Sunday, August 31, 2014

Canada's National Tragedy: Indians

I have lived in many towns and cities in Canada, and I have yet to meet a homeless Eskimo.  I’m not saying that homeless Eskimos don’t exist, but when they do, they are not pushed out in droves by their own communities.  On the other hand, more and more Canadians every day find themselves living on our streets, and too many are Indians.

In my “now past” generation, countless poor working Canadians made weekly church donations in support of the construction and operation of Residential Schools to board and educate our Indian population.

Today, these same Indians are using their educational skills to exploit their own and to crap on the rest of us from a great height.  Our generous naïve Prime Minister has apologized for the schools we built, but the endless bitching just gets louder.

The latest demand?  A Federal Government Inquiry into violence against Indian women.  Who is asking?  This time it’s the Indian Chiefs joined by the Provincial Premiers.  They are ganging up on Canada’s outstanding Conservative Prime Minister in anticipation of a pending Federal Election.

My suggestion?  It’s time for our Indians to do the “Eskimo thing” and take responsibility for their own women and children.  If the Chiefs and the Premiers want an Inquiry, they should step up and pay for it.  They want to fiddle while the Reservations burn.


Drones Up: Jumbos Down

There is no way to stop or even retard the proliferation of drones rising into skies over our once civilized world.  Until now, there was no way to slow down the alarming profusion of jumbo jets flooding North America with refugees, some of whom arrived with a genetic hatred of our success.

I could not have imagined drone madness putting an end to jumbo jet madness.  Drones through jumbo aircraft windshields.  Drones eaten by thousands of jet engines.

No, I don’t like it either.  It proves conclusively that humans are not only greedy, but also monumentally STUPID.

“If it CAN be done, it WILL be done”.


Thursday, August 28, 2014

Buffet Devours Canada's Tim Horton's Donut Shops

Sad to report that the third greediest Wall St. weasel on earth has eaten up another of Canada’s fantastic business success stories, whole.  Warren Buffet will find it difficult to out-source the delivery of donuts and coffee the way he did it with shirts so many decades ago.

Buffet started out in business by shafting the meager shirt makers at a tiny Berkshire Hathaway manufacturing plant in the north eastern U.S.  He fired the whole lot and became an out-sourcing pioneer by importing worthless shirts from China and selling them at U.S. manufactured prices.

North Americans from all walks of life are unemployed today because of the out-sourcing genius of billionaire Warren Buffet.  And if your pension plan went bust, he may have had a hand in making that come about too.

The good news?  Mr. Buffet is old and creaky now, and the Grim Reaper cannot be robbed or bribed.


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ukraine: The Legacy Of Chernobyl

Twenty-five years ago a huge Russian nuclear reactor at Chernobyl in the Ukraine exploded sky high.

What to do after a World shaking nuclear accident?  Evacuate and abandon?  Too expensive.  Imperative to promote and protect the nuclear industry at all costs.  The answer in the Ukraine?  Just lie, and let the locals pay the price.

Oops.  Twenty-five years later, too many locals still alive and now very ill.  Pandemic potential.  Execute Plan B.  Demolish the cities.  Two hundred truckloads of high explosives delivered, and more on the way.  The locals?  If they don’t flee, they die in the rubble.

Today’s world deserts are yesterday’s downwind barren lands, left lifeless for eons in the aftermath of nuclear madness during ages prior to our own.


Trudeau Tales

I love these druggie stories.  Now we’re told that the harmless butcher knives left on the patio - oops…on the kitchen floor at the Trudeau residence were all a mistake.  It was simply a crazed drunken teenager who barged into the wrong house at 3 a.m.

OK then.  I will do my best to forget that some idiot left his wife and children in a house overnight with doors unlocked.  Sorry Justin.  In my day, my wife and children were not left unattended for a single second.

Now, I’m worried that you will forget your children on a hot day in your overheating Mercedes Benz, so I can pass on some advice from a modern childcare professional: She said (re: parents forgetting their children in the back seat of  a car), just leave something that you care about in the back seat, like your brief case.  So Justin, you could plant your stash of weed under the infant car seat.  A sure winner.

