Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Climate Change Humor

I 'm sure you believe the story that the ice will be gone forever in the Arctic in a matter of weeks or maybe years at the most.  Good for you.  Of course you will be disappointed to realize that people who live there know you are an idiot, even if they're hoping you are right.

You would never do it, but anybody can look up the daily temperature history for any northern community.  Try searching the stats for Resolute, for example.  Resolute is in the high Canadian Arctic, and the temperature in Resolute almost NEVER goes above freezing.  It's impossible to thaw ten foot thick ice if it's freezing cold summer and winter.  Look it up. I dare you.


Obama's Dilemma

I have to keep reminding myself that if U.S. President Obama wasn't at the helm, someone else just as naive would have to be there running the U.S. Treasury printing presses, pumping out worthless currency.

The greedy One Percent will no longer step up to the plate, because they know that the 99 Percent will never again be employable in this age.  The masses are unemployed, but they still want to eat.  So somebody prints the money to feed them, until the printing presses break down.  Then it's CHAOS.

I have to make a choice.  Obama or chaos?


England Under Water

The Irish Sea is finally retaliating.  Negligent English nuclear wonks have dumped super hot nuclear reactor debris and waste in the Irish Sea for over fifty years.  The warming sea is now inundating the west coast of England with flood water, and it promises to continue doing so for the length of time it takes hot radiation to subside and begin to decay.  That would be 100,000 years or so.

You say it sounds a bit extreme?  Look up the story of the Windscale nuclear disaster in the north of England.  Global warming?  You bet, and the same nit wits that blew the Windscale nuclear plant sky high are still busy selling nuclear power at UN Climate Conferences.


We're Back!!!

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau dragged 300 Wanabees along with him to the recent UN Climate Conference in Paris, France.  He took his own cheering section and they dutifully drooled for the benefit of his CBC TV camera crew.

But I thought the best selfi was a clip of Justin shouting "We're back" to one of his many imaginary audiences.  In truth, he was almost invisible among the world dignitaries, and Elizabeth May got most of the CBC media attention.


Monday, December 28, 2015

Fried'Em Road

The municipal water intake for the city of Winnipeg, MB, has been off limits to the public, vandals and terrorists for a century.  Canada's fledgling new Prime Minister says he will soon change that.  He has promised to spend $30 million to build a public highway past the intake because 200 souls who live at the end of the road cannot find a way to dig wells to get their own potable water.  Did I mention that the new Road will be used to haul in a $15 million water purification plant for the 200 people?  Yup.  A $45 million promise for a glass of water.

Are Winnipeg citizens worried about local vandals and terrorists hanging around at their city water intake?  Hell NO.  Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba have offered to help pay for this huge mistake.

I see it as bad news, but there is also good news::  Canadian voters knew when they went to the polls that our new Prime Minister wouldn't keep the promises he made to get elected.


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Michael Moore Trashes America

America was once a Christian country where everyone got along.  Back then, ugly Michael Moore lived in the Muslim city that General Motors built, Flint, Michigan.  Moore later fled crime ridden Flint in favor of life in a huge mansion located at Traverse City, safe in Republican territory.

Today he trumpets his latest revelation:  He says that WE ARE ALL MUSLIMS!!!  Moore has an uncanny knack for offending just about everybody, not the least of whom would be people of the Muslim faith.


Sunday, December 20, 2015

So You Hate Greenhouse Gases

They make you throw up, say you.  You insist on paying more taxes, unlimited taxes in order to bury this evil deep underground.  Greenhouse gases are otherwise known as carbon dioxide.  Carbon dioxide just happens to be the gaseous conveyance responsible for all life on earth, and most everything else we have needed to build our modern utopia.

No carbon dioxide?  No steel, no aluminum and no concrete because they cannot be produced without throwing off carbon dioxide.  No plastics, no wood, no lubricants and no FOOD, all of which are sourced via carbon dioxide.

Did I mention - no humans?  You are physically a carbon/oxygen entity.  So if you hate carbon dioxide you hate yourself.  Grow up.  Truth above life.


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Impeach Obama

Shortly after the most recent U.S. mass murder (San Bernardino), we learned that government super sleuths didn't know about the terrorists involved because they don't monitor social media.  This, after assuring Americans that they couldn't even fart without leaving the evidence behind at the secret offices of the NSA.

Time to say good bye to the Commander In Chief, folks.  Most twelve-year-olds know that all terrorists and their community organizers flaunt their wares via Twitter.


