Thursday, April 30, 2015

Go Gobama Go - Wake Up Chicago

Barack Obama worked hard as an Alinsky Marxist Community Organizer in Chicago, but he failed in his efforts to recruit Black street gangs.  It was not for lack of trying.

The President can now point to the ruins of Baltimore as proof that THINGS HAPPEN when the Cripps, Bloods and Guerillas pull together.

Even the sun goes black when gangs compete to see who gets the biggest bang.  The looters and the arsonists try harder because they all know that the President watches it live in the plush White House TV theatre.  Go Gobama Go.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Lemon Comes Out

Don Lemon for President?  While Baltimore was burning, Lemon (CNN) thoroughly trashed the bright female Black Democrat Mayor of that beleaguered U.S. city.  He was in her face telling her that she should have called in more White cops to put down the problem that he blamed entirely on White cops.

Lemon could not lose.  If the Mayor had rallied the Constabulary, he would have been there to call her a fascist pig.

Lemon:  The makings of a future U.S. President?  Move over Michelle.


Outing Sanity

An Alberta judge has agreed to allow bail for a jailed terrorist said to have murdered a U.S. soldier.  A Manitoba judge has released a man who brutally beheaded and cannibalized an innocent bus passenger.  A Winnipeg judge has freed a female who allegedly left six deceased infants behind in a rented storage locker.

Our frenzied Police Forces break into the homes of legal gun owners and then stand aside while looters and arsonists trash squad cars and businesses.  Judges jail Policemen while criminals go free and run riot.  Sad to say that insane chaos is now in our midst and those of us who are still able to think cannot adjust fast enough to deal with it.  Crazy judges release crazy jailbirds.

Our western criminal code was written long before tribal madness emerged among persons of all ages.  Our laws were deliberately designed to resist change in what was once a sane world.  But change is coming fast.  In the emerging tribal world, Sharia will show no mercy.  We will reap what we have sown.  Liberals understand this.  They smoke up and tune out.


Racism: CNN Holds The Key

CNN flaunts racist White Cops shooting meek innocent Blacks, over and over and over…
Shouldn’t American Blacks be fleeing to Africa for a better life? Why are 60,000 Blacks flooding into Italy from North Africa in 2015?  Have they not heard about White racists living in Europe?

Why do Mexicans keep swarming into White racist America? Don’t Mexicans know that CNN has proven that all White Americans are racist pigs?
If Blacks and Mexicans could only watch CNN, they would learn the truth.  Then they would fall all over each other running from our decaying White World.  Move out instead of storming in.

Somebody is lying…big time.  Spread the word.


Last Night Baltimore. Coming For You

Today it’s hard to distinguish between video from Yemen in ruins, Nepal flattened by a quake, or BALTIMORE with its back broken.  Finally the Cripps, Bloods and Guerillas are working together.  A success story for Alinsky and Obama.

Last night Baltimore burned.   Tonight a Baltimore blood bath.  Tomorrow night… Cincinnati?  Take your pick.  City after city.  It’s just beginning.  Barbarians at the gates.


Canada Cuddles Khadr

Omar Khadr is accused of killing a U.S. soldier.  President Obama walked away from the issue by deporting Khadr to Canada.  Now a Canadian Judge wants Khadr out on bail and Khadr’s lawyer wants Khadr to move in with he and his family.

It reminds me of an old story:  A deadly tarantula spider, unable to swim, demanded that a frightened frog ferry it across the Ganges River.  Half-way across the river, the deadly spider bit the frog, and as they sank into the water (certain death for both), the frog asked: “Why did you bite me”?  The spider’s reply?  “Because that’s what we do”.


Friday, April 24, 2015

Vaccines: The Mercury Conundrum

Wouldn’t it be amazing if the only active ingredient in vaccines was mercury?  Canada’s wild game is often loaded with mercury as are many Northern drinking water sources.

Want to wipe out our Northerners?  They are already up to their eyeballs in mercury from natural sources.  Just shoot them up with mercury in vaccines.  The straw that breaks the camel’s back…


Thursday, April 23, 2015

Canada Catches Up

The entire middle class in the Western World has collapsed since the Illuminati “turned on” the currency printing presses and forced interest rates to nil.  Sharia says “no” to both usury and the middle class.

In Canada, our Conservative Government has been struggling to keep the middle class above water.  That may be about to change.  Our wealthy “Sharia Sensitive” Liberal Party Leader tells Canadians that efforts to help working Canadians will benefit the rich.  He promises to cancel the middle class if elected.

