Monday, September 30, 2013

Wall Street Schitzo

Wall Street has now completed its transition from ethical to tribal mode and nobody seems to have noticed.  Fortunes have been made in the process.  Tribalism leads to violent anarchy.  Chaos.

But don’t be alarmed if you are one of the few left standing who understands the meaning of ethical conduct.  At this stage of devolution and decay we are beyond ethical solutions.

What would happen if there were honest souls left who could recapture the reins of power on Wall Street?  Sad but true that there are no balance sheets left to balance.  Ethical analysis would reveal overwhelming bankruptcy almost across the board.
The result?  Violent anarchy.  Chaos.

There is no way out.  Our fate is sealed.


Obama Double-Speak

Obama drew a RED LINE at Syria’s use of chemical weapons.  When someone in Syria deployed them, he said he didn’t say it.

Obama said he rescued Detroit.  Now Detroit says it will default on its giant municipal debt.

Next I expect Obama to say he never bragged about rescuing GM or Chrysler or Detroit.

They’re all going under as the Obama gravy train slows to a trickle.

Obama re Detroit:  “Never heard of it.”

More On Obama Spring

It’s fun watching Lloyd and Jamie (Wall Street) use Obama’s “QE Forever” billions to take the Dow Jones Industrial average higher and higher, while Obama’s welfare handouts drag the U.S. economy deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Obama has already peed away hundreds of millions of U.S. tax dollars to “Save” Detroit.  Today, forty percent of their street lights don’t work and police services are absent as are fire departments.  Detroit (saved by the President) has $18 billion in debt that will never be repaid.  Oops … bankrupt.

Not to worry though.  The President has doled out another $300 million to Detroit for … demolition.

Obama is getting “results”.  I called it “Obama Spring” in North Africa, and now it’s spreading across the U.S.  Obama is robbing Peter to rob Paul.  Did you vote for him?

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ayn Rand On Freedom

Ayn Rand taught me about the blessing of freedom as set out in the construct of the U.S. Constitution.  All of the pieces of this precious puzzle can be found buried in her writings.

All but one.  Ayn Rand was unable to acknowledge that the U.S. integrity she so loved was a manifestation of Protest-ant faith that in turn grew out of a profound understanding of the Judeo Christian Bible.  Faith was the gift that yielded revelation.

Ayn Rand was an atheist.  She was never able to find contentment in Utopia.  She was given the roadmap to universal understanding and denied the knowledge of the source of this gift.

While I am not an atheist, my recognition of the existence of God has unfortunately served to make me painfully aware of the cruelty of the many roadblocks that decent people now face in life.  Ayn Rand denied God.  Many of the rest of us are denied by God.  Faith is no longer enough.

Today, Ayn Rand is gone and the gift of faith that created the world she so loved is sterile too.  I’m glad that she was with us to leave her record of a fleeting miracle – freedom.  God has gone on strike.

Chipboard Buses - Ottawa

“Risk Managers” have decided that only a few extra souls will die (per thousand passengers) if you build buses made of chipboard and plastic.  The fuel savings – amazing.

But light tall buses (and trailers) are blown off windy expressways and they slide into oncoming traffic on wet/snowy roads.

In Ottawa the other day, a flimsy new bus killed the driver and others when it drove into the side of a moving train.

Those who have seen the media video should realize that the bus was not the least bit deflected as it ground itself into the train.  The train simply chewed up the chipboard bus as it moved forward.

In days past, when every individual human life was sacred, buses were made of steel and clad in steel.

Ambulance drivers don’t ride on buses.

Chipboard Inferno - Ottawa

On September 26, 2013 eight chipboard row houses went up in flames in Ottawa, Canada leaving thirty-five souls homeless.

Nobody cares, but modern “Risk Management” does the math on how much money will be saved and how many lives will be sacrificed when fire regulations are bent in favor of cheaper ways to build houses.  Concrete firewalls between units are gone and building cladding is often highly flammable – almost explosive chipboard.