Not A Pretty Forecast

White Protest-ants, with help from Catholics and Jews, built the fantastic civilization that is now rapidly slipping away from us into lawless tribal hands.  I blame our own short sighted greed for the forfeiture of our chance to grab the golden ring ... the prospect of a utopian world for all of humanity.

We managed to create weapons so lethal that they are capable of destroying the planet.  Now, by our own negligence we have placed these weapons into the hands of tribal animals bent on destroying us.

We invited the world to join us in freedom.  We gave all newcomers the precious right to vote.  Now that we are outnumbered by newcomers they have chosen to elect their own, and destroy us.

It matters not, but without our leadership, freedom first morphs into vicious anarchistic tribalism, and ends in total destruction. Bye bye whitey.  Bye bye mankind.  Not a pretty forecast.


Bombing The Seed Corn

The world runs on oil whether we like it or not.  Bombing oil fields and refineries in Iraq and Syria is a crime against humanity no matter which side commits this sin.  Helpless souls will freeze in the dark.

And don't get too smug in your cozy cottage in the U.S, of A.  The story that you suddenly have an unlimited supply of fracked oil is a monumental lie.


Coalition Madness

The U.S. Coalition has had over two hundred aircraft busy demolishing cities in Syria for months or maybe years. Put yourself in the shoes of a Syrian immigrant living in a Coalition country. How would you feel on learning that you could no longer contact family members in a community wiped off the face of the earth by Coalition bombing?

Americans are now apologizing to the Japanese for having interred their countrymen while the U.S. bombed Japan during the Second World War.  Today Americans are at a loss to understand their own harsh treatment of Japanese Americans.  This, while Islamic terrorist attacks escalate in U.S. cities week after week.

We will never learn the real reason for our compulsion to bomb cities in Iraq and Syria.  In the waning moments of the nuclear age, the truth is far uglier than the lies we are fed to justify genocide.

There is no point trying to explain that it is not a good idea to invite your neighbor to live in your basement after you demolish his house.  Coalition madness.


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Trampling Trump

CNN TV Anchor Jake Tapper spent twenty minutes asking Donald Trump  over and over and over if Trump thought  his tough talk on Muslim terrorism would spur on more terror attacks.  Trump politely repeated the reality that the threat is serious and it will not go away unless we acknowledge it and deal with it.

I agree with Trump.  You cannot reason with a crazy that is beating the crap out of you.


Quebec Language Cops...Alert

We all know that Quebec Mafia pizza parlor owners have been tossed in jail for displaying english signs reading PIZZA RESTAURANT.  Language  Cops are on the lookout for Anglos and they have no mercy when they find an English word......anywhere!

Well here's a real scoop that should be brought to the attention of our compassionate new Prime Minister.
I just realized that McGill is a HUGE English language university hiding in plain sight in Montreal.  Yup.  Nineteen THOUSAND students and countless profs complete with English text books and much more.  Anglo talk (crime) around every corner.  Language Cops could start by stripping thousands of  famous Canadians of their McGill university degrees and go on from there to jail offenders with masters degrees or better.

You don't have to thank me for pointing out the obvious.  I am deeply offended to realize that the Quebec elite are all closet anglos.  No English speaking visitor is welcome in Quebec and that's OK with me.  Shut down McGill University.


Trudeau Prods The Pope

Wow!  Talk about the tail wagging the dog.  Canada’s messianic delusional Liberal Prime Minister is now calling on God’s representative on earth to dance to the Trudeau tune.  He’s looking for the Pope’s apology for past priesthood sins on Canadian soil.  My advice:  “Don’t bite the hand that got you elected”.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Dreams From My ... Mother

How deep-seated is U.S. black hatred of whites?  Media reports suggest that President Obama insisted on identifying as black rather than mulatto on his U.S. census form.  At the same time, he says he was raised by white grandparents.  Was he given up for adoption by a black birth mother?

Obama was summarily abandoned by his white educated black father before he was born. He, like his father, managed to attend only the best white educational institutions.  Does the U.S. President identify with whites who took him in, educated him and made a home for him?  Nope.  He dreams about and writes at length about his black father who had abandoned several hurting wives and families before his tragic death.

Black riots in countless major U.S. cities have reduced what was once the greatest nation on earth to Third World status.  The hatred runs deep and has gone beyond peaceful reconciliation.


