Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Canada's Equalization Payment Puzzle

For years, Alberta has been shoveling its oil wealth into Quebec and other Eastern Provinces under a Canada-wide Equalization payment scheme designed decades ago to support the Have-Not Provinces.

Today, because of the Shale Oil revolution, Quebec and the Eastern Provinces may have more oil in the ground than Alberta.

Here is the catch.  The East refuses to develop its new-found resource bounty and instead continues chewing up equalization payment millions generated from Alberta’s finite oil and gas reserves.

It’s an oxymoron.  Equalization has morphed into financial rape.  The whole concept is well beyond its expiry date.  My advice?  Rape is wrong.  Alberta should follow the British lead.  The Brits just said no.


A sensitive senior said ...

Celebrate the radiance of the ordinary.


Obama Rocket Explodes

First the U.S. President crippled NASA and imposed sanctions on Russia.  Now that a $200m rocket has exploded off Virginia, Obama says NASA didn’t own it and Putin built the engines.

The Obama mantra:  It’s not my fault.


Monday, October 27, 2014

Why Christ Would Cry

As followers of Christ, we are told to turn the other cheek.  Our Prophet was NOT a revered warrior.  He went to the Cross to make this point.

It was OK to turn the other cheek when we lived in a Christian world.  Today, Christians are a disappearing minority struggling in the midst of a new tribal reality.  Tribalism sustains itself by violence.

The Christian conundrum?  There is no such thing as undefended freedom.


Youth Why Hi

Back in the 50’s, when we were young, madness was rare and often blamed on alcohol addiction.

Today, madness is rampant and our frenzied youth are flocking to addictive drugs in a desperate effort to blunt the reality of the mangled world we have left them.

Madness or marijuana?  Both lead to chaos.


Friday, October 24, 2014

Ebola: Lethal Tourism

Ebola is lethal, but it doesn’t spread easily, so don’t worry.  Only 150 people come into the U.S. daily from West African infected countries.  A doctor actually said this on CNBC.

So let’s do the math.  The Ebola problem is at least two months old.  How many suspect travelers have entered the U.S. in two months?  Why, that would be 9000.  If each of these people has contact with 10 others per day, they collectively have the potential to infect 90,000 every day.  Then there are the countless Ebola blood samples traveling world wide by Fed Ex …

How stupid are we?


Bowling In Brooklyn

Who is Dr. Spencer?  He is the first Ebola case reported in New York City (NYC).  He went bowling, home by subway and to his NYC apartment.  Then to emergency.

Have you ever been on the filthy NYC subway, or even to your local bowling alley?  Did you see your doctor there?

How stupid are we?


Monday, October 20, 2014

Turbine Trouble

The trouble with wind turbines?  Conservation of energy.
This Law of Physics says the turbine proliferation will slow down the planet.
The orbital result?  Catastrophic.


Self-Driving Cars

Yes, they will stop for carjackers.  And foggy nights?  Don't know.


Men Don't Count

Apple and Facebook to freeze eggs for female employees.  Why no sperm?


Winston Churchill said ...

"Men occasionally stumble upon the truth, but they quickly pick themselves up and hurry along".


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ebola: Travel Ban: Obama

U.S. President Obama says with regard to the Ebola crisis, that a travel ban might make things worse.  In my opinion, it depends on your point of view.

A travel ban would make things worse for the Wall Street mega-barons.  Buffet, Blankfein and Jamie Diamon would suffer if the pharmaceuticals could not peddle their placebo vaccines.

Africans fleeing to the U.S. would be in trouble.  Does nobody care about ordinary Americans?


Ebola: Save Our Stews

Canada’s national airline, Air Canada, will now allow stewardesses to wear rubber gloves to fend off  the dangerous Ebola virus.

Who will protect the passengers?


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Islam: The Catch 22

I have been monitoring wars and other atrocities Worldwide for twenty years, and ninety-five percent of the time, Muslims have been participants in these hostilities.  As a result, I’m no fan of the Muslim Faith, but now I have a problem.

After welcoming thousands of Muslims to freedom, Canada has set out to bomb their home countries.  Every life we take in their homelands has the potential to activate terrorists in our midst here in Canada.  I am not blind to the horror of what ISIS is doing in Iraq and Syria, but how would you respond if their bombs were falling on us?