In my time every life mattered.  Today, you might be the one in a thousand who pays the price to play in a risky greedy “Risk Management” world.

Firemen don’t live in chipboard houses.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Rouhani/Obama (A Lily Tomlin Moment)

Rouhani, the President of Iran, got a phone call from President Obama.  The Iranian President must be Harvard educated like most other brutal Islamic dictators because he knew what to do.  Before the western media could say a word, Rouhani Tweeted to the world “Thanks for your phone call Mr. President”.

CNN, CTV et all were left squirming for spin.  CTV said that the two picked up the phone at the same time.

No problem though.   Every time Obama gets caught in a lie he tells a new one.  Americans love him for it.

“One ringy dingy…Two ringy dingys…Have I reached the party to whom I am speaking?”

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bridges To Chaos

Do you remember the day that a bridge carrying railway fuel tank cars collapsed in downtown Calgary?  How could it happen?  The answer: That bridge was 107 years old and made of wood.  What if the Lac Megantic disaster had occurred in the middle of downtown Calgary?

A century old wooden railway bridge like that could be a hundred yards away from your back yard.  It should have been replaced seventy years ago and it was NOT designed for today’s massive explosive cargos.

I’m talking about widespread ongoing HOPELESS railway company incompetence defended by an army of highly paid heartless lawyers.  You can ignore this, but you cannot escape “the New Reality”.  Everyone pays the price for unfettered relentless GREED dressed up in fancy phraseology now described as “Risk Management”.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Megantic - Canada's 9/11

On the day that the Lac Megantic rail disaster hit the headlines, Canada’s Federal Public Safety Minister quit politics.  He had served with distinction, and I don’t blame him for packing it in.  In my opinion, Canada’s 9/11 had become a reality.

The Western world cannot throw off its compulsion to prod the vicious Islamic pit bull, and the pit bull is understandably busy ferreting out every point of weakness it can exploit to get back at us.

Here is what our detractors may have discovered: A coven of greedy business men shipping explosive cargo down a rail line with no signals, in a Province with lax Regulation, no supervision, a system of feudal law and a population unable to retaliate in the English language.  And now I suspect that Canadians who do speak English are helping out the enemy by lying about the event in an effort to protect their own delicate egos.

First we were told that no one knew what was in the rail cars (wagons) that exploded.  Then we were told that Bakken oil from North Dakota contains volatiles that blow up.  That’s a dangerous stretch.  And now we’re told that the rail cars were not properly labeled.  Nobody can tell us what was in them.  We may never know.

First, let me guess:  What if every fifth tank car on that train was transporting violently explosive compressed natural gas?  What if a siding switch derailed the train in the middle of that quiet community?  Who set the switch to force the speeding “wagons” onto the siding?  Do all trains leave on their own when stopped on a grade?  An accident?  I don’t think so.

Now, let me hypothesize:  The profitless oil recovered by salvage fracking in North Dakota brings with it natural gas that is burned off for lack of pipeline capacity to safely ship it to market. (You know – the anti-pipeline lobby).  Some of this natural gas ends up on rail tank cars, thousands of which recently began passing quietly through cities, towns and villages all over North and Central America.  Lac Megantic, Quebec just happened to experience the first of a multitude of consequent future explosive disasters that we peons unfortunately cannot avoid.

If I had my say, all high volume transport of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) would be by pipeline.  Instead, the railways are shipping CNG in volume, and preparing to transport more dangerous Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as I write.

Canada’s 9/ll.  It’s only the beginning.  Where is Dr. Suzuki when towns blow up?  Sorry.  It’s about the money.

Why The UN Loves Obama

In 2012 U.S. President Obama saw fit to stand before the UN General Assembly and blatantly lie about Libya.  He defended Sunni terrorists.

Today, before the same audience he saw fit to blatantly lie about Syria.  He sided with Sunni terrorists.