The U.S. has long since bought into Sharia ideology.  I suspect that Canadians will do the same.  We will join our American neighbors in Obama’s Neo Third World.  I’m glad I’m old.


Racial Profiling - The New White Plague

I suspect that CNN and MSNBC are cherry picking videos of Whites confronting Blacks, and then carefully editing (or photo shopping) the content to obfuscate in favor of their theme - Whites as Racists.

Clearly, this looks like Racial Profiling of Whites now that we are the chosen minority scapegoats.  Concentration Camps in our future?

Why is this happening?  I believe that widespread desperation due to unemployment, poverty or starvation leads to mass psychosis- mental illness.  You say it’s impossible?  You are too young to remember the madness that spawned World War II and I am too young to recall the First World War.

Every major confrontation between nations is preceded by collective insanity.  There is always a scapegoat.  This time it’s our turn.  Watch what happens next.


The Message In The Pyramids

The Pyramids are mocking us.  Our history books assure us that they were built by primitives - but they are still standing and our own fragile aging infrastructure is falling apart.

The Capitol Building in Washington D.C. is threatening to collapse from neglect.  Canada’s Parliament Buildings should be condemned.  Our highways, railways, waterworks, skyscrapers and subdivisions are beyond repair. 

It gets worse.  In truth, what my aging generation built needs to be completely replaced, but modern educators are teaching Human Rights and Marijuana Horticulture.  There is no one left who can even repair what we created. 

Not even a prayer.


Monday, April 20, 2015

U.S. Politics: Real People Stay Home

The U.S. Presidential Election Campaign is up and limping.  Democrats have yet to see their candidate roster, but even Hillary knows that White won’t work.

Republicans have lots of losers showing up.  They all know that the rabble will reliably reject them and their treasured U.S. Constitution.

Obama has succeeded.  The U.S. is now a tribal Third World Country.  “President For Life”.


Mozart Rocks

Researchers at the University of Toronto have discovered that listening to the music of Mozart will make you more intelligent.  No doubt they made this discovery by checking the IQs of persons leaving Mozart concerts.

I have done my own research and conclude that persons who flock to Rapper Raves morph into idiocy.  Most U of T researchers are Rapper addicts.


Homophily Anyone?

Homophily?  It is the tendency to associate with those who have views similar to your own.  Today, Homophily is propagating, especially on Twitter.  Researchers at the University of Toronto believe that homophily can be unhealthy.  My guess?  OK for LGBTs but disgusting for Republicans.

I wish they would just “come out” and say what they mean.


EWaste Secrets

Today we are told that Norwegians produce the most Electronic Waste and Africans the least.  Could it be that Africans have the highest IQs and are therefore more environmentally sensitive than the rest of us?  Does this mean that Norwegians are stupid environmental slobs?

Or is this just more garbage passed off as science?  You decide…


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Why Import Mexican Farm Labor?

The U.S. is awash in unemployed Blacks.  It’s not true that Blacks are lazy.  Blacks simply cannot be trained to work in the fields when they can collect Welfare.  They see it as “slavery”.  There is no Welfare in Mexico.  Mexicans call farm work “survival”.


Canadian Indians - Why Gramma Counts

Is it true that many Canadian Indian children are now raised by their grandparents?  Strange because the grandparents were taught the White man’s ways at the reviled “Residential Schools”.  Indian parents dumped the Residential Schools, so now, without grandparents, their children are often left to fend for themselves.  It’s nature’s way.  Gramma to the rescue.


Why Blacks Get Sick

MSNBC TV reports that obesity may be responsible for elevated rates of Prostate Cancer among Black males.  Doesn’t President Obama blame Whites for fat Blacks?  Whites make Blacks sick.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

India Snubs Nuclear Canada

India conducted a nuclear-capable missile test while Indian Prime Minister Modi was in Ottawa signing a five-year agreement to buy uranium from Canada.

Sad to see our decent Canadian Prime Minister compromised at every turn.  Even worse, to see him fold again and again as we approach a critical Federal Election.

Canada follows the U.S. into depravity.  At least we tried.


Obama - The Democrat Agenda

How will U.S. President Obama justify the Executive Order that he will issue to cancel Presidential Term Limits?

Will a Greek financial crisis take BAC and the U.S. insurance companies under?

Will a massive nuclear disaster be used as justification?

Will WWIII break out?