Islam wreaks havoc where ever it germinates, and now Canada, intending to be generous, finds itself hopelessly entangled in its clutches.  Damned if we do and damned if we don’t.  The Islamic Catch 22.


Friday, October 10, 2014

Why Your Car Came From China

North American auto workers made $60 per hour.  Mexicans are paid $4.50 an hour.  The Chinese work for room and board, and they send home $3.00 a month.

That's why Americans are bulldozing Detroit after President Obama “rescued” General Motors.

That's why your shiny new Chevy came from China.


Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Limestone Legislators

Canada’s Federal Legislators in Ottawa are a bit jumpy because their limestone Parliament Buildings are falling down around them.  At the same time they are assuring voters that it is perfectly safe to store nuclear waste in the “impervious” limestone on the shores of Lake Huron.

Sorry folks, but limestone is extremely porous and it falls apart after a hundred years or so when exposed to moisture.  Nuclear waste is a 100,000 year storage problem.  To make matters worse, Al Gore’s Global Warming smoke (carbon dioxide) dissolves limestone in a flash.

Sad to say that my generation built the nuclear plants.  Today nobody knows how to run them.  They cannot even figure out what to do with the radiating waste.  Storage in limestone?  Give me a break!


Monday, October 06, 2014

Empty Space

In a tribal world, only birds fly.  President Obama was quick to cancel the U.S. Space Program after he was elected.  Recently, the Americans sent a 3D Printer up to make replacement parts for the Space Station.  Tribal minds believe that everything is made of plastic.  The greatest nation on Earth, BRAIN DEAD.

So now the Russians are in charge up there.  Sorry.  The Russians are still having trouble building Lada automobiles in factories they dragged back from Italy decades ago.  Studebaker trucks, not seen in America for fifty years, remain the transportation backbone of the tribal Russian dictatorship.  The Russians will not survive on their own in space.

Empty Space?  Maybe not. Tons of space junk.  Our legacy. 


Sunday, October 05, 2014

Schiff Goes For Gold

 I listen when Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital speaks.  He is brilliant, and recently suggested buying gold.  I take this to mean that he is very worried about the state of the World economy.  I share this view but I wonder if buying gold might backfire in the coming crisis.

Two problems.  Firstly, during the last Great Depression the super greedy made it ILLEGAL to own gold!  But today there is a much bigger problem.  Peter and I have lived through the moment in the age when faith died, and when faith died, it took INTEGRITY with it.  Without integrity there is no way to “invest” in anything.

I wish I could suggest an alternative to gold.  Perhaps a fallout shelter?


Saturday, October 04, 2014

Poor Allison: Feminist Judgment

Allison Redford, the former Premier of Alberta, lost her job because she insisted on having her daughter fill an otherwise empty seat on the private jet she used for business.  Poor Allison.  The people who arranged for her demise, use government Air Miles to fly their grandmothers all over the country.

Sorry Allison.  Everyone cheered after you helped Nelson Mandela crush the white settlers who built South Africa.  But then you went on to break a cardinal rule of Feminism.  You tried to be somebody’s mother.  Guilty as charged.


Friday, October 03, 2014

The OJ Aquittal: 1995

OJ Simpson was acquitted of two brutal California murders on this date in 1995.  He gloated openly, and the rabble that we once knew as America, cheered.

At the time, I wrote that it was the day that justice died in the “Blessed Land”.  The Simpson acquittal signaled the death of civilization on our entire planet.

Today, in 2014, I have not changed my mind about this, but the slide into chaos is happening faster than I expected.


Thursday, October 02, 2014

Why Bridges Fall Down

Truth or fiction?  Names are fictional to protect the guilty.

A Canadian Human Rights lawyer, Qasi Mmbuffi, has forced a Provincial Licensing Agency to provide an Operating License denied his countryman, Obuma Hussein.  The Agency in question makes it’s Licensing decisions based on qualifications required for the provision of Engineering Services.  The applicant had been deemed unqualified to practice in the Profession.

I know you don’t give a dam, but this same Human Rights lawyer may at this very moment be getting a license for his cousin, an unqualified airline pilot, and his uncle, who claims to be your local brain surgeon.

Don’t laugh.  A U.S. Supreme Court Justice recently ordered the trashing of Fire Fighter Employment Exams because too many white applicants got jobs.

When lawyers and judges decide on who will build our bridges, I can assure you that they will fall down.