Tribalism is genetic.  President Obama is Sunni.  The UN is Sunni.  His tribal brothers applaud his lies.

And the UN audience can be cruel.  When Canadian Prime Minister Harper tells them the truth they leave for lunch as he speaks.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Wall Street Dilution Pollution

Don’t look now but Jamie and Lloyd and the rest of today’s Wall Street insiders are quietly shoveling billions of newly minted off-balance-sheet shares into their bonus accounts as I write.  When they finally decide to spring the truth on you, they’ll apologetically reveal that your shares are worthless and they are in cash.

And Jamie and Lloyd are proud of their success.  For them the game is “Eat or be Eaten” – “An Eye for an Eye”.  Just watch what they do to the poor saps at BAC.

I don’t agree with their game.  Wall Street was born and flourished in the Age of Integrity (Turn the other cheek).  None of us left voluntarily.  No, when integrity died we could no longer face the new paradigm.  We had to leave.  Jamie and Lloyd are busy violating the remnants of what we abandoned.

Integrity was in a gene that has gone missing on Wall Street and everywhere else.  I call it the “Christ Gene”.  Without the Christ Gene, evil dominates good and evil quickly consumes itself.  We all prospered while integrity stood between evil and evil.

Integrity was the gift that spawned our moment of precious freedom in a vicious tribal world.  Wall Street has morphed into a greedy money sucking monster.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Vive la Quebec Francais

Quebec had a distinct culture and in times past the locals invited the world to come and enjoy it.  The province has now wakened to the reality that some of its new citizens want to destroy it rather than enjoy it.  I say, like it or leave it, and I know how it feels to be disenfranchised.

Quebecers living in Canada’s English speaking provinces insist on forcing their culture on all of us.

I’m a senior and I’ll probably pay with my life because pill bottles must include French instructions when nobody in English Canada uses French.  How stupid is that?  There is no room for English on the labels because it’s crowded out by Francais.  If I didn’t have a magnifying glass I would already be toast.

I don’t visit Quebec because I cannot read the road signs and I know I’m not welcome there.  My guess?  In Quebec the use of the English language on container labels is probably illegal.

The French in Canada hoard their cake while they're busy devouring ours.  I'm happy to leave French turf to the French and I want them to do the same for me.  To quote the Francais: "Like us or leave us".

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Prepper Apocalypse

The Bible speaks of a thousand years of Christ’s reign, after which the devil takes charge.  In my lifetime I have seen integrity evaporate in every walk of life.  Did Christ up and abandon our sinking ship while I was watching?

The concept of intuitive fairness as we knew it is now so foreign that our young people cannot even imagine a world where decency once prevailed.

So I’m barking up the wrong tree when I try to describe my outdated vision of how the world should be today.  I cannot even get across my description of how it surely once was.  I have said before that the “Generation Gap” has morphed into a “Culture Chasm”, from a pothole to a bottomless sinkhole.

Without getting religious about it, I think that people in my ancient age bracket have indeed lived through the equivalent of the end of the thousand year reign of Christ.  Integrity did evaporate in an instant.  I did watch it happen.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Christie Crunch

A year ago New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was in a pinch and like Faust, he took a short  cut.  He bolted from his constituents in the Republican Party to grab for a prize that he cannot keep.

Looks to me like one of his new friends torched his brand new Board Walk.  I suspect it’s only the beginning.

I’m glad Governor Christie revealed his true colors but sorry that New Jersey Republicans have to pay the price.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Am I a Prepper?

A wise young soul says my blogging rants don’t fit the Twitter generation but they might appeal to Preppers.

Does that make me a Prepper?  Nope.  At this stage (old) I’m an Observer.  I didn’t even know the meaning of the word “Prepper”.  Today, a Prepper is one who prepares for the coming Apocalypse.

So was I once a Prepper?  We were Preppers long before the word came into fashion.  Wood stove, food storage, well water and homemade everything.  The whole works.