Take your pick.  He’s not leaving.  Americans will cheer.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wake Up Mr. Harper

It’s about Canada’s “Factors of Production” -  you know, our economic “Choke Points”.

Ethical socially responsible Capitalism is dead Mr. Harper, but we are still one of the wealthiest countries in the World.  If we are to survive as a free country, we must redirect our great wealth to buy back our own key resources (i.e.: Container ports, Grain Marketing Boards, Oil and Metal Producers, Steel Plants, Manufacturing Facilities, etc…)

If no one takes bold steps, our own “Rule of Law” will be used to make all Canadians slaves to brutal foreign dictatorships.

My guess?  It’s too late.  The horse is already out of the barn.  Compromised at the core.


Salute To Male Females - Glass Ceilings

Re: The Vancouver English Bay oil spill.  Media coverage shows us that most of the responsible key positions regarding the clean-up are now held by women.

Very badly handled.  In my day, women didn’t think like men and they would have shunned these custodial responsibilities.  Today, men don’t think like men.  That’s why women are rushing in, desperately trying to help. I salute you.


Canada / U.S. Sharia Finance

Islamic Law says “no” to USURY, which in turn says “no” to the existence of the middle class.  That is why rates are heading for nil in the U.S. and Canada.  They are already negative in Europe.  Savings there are now a liability.

Feeling screwed?  It’s going to get a lot WORSE!


Sunday, April 12, 2015

U.S./ Cuba Alliance

Who would have thought that the United States would see “eye to eye” with Marxist Cuba?  I certainly could not have predicted that Americans would elect a Marxist President.

I thought that our World was working to pull the Third World up by its bootstraps.  It turns out to be the opposite.  Americans voted for Third World leadership.  Marxist America embraces Marxist Cuba.  I guess it makes sense.

Khrushchev has finally won.  The downtrodden U.S. Republican remnant should seek refugee status in Canada.


Apartheid In America

Blacks are pushing White hangers-on out of cities abandoned by Whites all across America.  I agree with Blacks on this issue.  If only Blacks could move to the cities they built and Whites could live in cities built by Whites.

But wait……..  There are no cities built by Blacks in America.  There are no cities built by Blacks in Africa.  Mumbai?  No.  What to do?

And what happens to cities when the final White stragglers are mugged or torched out of existence?  Just look in on Detroit.  Whole city blocks bulldozed.  Nobody left to mug?

But where are the new cities?  Sorry folks.  We Whites built the cities, and we will be gone altogether in a generation.  The White birth rate is heading for nil.
And it gets worse.  Whites are not just sterile.  We have now been denied the “Gift of Faith”.  It’s gone.  Integrity and Ingenuity died with The Holy Spirit, and these gifts are essential to build cities and sustain civilization.

We Whites have lost our ability to run the World.  We cannot even educate our children.  We sold our University slots to the highest bidder, and our own sons and daughters have been dumped in the streets.  We too are living in the wreckage of the utopia built by White parents and grandparents.  There is no one left to replace or even maintain what people of faith created.

When faith dies, tribalism triumphs.  Everybody votes for it.  Who did you vote for?


POTUS Spins To Win

Back in 2010, President Obama made it known that he refused to describe himself as being of “Mixed Race” on the U.S. Census Form.  He ticked the “Black” category instead.  In his earlier Autobiography he told us that his father was a “black as pitch” Muslim and his mother was a very white Christian.  Mixed Race.

Which lie do you believe?  Saul Alinsky taught Barack and all of his Community Organizers to spin to win at any price.  Truth is for losers.  A Pagan coaching Pagans.

Both Obama and Malcolm X made no bones about hating the White minds that dominate their Black bodies.  President Obama was raised by his White mother after they were both abandoned by his Black father.  As a result, you might expect him to love his mother and dislike his father.  Instead, the President’s racial angst runs so deep that he will not even acknowledge his mother’s ethnicity on a Census Form.  He spins to win.


Wednesday, April 08, 2015

Racists And Bigots

In my view you are a racist if you will not admit that every race once had its own unique gifts, shortcomings and physical/mental characteristics.

In my view you are a bigot if you will not admit that males once differed from females both physically and mentally.

But it’s different today.  In the blink of an eye the Jumbo Jet put an end to racial identity.  Today we see cross-bred convergence.  And at the same time, the nuclear age has spawned gender convergence.  Soon there will be no males or females.

Does this mean that we can all be friends? Not likely.  Instead, we are witnessing mixed race frustration and anger.  At the same time, gender neutrality has torpedoed our ability to reproduce.