Friday, December 11, 2015

Hetero Phobic Canada

Liberals knew that Justin Trudeau was lying when he assured Canadians that he would bring 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada by Christmas.  He is keeping his promise to do careful biometric testing to be sure that single heterosexual males are denied entry.  That's what Liberals describe as inclusiveness.

Everybody in San Bernardino, CA will tell you that there is no such thing as a female muslim terrorist.  Countless victims blown to bits in major cities all over the world would confirm if they could, that female muslim suicide bombers just don’t exist.

So it should be abundantly clear why Liberal Canadians have heterosexuals in their cross hairs.  Are you a heterosexual?


Thursday, December 10, 2015

More On Ethical Racism

U.S. black TV personality Rolland Martin once blurted out the revelation that all whites are racists.  I think that he is right, just as all blacks are racists.  All humans are inclined to favour their own and those who are honest should not face ridicule for admitting it.

Rolland Martin spoke the truth in my opinion.  Donald Trump is telling it like it is.  Tribal America cannot face the truth.  The entire developed World is in total denial.  There are already consequences.  More to come.


What Is An Ethical Racist?

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has launched a Federal probe into the Chicago Police Department.  Will she crucify an overworked totally frustrated law enforcement team in the midst of an impossible crisis?

An Ethical Racist will tell you that the police are not the problem. Black crime has gone out of control in U.S. cities in the aftermath of the tribal victory that saw Barack Obama elected President.  Dumping on law enforcement will only spur on the impending chaos.  Anarchy ahead?


Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Trudeau's Middle Class Tax Cut

Candidate Trudeau said that he would raise taxes on the rich and give the winnings to you.  You have always known that the rich don't pay taxes.  So you knew he was lying when you voted for him, but what you didn't know was that you are not in Mr. Trudeau's greedy super narrow version of  "the middle class".
The joke is on you.


Trump Tramples Flaky Media Hacks

Sad to realize that tribal Americans will trample Trump if he makes it to election day.  Fun to think that Trump wants to shut down the flood of Islam into the U.S.  Too late Mr Trump.  You should have thought of that on the day the tribe elected President Obama.  The floodgates have been wide open ever since.  And not just from the mid-east.  Too late for your big fence too.  The U.S has morphed into a Third World country.  Too little too late.


Bank Of Canada Goes For Broke

Canada's BOC Governor,  Poloz now says he will consider going to negative interest rates.  We have all been raped by near zero rates for years, and now  what meager savings we have left are in the cross hairs of super greedy Wall Street and Bay Street.


Saturday, December 05, 2015

Canada Welcomes Syrian Refugees

Canada is flaunting it's first class accommodations awaiting the arrival of Syrian refugees.  This, while Canada's native Indians are living in overcrowded shacks without water or indoor plumbing.

My suggestion?  Why not move our natives into the shiny new refugee suites and move the new arrivals onto our Reservations?


Fun With The Niqab

MSNBC and two Canadian TV channels have repeatedly violated Islamic law by displaying the face of a Muslim female mass murderer who wore a face cover known as a niqab.  Will US President Obama step in to rectify this injustice against one of his own?


Friday, December 04, 2015

No Greenhouse Gases...No Humans

When trees burn, they produce smoke.  Smoke is what is otherwise known as the evil.....greenhouse gas.  But smoke is largely made up of carbon dioxide and trees breathe carbon dioxide the way humans breathe air.

So, no greenhouse gas means no trees.  But there is more to the story.  When trees absorb carbon dioxide they produce oxygen by what is known as photosynthesis.  Humans breathe oxygen... so, no trees, no oxygen, no humans.

Environmentalists today use the lofty term sequestration to describe how they bury life-giving carbon dioxide deep underground because they know that nobody likes smoke.  Gullible voters love it, so greedy politicians ding us with huge carbon taxes.  Politicians are happy when we cheer while they rob us blind.


Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Eskimo...What's In A Name?

Some idiot is offended by the word Eskimo.  He tells the world that the word is derogatory.  Most Eskimos would not agree, but I wonder what he would say about the word ...shit.

Anyway, if he speaks for all Eskimos, I would be willing to dump all Eskimo words if Eskimos would agree to dump all English words, like Theresa Spence or grocery store.

Stupid Canadians use Eskimo words to honor and acknowledge our northern neighbors.  We do it to preserve history.  We share our English language freely, but in the end it is OUR LANGUAGE.


Off The Deep End

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau now says that he was thrown into world diplomacy at the deep end.  It's not the deep end Justin.  It just feels that way because you can't swim.