How did it work out?  It didn’t.  The well water was full of mercury and our teenage offspring wanted out of the bush and into the action, just as we had before them.

If you never have children you will not likely have the sudden urge to hide from the world.

Strange as it may seem, there are still a few exceptionally bright youngsters today who go through a Prepper moment.  The symptoms:  They collect up camping gear, tents, flash lights, first aid kits, etc. and patiently try to explain why you should to do the same.

Don’t be alarmed.  They soon get over it.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

American Backbone?

What’s happening here?  U.S. voters dumped Spitzer and Weenie.  They screamed NO at their demigod virtual President over Syria and they muzzled Senators and Congressmen on both sides of the isle who were salivating over going to war.

Can these be the same left wing heterophiles that put a social worker in the White House?

Frankly I’m a bit disappointed.  I thought I could predict America’s slide into tribal chaos without a hitch.  I’m still betting that Sunni tribal loyalty will trump America’s burst of “Backbone” and the President will trample Shiite Assad.

Sorry America.  It’s what you voted for and the tragic mess that your Chosen One has made in the Islamic world will soon be arriving on your doorstep.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Christ Had Two Dads

“Jesus had two dads and he turned out just fine.”

This sign made headlines world-wide.  We’re told that the message was posted on a billboard outside an Anglican (Episcopal) Church in Niagara Falls, Canada.

I have no bone to pick with homosexuality but here’s what the sign says to me as a heterosexual follower of Christ:

It says it’s OK for homosexuals to offend heteros and religion but if I speak up I’m a bigot.  It says Michael Jackson makes headlines while the real issues of our day are ignored.  I am a follower of Christ and I find the message completely offensive.  To my way of thinking it is biologically impossible for anyone to have two “dads”.

And Christ also had a real biological “mother”.  Perhaps that’s why He “turned out just fine”. In some faiths Christ’s mother has been elevated to deity status beside Him.

Did Christ really “turn out just fine?”  He was hung on a cross.

I for one do not believe that the billboard in Niagara Falls speaks for all Anglicans, heterosexual or homosexual.  I do believe that many homosexuals would find the message to be in poor taste.  If my honesty offends you, consider the impact of the message on the sign.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Obama Rescues Syria

Putin says that Shiite Assad will give his chemical weapons over to a neutral third party like the Sunni UN or Sunni President Obama.  Assad appears a bit reluctant to commit because he knows that this would be suicide.

So the BBC asked people on the ground in Syria what they think of President O-bomb-us plan to bomb them to freedom.  They shout – please, please bomb our homes and our power plants and our airports and our nuclear sites and our wives and our children. We know how your bombs rescued Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and more, so go ahead and wreck our villages.

Muslims have been at war with each other and everyone else for 1500 years.  Of late the West has been rebuffed and humiliated in its efforts to extract the oil bounty that Allah heaped so generously upon Muslim nations.  By my estimate, a million Muslims have been slaughtered since the U.S. finally elected a president who can speak the language of Islam.  Obama Spring.

Now Obama is determined to “rescue” Syria.  Syrians see it as an OBOMANATION.  I see it as just “more of the same”.

Putin’s suggestion won’t help Syria but it did rescue President Obama.  He used it as an excuse to cancel a U.S. Senate vote that he was about to lose.  Then he gave credit for Putin’s idea to John Kerry.  So kind of him not to claim it as his own.

Not to worry though.  Tribalism runs far deeper than politics.  President Obama does not need permission from the American people or the U.S. Senate.  He will pull the trigger on his own.

If it can be done, it will be done.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Trudeau: How Stupid Am I?

In Canada, Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Federal Liberal Party.  If elected, he has pledged to legalize the use of marijuana.

Trudeau wants you to believe that once marijuana is legal, the Hells Angels will quit selling it and he and a million other potheads will trash their house plants.

Is Justin an idiot?  Or does Justin think you are an idiot?