Justin, all pot smokers attract break-in artists looking for drugs.  Pot smokers should NOT have children.

I lament for Canada.


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

ISIS: It's All In A Name

Overnight, ISIS is the fully funded “armed to the teeth” Sunni Insurgency.  But wait?  Wasn’t Al Qaeda the wealthy armed Sunni Insurgency just last week?  Didn’t U.S. President Obama put Al Qaeda to bed for good?  He heroically guided the assassination of the Sunni Al Qaeda Warlord, Osama Bin Laden while watching the murder live on White House TV.  Didn’t we all get to see the video of the President watching it happen?  Over and over and over……

Holy Smokes.  Is ISIS just Al Qaeda by another name?  What a puzzle.  David Frum observed that President Obama has the U.S. War Machine supplying arms to ISIS in Syria while attacking ISIS with a vengeance right next door in Iraq.

It’s all very complex.  If  I didn’t know better, I might conclude that the U.S. President doesn’t have a clue.  Millions are paying the price as I write.

Why do voters, living with the precious gift of freedom, insist on voting for CHAOS?


Monday, August 25, 2014

Trudeau Flying Hi

Canada’s Federal Liberal Party will legalize the use of pot if it wins the 2015 election.  Not to worry though.  Pot smoke has long since been detected in the Control Rooms of Canada’s largest nuclear generating facilities.  Nothing more relaxing than legally toking up while driving in to work at the nuclear plant.

Some have said that pot smokers have short term memory problems.  They forget things.

No problem.  Hell, the Federal Liberal Leader, Justin Trudeau forgot to lock his doors and went off to the Gay Pride Parade in Montreal.  Someone broke in during the night and left a nice note for his sleeping wife and children.  Imagine that, and this man may soon be running a whole country, not just a nuclear plant.

Members of Canada’s elite Police Force, known as the RCMP, have agreed to show Mr. Trudeau how to lock his doors.  Mr. Trudeau is expected to fit right in at the White House.

You get what you vote for.  Obama and Trudeau flying hi.  Could the world be in better hands?


Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Next U.S. President?

Bill Clinton totally torpedoed poor Al Gore before he grabbed the furniture and slithered out of the White House.  Gore has never recovered and he still doesn’t know what hit him.

Soon it will be President Obama’s turn to say good bye, and I’m guessing that he will do what Democrats do best.  Shaft the competition.  The competition this time around?  Hillary Clinton.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Send In Sonja

President Obama could easily solve the tribal madness problem he has fomented in Ferguson/St. Louis, Missouri.  Just send in his Supreme Court Justice, Sonja Soto Meyer.  She told us that all firemen are “white” because their written exams are rigged.

Ferguson is a black town with a white police force.  So Sonja would fix things by hiring Ferguson cops who flunk the rigged exams.  Problem solved.

Before President Obama was elected, I had never considered counting black versus white heads like this, but I am beginning to realize that he is right.  Blacks in a black world and whites in a white world.  In South Africa this is called "apartheid”.​


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It's Not Black And White

Many believe that U.S. justice died on the day that world class black athlete OJ Simpson walked away from a murder conviction in Los Angeles, California.  Ironic but true that many years later, a white female judge finally put OJ behind bars.

Today the situation is reversed.  The world is waiting for a decision from a black female South African judge deliberating on the fate of a world class white athlete charged with murder.  To add to the irony, the judge in South Africa has decided to announce her decision on September eleventh, a date supercharged with racial, ethnic and religious tension.

I fear for the collective fate of all whites in tribal South Africa if the black judge finds the white athlete to be innocent.


Obama Bombs Iraq

Do you remember when U.S. President Obama was threatening to charge President Bush with War Crimes for bombing Iraq?  Do you remember when Mr. Obama said he would settle the Iran problem by going over there for a friendly chat.