The good news?  No more racism or bigotry?  The bad news?  No future.


Shot In South Carolina

On April 7, 2015 it was like a movie.  Over and over and over CNN showed us what appeared to be the assassination of a Black male by a White policeman.

Was it professional cinematography made to appear amateur?  Check out the skilled video gymnastics.  Was the camera on for the altercation?  No.  We will never get to see what spawned the shooting.  Pan in for the two together.  Perfect pan out for the fleeing Black.  Pan in for the officer walking to retrieve his taser.  Zoom in for the officer setting it down beside the victim.  Are all CNN White/Black altercations staged?  Who is the mystery videographer that is only present when Whites shoot Blacks?

My guess?  For every Black shot by a White in the U.S., there are ten Whites shot by Blacks and a hundred Blacks shot by their own (other Blacks).  This in spite of the reality that in the U.S., Whites still outnumber Blacks.  Where are the videographers when Blacks shoot Whites?  What is the objective of the left wing media replaying these racially charged  videos hundreds of times day after day?

Note:  CNN made a point of showing us a Black judge now on the case in South Carolina - so at least we know that judgment will be done.  Feel better now?


Ferguson Revisited

When Blacks were torching Ferguson Missouri we saw convincing CNN video statistics to prove that the city was 80% Black.  More recently, 60% Black.  Now that the Ferguson City Council is half Black, a Black councilor tells us it’s suddenly 53% Black in town.

My question?  Are Whites moving in or are Blacks moving out?  Or is CNN simply making up the news to keep on stirring the pot.

My guess?  Most Whites abandoned Ferguson fifty years ago and more have moved out since Blacks torched the main street.  Nowhere left to run.


Tuesday, April 07, 2015

The Duffy Frenzy

Canadian Senator Mike Duffy went to trial on criminal charges as of April 7, 2015.  Fifty or more highly paid media hacks were watching for him at all four Court entrances on day one.

Why all this attention?  Why waste billions of dollars chasing a man who allegedly stole thousands?  Because Duffy may tell the world that he heard Harper fart out loud.  The press hates Harper.  Any sleaze will do.


Vancouver Glowing

Media reports finally fess up.  Fukushima radiation in ocean waters has reached the North American West coast.  No problem.  They have conveniently forgotten that last week they reported an unexplained mass die off of sea lions pups and sea birds (auklets); the week before, it was fish stocks disappearing; and just yesterday we were told that  there’s a giant blob of hot water off Vancouver.

Two and two make … no problem.


Bibi Got It Right

Bibi told the U.S. Congress that ISIS has knives but Iran has NUKES.  Pity that his countrymen, Einstein and Oppenheimer must bear responsibility for the bomb.

And Bibi, the U.S. has nukes too.  You may come to wish that Einstein and Oppenheimer had never been born.  You are surrounded by Muslims with bombs.


Monday, April 06, 2015

The Trouble With Words

John 1:1 “In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and THE WORD WAS GOD”!

Words and the meaning of words - sacred and unchanging gifts from God.  The gifts that separate humans from the animal kingdom.

Today, humans have lost respect for the meaning of words - but the U.S. Constitution, the Bible and all contractual agreements are written in WORDS.

When words become compromised, humans become animals.  It’s happening.  Welcome to our return to global tribalism.


Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Pence Folds

Republican Governor Mike Pence of Indiana has capitulated in a vicious money-driven storm of protest over a newly minted Religious Freedom Law in his State.

I believe that the Governor is a Christian, as am I.  The Holy Spirit poured out in profusion over those of us who are seniors today.  This miracle has all but made a complete exit in the years since we were so blessed.  The few of us who still struggle to follow Christ must now contemplate crucifixion as we persist.  Governor Pence struggled valiantly and he lost.

In the absence of the Holy Spirit, most of today’s generation is unwittingly steered along a Road To Hell.  From thence come the vicious mobs that now behead those who insist on continued allegiance to Christ beyond our borders.  It’s coming home.

Americans have deliberately voted to reject Christ.  You and I, Governor Pence, are now numbered among the dispossessed.  We will live to see Christians face carnage across our precious land.  “The road to the Cross is narrow and steep”.

We love you Governor Pence.  “Truth above life”.


Trevor Noah - Talk Show Host

CNN TV asks “Are Trevor Noah’s jokes offensive”?

My answer:  Only to Whites.  That doesn’t count.