Neither of the above.  As I write, throngs of high profile Canadians from all walks of life are chortling their support for Mr. Trudeau, no matter what he believes.  Many are souls with children and grandchildren, all of whom we Protest-ants have been trying to protect from what I consider to be a blight on our world.

Drug dealers and their clients don’t build bridges or roads or schools or even churches for that matter.  I guess we just don’t need these trappings of our beleaguered civilization anymore.  I’m the one out of step.

No doubt the world is collapsing as it should.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Syria: Obama's Iraq?

Remember how Bush Jr. took it on the chin after he attacked Iraq looking for Weapons of Mass Destruction?  Were you hoping for change when Bush stepped down?

Today President Obama says he thinks there was a gas attack in Syria and he has a hunch that Assad did it, so he’s going to start a World War and kick the crap out of Assad.  Doesn’t that sound like a page out of the Bush playbook?

At least Bush was a naïve outsider looking in.  President Obama came to us from one of the two Muslim tribes that are forever at war.  I suspect that Assad is from the other tribe.  Tribal allegiance trumps truth.  My guess?  Assad is toast.    

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Syria: Virtual Madness?

When President Obama confirmed chemical weapons as the Red Line that crossed would launch a potential World War, he invited that war by default.  There are countless protagonists all over the planet with the capability to launch a chemical weapons attack in Syria.  We will never really know if chemicals were used or who used them.

So virtually any country or any terrorist group or any disgruntled individual who staged or filmed the attack video we are now seeing may have goaded the U.s. President into pulling the trigger.  Is President Obama about to start a war over imagery generated on Facebook?

Muslim Brotherhood terrorists will chop up and spit out the sizeable Christian population in Syria if they prevail.  Will America provide them with the weapons they need to accomplish this?  Did America vote to switch sides?

Monday, September 02, 2013

Hit Syria?

Why not?  Look at what Clinton and Bush accomplished in Iraq.  And what about Russia, Bush and Obama in Afghanistan?  And didn’t Tunisia, Lybia and Egypt work out well?  So why not saunter into Syria?  Try Tomahawk missiles.  Missiles always make new friends.

The West has failed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Lybia, Egypt and many other countries.  Countless numbers have died and we have made enemies with long memories.  In every case the locals were at war with their own when we arrived.  That internal war did not end when we left in disgrace.  In Islamic countries civil conflicts began in 600 AD and they will never cease.  How many times do we have to humiliate ourselves to learn this lesson?

Strange but true that President Obama launched his Presidency with a speech in Egypt where he promised to liberate Islam from the evil West.  No one has ever succeeded at liberating Islam from itself.

Unfortunately for Islam, tribal leadership has now overtaken the West and the West has begun taking sides in the battles that Muslims wage among themselves.  It’s a giant lose-lose conflagration for both East and West and it will not be over until it bankrupts the new Western warlords.

Now that 100,000 have died in Syria, the West feigns distain for the chemical weapons used to commit the most recent 1400 killings.  As is the case in North Africa, we are not sure what happened and we don’t know who did it, but there is willingness to supply one side with guns when both sides hate the West more than they hate each other.

I wish I could believe that the left-leaning West could find the leadership it needs by swinging right, but it would appear that neither side can understand the problem.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

Harper And Reverse Blackmail

CTV says Harper guys blackmailed Senator Duffy into taking a $90,000 check to repay his overcharged expenses.  It’s not a test to see how stupid you are.  Someone actually wants you to believe that blackmailers force their victims to accept gobs of free cash.  I thought blackmailers emptied the pockets of their victims.  Has anybody threatened you with cash lately?

We all know which pew the CTV team occupies, and I’m beginning to wonder if Wright and Duffy have been sitting beside them all this time.  Are they ALL marching to that same drummer?  Is it an orchestrated effort to unseat the greatest Prime Minister in the history of Canada?

Don’t laugh.  Americans elected Obama.