented foreign cleaning lady, thirty years ago.
Hired a hooker, thirty years ago.
Same-sex dalliance, unforgivable for a right winger.
A single profanity uttered during this lifetime.
Refusal to puff pot.
Worst possible offence??  CHRISTIAN.

Oops. That was seven accusations, and I could go on.  Be sure to vote.


University Usury

Back in the 50’s, I earned enough working as a summer laborer to pay for my university education.  Today, no student doing summer work can earn enough to buy even the books necessary for school.  To make matters worse, most students cannot find summer jobs or employment after graduation.

Today, one of every ten unemployed graduates is offered an unpaid internship by corporations overstaffed with wealthy greedy earlier university graduates, all of whom have forgotten why they are so well off.  This cadre of chief executives was welcomed into the business community with open arms by those who had already achieved success, and most were paid more, not less, than they were worth upon graduation.

Our young people are often deep in debt when they graduate, only to discover that even bankruptcy is no longer possible where student loans are concerned.  University usury.


Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Media Mockery Of War

To be sure, the demolition and genocide {Clinton calls it Ethnic CLEANSING} is real and tragic as it proceeds in the Ukraine and in Gaza.

I’m not expecting war reporters to get themselves into the thick of the action, but the endless file footage video of grubby warriors firing automatic rifles at thin air makes a mockery of the travesty of war.  Just the facts, please.


Ukraine: Putin's Prediction

President Putin says that Russia could “conquer” Kiev in two weeks of conflict, and if necessary, a nuclear weapon would do the job.  I expect him to proceed.

The whole of  Eastern Europe became a genocidal graveyard on the day that the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl exploded in 1986, and Kiev is at Ground Zero in the killing fields.

Sad to say that nobody is paying attention to President Putin.  A million refugees have found their way to Kiev in their flight from the demolition of cities in eastern Ukraine.  Let me offer my interpretation of Putin's message to Kiev:  I think that he is shouting “GET OUT NOW.”