Today, President Obama is busy bombing Iraq without apology and he still hasn't had time to visit Iran.

It’s sad to say again that the man still doesn't know that he doesn’t know.


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Wall Street Warriors

In my view, the three greediest men on earth are Lloyd, Jamie and Warren, in that order.  Recently, there were media reports that suggested that the Grim Reaper might be coming after Jamie.  Poor Jamie!  What do you do when you’re trapped between two pit-bulls and you’re looking a bit vulnerable?

And what will the world do if Jamie decides to dump his trillions of dollars in bogus securities overnight?  The entire planet-wide financial house of cards will collapse in a worthless heap.


Douglas Adams Said...

“I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but I always end up where I needed to be”.

Another thoughtful soul added  “Celebrate the radiance of the ordinary”.


Saturday, August 09, 2014

Is Obama Honduran?

Why does President Obama go to Honduras to find waifs to rescue, when they can easily be picked up on the streets of Washington D.C., Chicago or Detroit?  Fully one third of children in the U.S are now living on a Food Stamp diet.  Are 50,000 Honduran children at risk bunking in at U.S. Military Bases?  Don’t they have guns?

Perhaps the President could build “Residential Schools” for refugees, using the money he has saved by shutting down half of the schools in Chicago.  He is boarding up schools across the U.S. in his effort to improve education.  The Canadian Prime Minister could give the President advice on the thanks Canadians have received for building Residential Schools.


Ebola Season

We’re into the summer heat, and every year the world stands back and watches as a well meaning band of medical doctors from all over the planet risk their lives to rescue Ebola  victims in African countries.  But this year it’s different.  The death toll among health care workers is so devastating that they have had to pull out.

SUDDENLY, the whole world is paying attention, and now the funding and support so badly needed by the dying doctors is on it’s way in spades.  The World Health Organization has rushed to declare an “International Health Emergency”.  Too late.  The doctors are gone.

But this story gets worse.  In the midst of a declared “Emergency” nobody thought to curtail air traffic in and out of the affected regions.  In fact, sick patients have been flown to several countries in recent days, and I fully expect that samples of the virus are in transit to bio-labs all over the world as I write.  They are often delivered past your door, by Fed Ex.

Incompetence reigns.  Welcome to the tribal world.


Friday, August 08, 2014

Playing With Putin

In my opinion, President Obama and Prime Minister Harper {Canada} have no idea who they’re dealing with in their negotiations with the Russian Bear.  Obama and Harper shut down a couple of Russian bank accounts and Putin responded by cutting off all food imports from the U.S., Canada, the E.U., Australia and Norway.

At least the U.S. still has the remnants of what was once the most powerful military force on earth.  What will Canadians do if our prodding drives the Bear berserk?


Monday, August 04, 2014

Toledo And Detroit: Sister Cities?

Well, not quite.  Both cities violate Lake Erie by discharging millions of gallons of hot nuclear plant cooling water every day into what is little more than a tiny fragile shallow puddle.  Lake Erie died under nuclear heat stress decades ago.  Both cities have municipal water supply problems.

Detroit just shut off the water, but then Detroit has the advantage.  President Obama rescued the Motor City using bulldozers that are flattening one suburb after another.  No more pesky water bills.  No people.  No houses.  Tribal logic brings results, just like in Kenya.

Toledo has refused to bite the bullet.  Their message?  Don’t drink it, don’t cook with it and don’t bathe in it.  People panicked, the mayor relented and they’re back to using tap water that has been and will forever be undrinkable.  While Toledo waffles, Detroit leads the way.  Watch for bulldozers coming to cities all around Lake Erie.

I hate to say I told you so, but then I did, and I made my observations over thirty years ago in a book that is still on shelves in fifty libraries in countries across the world.  Click on the link below to take a look at the 2012 edition of Repeat Performance: The Nuclear Age.


The Africa/Honduras Connection

First question:  Wouldn’t you expect a Summit of African leaders to be held in … Africa?  Nope, it’s this week at the White House in Washington D.C.

