Monday, February 29, 2016

Sorry Justin - No Peace Prize

You're too late Mr. Trudeau. U.S. President Obama explained to the Norwegians the meaning of the words "Just War".  Obama received his Peace Prize by surging 30000 U.S. troops into Afghanistan.  Then he bombed Egypt from behind and got extra points for flattening most of Syria.

It is not possible to receive a prize for bringing eight aging planes home from Syria.  Lie and learn Mr. Trudeau.  You’re flying in the wrong direction.


Truther Talk

US Presidential hopeful Ben Carson suggests administering truth serum to terrorists.  Perhaps truth serum could be given to Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, as well.  The Apple executive claims that Apple encryption cannot be broken, even by Apple.

If this were true, computers would be busy taking over the world as I speak. The question at hand has nothing to do with government encroaching on Apple encryption.  The question revolves around the information stored in an Apple cell phone owned by a dangerous deceased terrorist.

Apple need only provide the information stored on the phone.  This would solve the problem at hand without compromising the global security of Apple computer devices.

Why the big fuss?


Syrian Genocide

Germany was deliberate when it forced open borders through many European countries to facilitate the passage of Syrians into Germany.

U.S. President Obama was more than deliberate as he assisted Syrians by conducting 10000 bombing raids to obliterate their cities.

Syrians were predictable.  They fled their devastated cities and followed the path set out for them by the Germans.

Now that Germany has achieved its immigration objectives, a ceasefire has been declared by the West.  Strange but true that when we stopped bombing, all hostilities came to an end.  ISIS was nowhere to be found.  All that devastation. A war without an adversary.

Christ would cry if He could see our obscene greed and cruelty.


Trudeau Trumps Obama

U.S. President Obama will likely have to wait until his last day in office before he can pardon his remaining terrorists (community organizers) at Gitmo.

On the other hand, Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau needed only say the words to see terrorist friends released from Canadian jails.

Eat your heart out, Barry.


Canada: The Queen's Representative

I have a hard time believing that Canada's Governor General, David Johnston, will continue to tolerate the spiral downward into the Trudeausphere.  Will Johnston agree to pin medals on Mike Duffy, Ghomeshi, Wynne, et all?

The Queen dumped Canada decades ago when Pierre did his pirouette, so she will not likely object to appointing Theresa "Escalade" Spence to replace Mr. Johnston as Canada's Governor General.  Theresa will not upstage our pretty Prime Minister.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Joke Is On Notley

Rachael Notley played a sad joke on Alberta.  Now Trudeau is making a fool of Notley.  $250 million?  Notley doesn’t know the Liberal mantra:  “Promise everything.  Deliver nothing”.

Sorry Rachael.  You are not just naïve.  You are even dimmer than Mr. Trudeau.  You deserve to reap what you have sown.


Friday, February 26, 2016

The Plague Of Locusts

Innovative Canadians have set up a commercial bug farm downwind from a huge nuclear plant.  Locals are gulping grasshopper pie made with real grasshoppers.

Pay attention.  The Bible is a book of prophecy.  Are you swamped with earwigs-grasshoppers-locusts?  Look for a leaky creaky nuclear plant nearby.

The good news?  Grasshopper pie.  The bad news?  Plague.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

White Racism

It was Roland Martin, the black TV personality who told Americans that all whites are racist.  I believe that he was right about this.  In my opinion all humans are racist.

I may be able to demonstrate that you are a racist.  The Canadian City of Toronto recently hosted its annual Black Film Festival.  No one complained about this black event, so I am proposing a Winnipeg White Film Fest.

No matter what color you are, I expect that you are offended by my proposal for a White Film Festival in Winnipeg.  I rest my case.


A Sober Forecast

Natural catastrophes are rapidly increasing in size and frequency, and there are other problems.  Brain dead Millennials will soon be unable to run fast enough to keep up with routine repairs needed for the decaying infrastructure built by my elderly generation.  It’s a recipe for disaster.