Second question: Who is responsible for “kidnapping” thousands of precious children in Honduras, and financing the endless fleet of buses used to dump them inside the U.S. border?  And why is it that border guards seem helpless to turn away these undocumented waifs before they cross into the U.S.?  Why do border guards flaunt U.S. laws?

And how are these two questions connected?  Could it be that the President is planning an African version of the Honduran child round-up?  After the White House Summit, will homeless children from Africa mysteriously begin showing up all over the U.S.?

Who is responsible for the unstoppable flood of future Democrats now violating the sovereignty of the United States of America?  The answer?  The American voter.  Americans who are like President Obama, elected President Obama.  He promised to bring America to its knees, to make it no better than any other Third World country.  He has kept his promise.  Get over it.


Sunday, August 03, 2014

Obama Turns The Tables

President Obama is not shy about expressing his displeasure with the great disparity between U.S. and Third World living standards.  I agree, and in the past, Americans have voted for leaders who made a genuine effort to lift up the lives of the impoverished around the world.

The Obama vision is different.  He was elected on a platform that promised to bring U.S. standards down rather than bring the world up.  So far his plan is working.

Obama quickly cancelled the U.S. Space Program.  Detroit suburbs have been bulldozed and many remaining homes are now without water.  Schools are boarded up across the nation.  Police and fire fighters dismissed.  Millions have lost their homes and pensions.  U.S. roads and bridges are in hopeless disrepair.

Elsewhere, the President quickly dismantled fifty years of U.S. progress in the Arab world.  I call it the “Obama Spring”.  His legacy there?  Total chaos.

In six years, the U.S. President has disemboweled the U.S. Constitution and gone a long way towards closing the huge U.S. living standard gap.  He has kept his promise and he is not finished yet.   He will bring entirely new meaning to the term “Executive Privilege” in the coming eighteen months.  Then Americans will elect their next President, Michelle.


Saturday, August 02, 2014

U.S. Dollar Levitation

Back in the 20th century, when Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) began paying its bills by printing money, the currency collapsed.

Today, the U.S. routinely prints trillions of worthless dollars to pay bills.  No problem.  No U.S. dollar crisis.  Why?  Many of the world’s most thoughtful financial observers have called for the demise of the U.S. dollar … for years.  Perhaps I can shed new light on the “logic” surrounding the levitating dollar.

In the 21st century, we peons are pawns in an emerging “One World Government”.  A few mega-wealthy oligarchs pull strings to manage major world currencies in unison.  All governments print fiat money at the same pace.  Relative values between currencies therefore remain stable. Flight of capital from one currency to another is totally futile. There is nowhere to run.  No flight of capital?  No currency collapse.

At the same time, trillions of dollars are siphoned off on an ongoing basis into a vast derivatives market betting scheme that buttonholes the mountains of currency sloshing around the planet.  This phantom lottery facilitates the funneling of all real wealth into the hands of the oligarchs.  At the same time it inoculates world financial markets from what would otherwise emerge as soaring inflation.

So today, oligarchs are feverishly running from one economic lever to another, making adjustments to keep their giant scam afloat.  When will this end?  Somewhere down the road SOMEONE WILL PULL THE WRONG LEVER.


Friday, August 01, 2014

Christian Thought In A Tribal World

Our modern civilization was built on the solid foundation of christian philosophy.  Christian beliefs generated well being and prosperity while we forged ahead in isolation from the rest of the world.  In the centuries before the cruise liner and the jumbo jet, it took great courage to set out for the New World in the moldy bowels of sailing ships.  Christians under oppression made the journey in desperation.

Today, travel is inexpensive and easy, so our world is rapidly morphing to lifestyles imported from the four corners of the earth.  Sad to say that christianity is not up to the task of dealing with the competition.

You dare not “turn the other cheek” in a tribal world.  The rule is “eat or be eaten”.  And it’s suicide to attempt to “love thy neighbor” if his mission is to “kill the infidel”.