That's the bad news.  The good news?  Most young people are so stoned that they will not even notice.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Trudeau Thanks Alberta

In a recent Canadian Federal Election, Albertans en masse voted for Liberal Justin Trudeau.  Canada's fledgling new Prime Minister has recently traveled to Alberta to thank them, before he sends their hard-earned tax dollars to Quebec.

Trudeau will eventually stop in to thank all of the Canadian Provincial Premiers because their tax payments to Ottawa will go to Bombardier and other corporate interests in Canada's Metis Nation (Quebec).


Childhood....Growing Up

Most of us are happy till we find out who we aren't.


Rubio Rolls To The White House?

There's no question that U.S. Presidential candidate Marco Rubio has most of the qualifications required to become the next President of the United States.
Anyone but an American.  The Rubio family history is Cuban.  Rubio is weak, shifty and inexperienced.  If he was gay, he would have it in the bag.

Sleeze sells in U.S. politics today.  Tribal trash trumps truth.  Sorry Mitt.  Sorry Donald.


Saturday, February 06, 2016

The Madness Meme

There is no question that U.S. President Obama is in part responsible for the explosion of violence in the Middle East and North Africa.  Sad to say that the election of Obama is only a symptom of a much deeper malaise.

I believe that a demonic "chaos meme" has swept the entire planet.  Every country in the world is affected to one extent or another. The Third World has degenerated into anarchy, and in the First World the ballot box is deliberately used to elect idiots.  Madness has become the norm.


Trudeau And Putin

Canada's juvenile Prime Minister Trudeau tells us that Canada will re-engage with Russia.  We are back….

My guess?  President Putin suffers fools badly.  Putin is more likely to attack weakness than to have a chat with it.  In this case, however, my guess is that Putin just doesn’t give a damn.  Good news for Canada.


Seniors And The Homeless

Fifty years ago, Canada's population was much younger and predominantly sane.  Respectful Christians built sturdy Seniors Homes for the elderly and Psychiatric Hospitals for the mentally infirm.

Today, the brainless "Me Generation" has closed the Psych Hospitals, leaving the mentally ill to fend for themselves on our city streets.  The homeless population is growing faster than the seniors population, and mentally ill persons are now flooding into Seniors Homes.

Seniors today find themselves either in chaos in the Homes or living under bridges where the homeless once abided.


Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Tribal Devolution In America

Protest-ant North America has failed in its bid to raise the planet above its ancient tribal norm.  Instead, the 747 has swamped the New World with primitives who use the ballot box to drag America back to its own primordial roots.


Planning For The Syrians

For some time I have been puzzled by the proliferation of new unoccupied high rise condo towers in the City of Toronto.  I could not have known that these empty condo units would be filled by throngs of Syrians driven out of their homeland by 10,000 U.S. coalition aerial bombing raids.  Gullible Canadian taxpayers will come forth to pay the rent.

In days past we shared the wealth.  Today we bomb our way to poverty.  We are all victims.


Monday, February 01, 2016

Isaiah Speaks Of Truth

Let me paraphrase Isaiah 59 verse 15: "When truth fails, he who departs from evil makes himself a prey."

In my opinion, Isaiah is speaking of the World as it is today.  Our great civilization was built on a firm foundation of faith in God.  Faith spawned integrity, and truth is impossible without integrity.  In the absence of faith, the word truth has no meaning.

Faith in God was once a "calling" world-wide.  That "calling" has now gone silent, and today’s youth are left without faith.  Non-believers turn on those of us who were blessed to have been "called" in years past.

In the absence of faith, truth has failed. When truth fails, those of us who refuse to embrace evil become prey.  So be it.


Trump And The Polls

Always remember that the polls and the media are both run by left wing hacks in the Democratic Party.  It therefore stands to reason that the person most promoted on the Republican side by the media and the polls will be the one least likely to defeat their Democratic front runner.

Donald Trump understands this full well.  He's just having fun at their expense.
